Submitted by AstroEyes on Sun, 01/20/2019 - 20:01

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very Super-Charged/Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse/Leo Full Moon ! The Full Moon is sitting with the North Node in Leo and the Sun (part of the Full Moon) is in Aquarius sitting with the South Node, Mercury, Pluto and widely with Saturn!  Wow!   That is a lot of focused energy added on to this Leo Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse/Super Blood Moon!   I will explain what this could mean later in this report.  The energies you have been feeling and that you will continue to feel over the next few days…… will feel a bit chaotic, revolutionary, intense, unsettling and at the same time…..there will be the energies of fun, love and the Big Heart!  It is time to hold on and be open to any changes, transformations, and inspirations that may be brought to you at this Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse/ and Leo full Moon.  It is a  major time for you to release the fear energies and all the old that is no longer working  for you or vibrating where you are now vibrating……in all areas of your life!  Remember that these energies are not only affecting you…..they are also affecting the world, all humanity and the Earth herself!! 

This Lunar Eclipse will be visible across all of North America and South America.  Eclipses happen when the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the lunar nodes are within 18 degrees of each other…with this Eclipse they are only about 4 degrees apart….which makes this Eclipse quite strong.

In the CST zone the totality of the Eclipse (not the beginning of it) will start at 10:41 pm and the Maximum Eclipse at 11:12 pm (this is when moon will turn rusty orange or red in color), and the totality of the Eclipse will end at 11:43 pm.   There isn’t another Total Lunar Eclipse until May of 2021.

What makes this Lunar Eclipse…one not to miss…is that it also coincides with a “Super Moon”!!  This first  Full Moon of 2019 is also the first in a series of three Full Super Moons.

A  Super Moon means that the Moon is very close to the Earth (this is called a Perigee Moon) and it therefore increases and intensifies the energies that we normally feel from a regular Full Moon.  So the energies you will receive from this powerful Leo Lunar Eclipse will affect us even more.  It will also affect the Earth, the tides, and all of humanity.   The energies will be intense….letting us know that the Universe is getting very urgent for us to release all the old structures and create (remember out of Chaos comes creativity) a new future for us all.  We are co-creating the new…and the new is knocking on our door.   At this Full Super Leo Moon Lunar Eclipse time period……take time to meditate and listen to what you hear and feel…..what it is trying to tell/show us!  Are you listening???

During this full Lunar Eclipse, the Earth’s shadow cross’s the lunar surface giving  the Moon a reddish-brown color which is why they are often referred to as Blood Moon’s.  Actually the rusty reddish-brown color is brought on as the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse takes on the color of all the Sunsets and Sunrises around the World.  Amazing huh? 

Here is some added information about Eclipses: Eclipses are a powerful pin point of energy that creates a “blip/wobble”, or a disruption in time, energy, and the natural flow of light and dark.  It also stirs up what is in our subconscious, bringing it into consciousness.  An Eclipse affects our Pineal Gland and also affects the magneto-receptors in our DNA, along with radio waves, and X-ray’s. They also activate shifts in the electromagnetic fields of the Earth itself and all of its inhabitants.  During an Eclipse, a portal to the Universe is opened and information, thoughts, ideas and Evolutionary instructions…. can be downloaded from the Universe at that time. The energy of an Eclipse affects us for the following 6 months. How this Eclipse plays out in your life depends where your Leo/Aquarius energy is in your chart.  Eclipses are doorways to alternative realities.  They also can trigger major events…good and bad….and often times are associated with the deaths of people in the public eye.  It is a time to open to the universe, with your guidance, and Feel the energy and down loads as the portal is open during this Eclipse. If you are asleep or busy during the Eclipse….know that your Guidance will make sure you receive the down loads and messages that are important for your Soul growth…if you ask them

These energies feel a little urgent and a bit chaotic. During these turbulent times… people are a little on edge, anxieties are flaring, and most of us feel like we are totally exhausted….even when we have had plenty of sleep.  Our bodies are trying to incorporate all these unusual energies…..at times bringing in the feeling of being over whelmed.   Notice how these energies are playing out in “real life”…our own life…the political “life” and the World “life”.   This Eclipse along with the current energies that have been intensifying over the last several months will activate changes in both ourselves and the collective. 

The gift of this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo is that the energy of Leo is about coming from our Hearts,  having fun, enjoying  yourself, being creative, laughing, playing, honoring the child within……. regardless of the changes  that are happening  around you.    These energies are also revolutionary (Aquarius Sun) and transformative!    We are still in the “Shift”…..in times of great change…and everyone can feel it!  There could be added drama, or added love…. in all relationships!! These changes and Transformations are actually helping us and all humanity to evolve.  At this Full Leo Moon/Lunar Eclipse/Blood Super Moon….think of it as:   Love is rising…..through the Leo Big Heart energy.

This Full Moon in Leo, is about love, play, creativity, and the ability to come from the Heart.  It is about self-empowerment, appearing as “the big Heart”, having fun, and being sparkly while becoming the Shining Star!  It is about putting our Heart into our passions and becoming the Leader that has a big heart!  This Full Leo Moon Eclipse is all about relationships….there could be major developments in all relationships!  For some it could be the beginning of a new relationship. For others it could bring about the ending of a relationship.  For some it could be a Mother/Child type of relationship.  Relationships between countries, leaders or at  work . All relationships will be touched by this Leo Eclipse Super Full Moon!

When the Full Moon is in Leo…….then the Sun would be in Aquarius….as all Full moons have the Sun and Moon opposing each other.  It is a time when we can feel a push and pull type of energy as the two opposing signs (Leo and Aquarius) try to move more into balance.  Balancing the Me (Leo) with the We (Aquarius)!  Balancing the Feminine with the Male energies…especially around Love and the Heart!  This current World is so out of balance…..that Chaos is the energy being used to bring out the creativity in us so we can remake and create a world that is moving towards a healthy balance in all these areas! 

With the Aquarius Sun we have the energies of group consciousness, our tribe, community, humanity, futuristic thinking, etc….shining brightly.  This Full Moon is also about integration of higher consciousness (Aquarius) into your daily life (Leo) and how you have an impact on all humanity (Aquarius and Leo). Leo is the sign of the individual and Aquarius is the sign of the tribe, community and humanity.   The universe is accenting the fact that everyone is equal (Aquarius) and no one person is better than anyone else (Leo). Leo is about romance and love within a relationship and Aquarius loves all in the community/humanity….and honors their individuality.   We all have gifts (Aquarius) and no one’s gifts are better than anyone else’s (Leo)…..and when you respect everyone’s gifts, even if you don’t resonate with them……we become a highly intelligent community that honors all humanity.

A Leo Full Moon is also a time to play and have some fun……enjoy yourself!  It is a time to surround yourself with loving people and find ways in which you can share your love.  Leo brings out the divine child in all of us.  This is a time to be with friends…. or become involved in a creative project that brings you joy.   This Full Moon can be powerful and illuminating.  Stand in your own bright light, go into your heart and radiate joy!!

Leo is “happy” energy, and it is about the “Big Heart”.  The Heart, which is the new mind…..thinking with the Heart!   The Heart is about Love.  Leo is warm and generous…and those who embody the higher energies of Leo, come from the Heart.  Spiritually, Leo is about living from one’s center, one’s Heart.  The Aquarius Sun is asking us to share that Love/Heart energy with our tribe, our community and humanity! 

Leo energy is also about creating……and your ability to create your future!  We are in the process of co-creating the “New”, and this Full Leo Moon/Eclipse is giving us the extra energy to focus on releasing all the old (rather we like it or not), so that we can build the “New” on a more solid platform.  This is not easy work and can be a little scary and Chaotic at times.  Watching the old fall and move forward…. is part of what happens when you are co-creating a “New” world, and a “New” you!!   Meditate on this and ask what your part is in it.   Ask your guidance to surround Humanity and the World with Peace and Love, as the “New” is being created!

Remember that creativity isn’t just about art…..we can create in many different ways…..art is only one of those ways.  Creating a memory…creating fun….using your innocence and curiosity to create joy!  Creativity thrives on love and comes from our Heart.   Leo energy can also take us on a journey of “Self Discovery”.   Watch out for the grayer energies of Leo….those of entitlement, greatness, being a leader that has no Heart, not sharing their goods, Drama Queen, and ego. Use the positive and inspiring energies of Leo, to bring about more love and creativity.  Remember…Leo is also about the simplicity of childhood….honoring the child within you.  It is time to play, have fun, be spontaneous, and fall in love all over again……   Listen to the wisdom of the child within you.

Full Moons are when the tides are high, and feelings are flowing.   Full Moons are a time of releasing.  It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working.  Go deep into yourself, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you…..especially in the areas of Love and all types of relationships.  This Moon is about Awakening the Heart!   It is time to face our “shadow” side of relationships (all relationships) and move away from them. What relationships (romantic, work, family, friends) are no longer working for you? What do you need let go of?   Release!!

With this powerful Leo Super Full Moon Eclipse, we have the Moon and North Node sitting together and we have the Aquarius Sun sitting with the South Node/Mercury and Pluto and Saturn in a running conjunction (all 5 connecting energies)! 

The Full Leo Moon itself is all about Love.  The Moon is nurturing and Mother/Family Love and Leo is romantic Love, self Love, and Heart Love.   This Full Leo Moon Eclipse is also sitting with the North Node… which is our Soul’s intent (Humanity’s intent) for this life time…..Love and Nurturing of ourselves and our families.  We have quite a powerful set up of energies to guide us towards our future (North Node) with nurturing and romantic/self Love and Big Heart energy!  Leo North Node is also about fun, and the child within.  We want to feel Love! 

The Aquarius Sun in this Full Super Moon/Lunar Eclipse is sitting with the Capricorn South Node, Mercury/Pluto and widely Saturn in Capricorn!  This is called a running conjunction and pulls all those energies together.  This can be very-stressy….especially when people become impatient with change. 

Capricorn rules the government, military, Corporate America, Banks, all structures, schools etc. etc.  This Full Super Moon/Lunar Eclipse is accenting these energies.  Saturn rules Capricorn and brings in the Father figure adding to the Capricorn energies.   With the South Node (past life’s) Mercury (our voice, communication, the mind) and Pluto (transformation, evolution, natural shamanism, Earth Spirituality, sex, death) all sitting together with the Aquarius (our tribe, community, humanity, thinking outside the box, the genius, change) Sun…..the Universe is asking us to transform the way these structures have been operating in the past…without integrity and respect etc.  and move them into the Heart energy…..the higher energies…..for the good of  All!! 

With Aquarius…we  can look at situations both old and current relationships with some detachment….looking at the stories being put forth everyday  and being able to let the one’s go that are in the old energies of fear, non-truth….without integrity and respect (South Node) and let them go!  The Universe is very urgent right now and while Uranus is still in Aries (until March 6th)……action needs to take place now!  We need to transform and change the current ways in which the world’s relationships are moving.  Release the old…..out of the ashes the Phoenix will rise!!  

Then bring in Uranus/Eris in Aries…..Uranus (is the constant of change, thinking outside the box and into the future with a focus on community and humanity, revolution and freedom) and Eris (chaos, discord, jealousy) and both are in Aries (the warrior, crusader, the initiator, action, the pioneer, ego).  So Uranus/Eris are in Aries and they are saying… that we need to change and think outside the box so we can see the big picture and move into the future. We need to focus on community/humanity; we need to move from the “Me” to the “We.”  Both of them are about change with some chaos.   These 2 planets then form a Cardinal (Urgency, birthing of New, and Change) T-Square (stress and friction) to this Full Leo Super Moon/Eclipse…..with the North and South Node, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn.  All of this energy is working together to make some of the changes that we need to be making and these changes can come out of left field as fast as lightning bolts.  But changes need to be made and it is time to take action……not only for ourselves, but for humanity and the world!  

We also have Venus and Jupiter sitting together in Sagittarius at this Full Leo Super Moon Eclipse and that brings a lot of positive and optimistic energy.   This conjunction is bringing us lots of Love and joy and lots of ways to use it right now when we really need it.   They will help us to release the “old” ways of love that no longer work.  We are being given a lot of Love because it will take an unusually lot of good love to shift things right now.  If you look up in the sky in the morning you will see these 2 planets brightly shinning in the sky…..let those loving energies sprinkle down on you!

With a Saturn/Mars Square happening at this Leo Full Moon Eclipse you might feel a little friction around authority and rules that you feel are unfair etc.   Try handling these situations with integrity and respect….take a deep breath and come from the Heart.

We also have a Saturn-Neptune sextile which is a harmonious energy.   This gives us the ability to bring into form the things that we want to manifest/create.   It gives us the ability to concretize our dreams. Let’s bring into reality out visions of Love and Peace!

 It is time we realize that we are now actively engaged in a collective shift….much larger then we realized.  We each have a role in this collective shift…..Meditate and ask….what your role is… not only in your own personal shift…..but the shift of the collective.

There are lots of energies to work with at this Leo Full Moon/Super Moon/Eclipse…. as we continue moving forward in our Evolution and the “new” that we are co-creating!  Remember…Growth is rarely easy and creativity is born out of Chaos! 

At this Full Moon… we also have the theme of seeking Freedom and independence (Aquarius Sun)…..in both how we express ourselves creatively (Leo Moon) and through our work situations.  Or you may be trying to avoid controlling situations….so you can see situations that don’t vibrate where you vibrate.   You may find yourself doing some “shadow” work during this Leo Full moon with the powerful Cardinal T-Square as the back drop!  Except it….and know that you are now strong enough to face those “Shadows” and begin to “heal” them!

This Full Moon is focusing on the power of Unity.  We are learning to balance community (Aquarius) with individuality (Leo).  Being and honoring Community……while honoring our individuality.   We are all One……it is time to embody this message!!!  It is time to unite instead of divide.   It is time to bring a balance between speaking our truth about our needs and priorities…..while honoring in an effective and loving way the same in others.

Focus on coming from the Heart at all times.  The “new” is about thinking with the Heart !   Take time to play and be happy.  Party….have some fun and romance.  Find the child within you and spread the Joy!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. 

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below). Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2019 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved. 


Astroeyes Evolutionary AstrologyCathy Lindsey




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