The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Submitted by Ryan on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 13:56





No more holding back, its time to blossom. We are in a time of immense energy of epic proportions. The universe is giving us the energy we need to evolve into a higher state of consciousness.

Everyone can feel the undertow of change subtly pulling on our society. It is a change well received, and well deserved. More people are realizing their true power as human beings, and their contribution to the global consciousness is now becoming a ripe investment.

More and more people are waking up, some don’t even realize it yet…..but what was once hidden is now being revealed. The veil of this age is slowly lifting, slowly but surely.

In order for the lights to come all the way some more changes are going to have to happen. Our global society as we know it is in for a massive shift. Religion, the sciences, our financial structure, and most world leaders are about to be flipped on their heads. The age of truth is upon us, the people will be given the opportunity to see behind the curtain of the reality we have been given.

As the old saying goes, the truth shall set you free. Our false history needs to be shown in its true light. In order to provoke humanity to change, the truth must come out.

Society is not the only thing going through changes. Our Earth is shifting as well. Not only is the sun bombarding our ionosphere with high frequency particles almost daily, but we are passing through the highly charged photon belt as well.

We are currently closing two cycles of massive length. The first one is our solar system around the Pleiades that is roughly 24 thousand years, and the second…..our little 225 million year journey around the galactic sun. Both cycles were well documented by our Mayan friends hundreds of years ago.

The high frequency light is boosting the vibration of the planet, and pulling us up with it. The Earth’s vibration, or heartbeat, first came into the mainstream around 1952 by German physicist Winfried Schumman. Schumman’s resonance was a coined phrase that symbolizes the Earths vibration.

For thousands of years this was a steady 7.8 cycles per second. So steady in fact, our military developed their communication systems to coincide with it. When I say our planet is picking up vibration, this is actually a measurable phenomena. Sine about 1980 the vibration has picked up to about 12 cycles. It stops at 13 cycles.

Once completed we will hit what is called zero point. Zero point is something that occurs every 13,000 years, and what many of the ancient peoples have been predicting for thousands of years.

It has been called the golden age, age of truth, and the age of enlightenment. The magnetism of Earth will shift at this zero point, and will change Earth’s magnetic field. Guess who is connected to that? Our so called junk DNA is about to be activated, and we are going to emerge from this cocoon of limits.

The amount of individual change that will take place will be directly related to how prepared our minds, bodies, and souls are. The name of the game is get rid of all the low vibrating junk, and float around on a higher wavelength.

Oh yes, human beings have measurable wavelengths too. All creatures have magnetic fields. We are microcosms of the macrocosm, while also simultaneously being a macrocosm of other microcosms. It is an infinite pattern that repeats through out nature, but I digress.

The higher vibration we have, the tighter the wavelength. The more compact the wave length the more contact points with our DNA. This enables our DNA to receive more info, and absorb more light. In contrast, the lower vibration we have, the longer and slower the wavelength resulting in fewer points of contact with our DNA. Thus the higher the vibration, the more energy we can take in.

Emotions have a direct impact on our vibration. When we are angry, fearful, resentful, etc. our vibration lengthens and becomes slow. Where on the other hand, emotions that are happy, loving, compassionate, etc. causes our vibration to compact and speed up. 

In order to maximize the benefit of these tidal waves of transformational energy, it behooves us to maintain a high vibration and increase our receptivity. The more energy we can open up to, the greater the transformation.

The takeaway? In this time of magnification, little things go long ways. It starts with changing ourselves as individuals. Let’s pull our head out of the mundane drama and step into a new reality, a grander perspective. Let’s embody the change that is taking place, let’s own it.

By becoming the change we want to see, we are literally changing the world. Don’t be fooled by those who would have you believe you are insignificant. Just remember, you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are pure energy. We are all connected, this is fact. You are an immensely important piece of the grand puzzle, and now is the time to take your place.

Can you see the light at the end of the tunnel? Human suffering is coming to an end. Change is nigh. A grand evolution is upon us. Take advantage of this once in…….well……. this once in a couple hundred million year opportunity.


With Love,





Sierra (not verified)

Tue, 04/17/2012 - 19:35

Hi Ryan


I love this blog....brillant! I agree fully. Not only are you wise but your are super cute! Single?



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