~Learning To Be More Responsible, Aware & Sovereign Part 2~ Love Reporter Denise Lefay~!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/09/2011 - 06:38

~Learning To Be More Responsible, Aware & Sovereign Part 2~


Because the current learning about 3D Polarity Consciousness vs. 5D Unity Consciousness is still powerfully unfolding, I want to share another email letter I received on June 6, 2011 from Eva. Like M****, Eva has also generously agreed to let me share her recent experience too.

I know some of you reading this and the first article don’t yet fully understand what I’m talking about, what I’m doing or why. If you’ll give me the benefit of the doubt with these two articles I’ll help you in recognizing the beginning stages of 5D Unity Consciousness…if it’s time for you to do so. Quite often there’s much more going on and playing out multidimensionally with many of my articles than what it may seem or feel at first glance. These two particular articles with the two quoted email letters from M**** and Eva, plus all of your Comments and my response to them, is one connected and unfolding event that’s trying to reveal a lot to all of us. I’m trying to make it a bit easier to see certain things happening now plus why they’re happening, plus how the Dark Ones have used and manipulated all of us many times. There’s no shame, blame or guilt in this as it’s just the way it’s been. Having access to increasing 5D Unity Consciousness makes all of this much easier, while 3D Polarity Consciousness only perpetuates separation and polarization between people and awareness.  

What Eva (and everyone else) didn’t know was what I’ve been feeling, perceiving, and living since May 21, 2011 when I first received M****’s email. As I said, I waited for the best time to write something and quote M****’s letter which I did on June 4, 2011 for the reasons stated in it.


However, I didn’t mention what I’d been feeling and perceiving in that June 4, 2011 article, nor in any of my response Comments on it. After I received Eva’s email letter (quoted below) on June 6, 2011, I knew it was time for me to share what I’ve been feeling and perceiving—in very increased ways—since May 21, 2011 and why.

Eva’s email beautifully confirmed what I’ve been feeling since I received M****’s May 21st. email, and then more strongly once I quoted it in my June 4th. article, then much more strongly because of all the great Comments. (Neither Eva and M***** have heard about what I’ve been perceiving and feeling concerning all this either.) These current unfolding learning’s are connected to  the Mayan Day 3 “sprouting” phase, plus the approaching 6-11-11 portal in a few days. Today we entered Night 3 (June 7–June 24, 2011) and now we’ll each integrate what we’ve been living, feeling, perceiving, and learning during Day 3.

What I’ve been feeling and perceiving is a tremendous increase in the Light Energies and simultaneously a tremendous decrease in the Dark Ones and their abilities to effect and manipulate all of us and this world. I’ve been feeling this for a while now anyway but, like everything else, this process must also unfold in Stair Steps incrementally otherwise the change would be too severe and too sudden. Even as it is its unfolding tremendously fast now in 2011.

Day 3 (May 20–June 6, 2011) this ongoing disconnect and demise of the Dark Ones and their control on this world and all of us and humanity is diminishing in great massive chunks which I’ve never experienced to this degree before. Needless to say, this particular aspect of the Ascension Process is profoundly important and meaningful to me personally because I’ve been consciously aware of the Dark Ones since age five and always on their radar because I am a Starseed Lightworker.

Each time throughout 2011 when another massive chunk of them and their control over humanity and 3D Earth is disconnected, the sky literally glistens brighter with silver-white 7D Photon Light. WE literally glisten brighter with Light/Love and 5D High Heart Unity Consciousness and so too is our world. I barely have words for how this makes me and my Heart feel! My deep joy, excitement and gratitude from getting to witness so many of you experiencing and entering 5D High Heart Unity Consciousness after working so hard to extricate yourself/ourselves from 3D Polarity Consciousness and the seemingly unending attacks, manipulations, and pain from the Dark Ones (non-physical and physical humans and 3D systems and belief systems) is beyond belief. Me and my Heart are grinning…can you see/feel it? :D

A short recap of Learning To Be More Responsible, Aware & Sovereign Part 1 and Part 2:

*The Dark Ones are rapidly on their way out of our lives, our bodies, our consciousness, our world and reality. However, on their way out many of them are still doing their best to snag, confuse and manipulate as many people as they can. Eva’s letter clearly shows one of the Dark One’s favorite tactics against people embodying Light and/or living the Ascension Process and taking on increasing amounts of Light. Divide and concur, or, be strong and continue waking up and inching our way into 5D Unity Consciousness and reality.

*Polarity Consciousness feels totally polarized, intense, and causes immediate knee-jerk emotional reactions in us all. Either/or, black/white, good/bad, male/female etc. type of thinking and feeling.

*Unity Consciousness is so different from this that you HAVE to experience a bit of it to even get a feel for what I’m talking about. Unity Consciousness sees, feels, and knows the larger picture and understands so much more because it knows and feels that all is connected and not separate like Polarity Consciousness perceives.

Thanks again to Eva and M**** for allowing me to sharing their personal experiences so all may benefit and learn a bit more about what we’re each living now.

Denise Le Fay


Hello Denise,

“I’ d like to share something Great with you, but I wasn’t sure if I should write it publicly in your blog. First I’d like to explain what was happening to me in connection to you/to your blog, since I’m your reader.

I felt many times as if ‘someone’ had been ‘whispering’ negative thoughts into my ears/brain about you and your teachings. I felt ‘pushed away’ hard from your blog frequently. I knew none of those feelings or thoughts were mine at any time! The dirty trick the Dark Ones had been using to make me doubt you was as dirty as it gets! They ‘placed’ the name of that therapist who misguided me in the past right next to your name in my mind. ‘Suggesting’ that, I’ll have the same negative experience with you, if I follow. I was constantly annoyed by this ‘mind game’ of the Dark since February. But, here comes the good part.

In my latest comment, ‘I let it out into the open’ how much I trust you and your words, even tho I had a bad/painful experience with a ‘teacher’ not long ago. When I went to sleep that night, I felt  some sort of pressure started to leave me. I focused, to see what was happening and wow!! I saw that Dark device of the dirty mind game finally was disconnecting/pulling away from me. They gave up on me!

But, there is more good news! As I kept my focus on this process, I saw that the Dark Ones were disconnecting devices from many of your readers at the same time!! It felt/looked like some kind of ‘chain reaction’ had been triggered and the Dark pulled away from many/Us.
It was an amazing, Freeing image and I simply had to share this with you!!!”


Copyright © 2011-2012 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/


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