Laura Bruno ~ Synchronicity, Sunshine and Solar Flares

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 03/08/2012 - 12:43


Laura Bruno ~ Synchronicity, Sunshine and Solar Flares



From Laura Bruno’s Blog | March 8 2012


I’ve been having one of those weeks! The kind of week that folds in upon itself, layering synchronicity upon synchronicity, spinning years of research and experience into a vortex that nonetheless feels fresh and fantastic. Yep, that kind of week. For the past three days, I’ve been alternately doing sessions, prepping for an Archangel Raphael class I’m teaching on Saturday, extracting goodies from my 1995 honors thesis on AA Raphael, reading Lon Milo DuQuette’s book about the Thoth Tarot, and eating 100% raw again — all while I have the house to myself and most local friends out of town. That combo makes for a potent (living) brew!

I discovered that my college honors thesis, “Milton’s Phoenix: Raphael, Poetry and Transmutation in Paradise Lost” is far more interesting now that I’ve spent over a decade as a professional intuitive, having had my own mystical experiences and more esoteric (as opposed to intellectual) forays into alchemy and astrology. Nearly eight years as a raw foodist studying the energy of food injected new life into those thesis sections about digestion as an alchemical process. Channeling “Raph” made the sections about Milton “writing through Raphael’s voice” seem more … real? Let’s just say it’s taken the academic distance and turned it experiential.

Then there’s the whole “Ascension through the Celestial Hierarchy” theme: much more interesting through the eyes of a 2012 Lightworker than a 1994-95 English Major. Imagine my amused and then increasingly “wow-ed” feelings as I noticed that my thesis paralleled so many Qabalistic concepts from DuQuette’s easy explanations about the mystical importance of one’s Holy Guardian Angel and how that relates to the Tarot. I’ve also been looking around the house at the nine portal doors in my possession, painted/channeled in 2010, and going “Holy, moly! So that’s what those details meant!” I find it interesting that just as my back has improved enough to think about painting another set, the woman hosting post-March Raph events in Madison just happened to mention she’d love me to paint three small doors she’s acquired — and the designs immediately began to make themselves known.

Yesterday morning, I awoke staring at the Hebrew “Elohim” on The Lovers Door. I fixated on it as I moved from sleep to wakefulness. I spent yesterday doing readings, reading DuQuette’s Thoth Tarot book, dancing on our rebounder to this Dolores Cannon video about the Earth splitting into two different dimensions, and getting a massage. Towards the end of the evening, I reached a chapter on the Sun card, and I felt a keen longing “to see the Thoth Tarot Sun card in full color.” (I don’t have that deck.)

I fell asleep, then awoke fitfully at 4:24 a.m. Unable to fall back asleep, I checked out, where I discovered this lovely post from Spacemuffin! She now has her own blog and gave me permission to republish this report. Note the full color Sun card from the Thoth Tarot. As you read through the report, you may notice why I say my week keeps folding in on itself — from Elohim, to the Sun, to Solar Flares, Earth splitting in two … all the way to major celebrations and “we did it” feelings! Happy Solar Flares and Happy Full Moon. … Wish well: those energies are empowering everything right now if we focus on what we most desire.

As I finished that last sentence, this draft says it saved at 5:33:33 p.m. GMT. Doreen Virtue Angel Numbers for 533: “Your prayers for guidance on how to change your life have been heard and answered by many ascended masters who love and protect you.” (From Angel Numbers 101, by Doreen Virtue.) I love it!!

And now, here’s The Muffin: “Let the Sunshine In”



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