~ The Light Filled May Has Arrived~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/01/2012 - 10:58

Occupy the Planet - The Tide Is Turning (Roger Waters)


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Nice from you for sharing your opinion through this video, even this is complete bogus and filled with fabrications and fear.... Alex Jones still did not learned that he is standing on very tin icy slippery platform of fear mongering, and working directly with Cabal, in the same way as Fox and CNN...



Please, excuse his 'dirty' language and approach through aggression, violence and ignorance... 


What if I show you FEMA camps pictures, and videos, and add postscript in bold gold letters stating something like this: 'SO THESE MASIVE CAMPS ARE BUILD BY OUR HOMELAND SECURITY WITH PEOPLE'S MONEY, SO THAT CABAL WILL HAVE PLACE TO STAY AND TO REPAY AND TO BE  REEDUCATED..."


Consider this: If you are ignorant or silent in telling your truth [Not Alex Jones lies...], taking his video as a prof that nothing is going on, not having prof for Drake or any other True Freedom fighters, than YOu are no different than any of THEM...



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From the ET101 book via Mike V…”A Formal Invitation” for Lightworkers here on earth right now



From the ET101 book via Mike V…”A Formal Invitation” for Lightworkers here on earth right now…


Thanks, Mike V, for sharing this comment on the “Awaiting the Benjamin” post. I’ve never seen the ET101 book before, but I felt the quote from it was quite resonant with our times.

I recall MarkH often talking about that, when we awoke from this duality dream, we would be celebrating with each other, even those who were playing “dark” or adversarial roles. Let’s party Big Time when this “happens”.

Some of you may be interested in Mike V’s blogsite. I found a lot of interesting ideas he has posted there.

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Will my MIND get out of the way?


Will my MIND get out of the way?
By Lee-Anne Peters
Are you hiding in a world of worry and
negative thoughts?
Confusion, worry and doubt – just a few mind energies that tangle us throughout the day. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, these sorts of negative thoughts stay. The more we try, the louder they become and before we know it our mind can be ruling our life!


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Sioux Chief Taken Aboard Star Ship


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Monday, April 30, 2012

Things to Be Aware Of

My dear ones. Today will be the last message that mentions diet. Many of you are enjoying the gift of mana now. Are you managing well with it? Yes? Of course. I would not advise anything that could not keep you healthy. Those who have not begun the fresh food diet are missing an amazing experience.

Beware of the negative messages that come to you from friends, neighbors, family, etc. All are the gift of testing your commitment for following your own truth. Freedom from outside influences will be important in the next days, as many calls to ascend will be negated by those not abe to commit to ascension on their own.


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4/30/2012 -- Possible tornado SW of Toronto Canada = Severe develops across USA


Warnings and watches issued for several areas , Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia , North Carolina.

Be aware in MO, KS, IA, IL, TX, and OK ... the next line of storms is ramping up and will be coming your general direction.

Out west , the next storm is coming ashore .. washington state, oregon up into British Columbia Canada.

Screenshots here:


Use the links here to monitor severe weather:


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Benjamin Fulford 5-1-12…”Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues”


Benjamin Fulford 5-1-12…”Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues”

Commentary from Kauilapele's Blog:

Okay, here we go. Thanks to Ben for this continuing update from his end. He mentions the Pentagon says no moves will be made on arrests until the all is in place for the new financial system. (This validates what I have felt for some time. My sense is that it will be arrests first, then currency revaluations and the new financial system, followed by more “out in the open” ET disclosure, followed by clean up, followed by grand parties (see the last post). Be patient, you dinar dong holders!).



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~30~12 May, Here We Come, Diving In~



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~30~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ May, Here We Come, Diving In~



Photo Taken By Earth Allie Will Harader ~Our Eagle Ship Coming in For Landing Surrounded By the Angels~


 Greetings Love Beings, Love has truly and Successfully infiltrated into Humanity's Consciousness. Our Last Update had almost 3000 Reads in less then 24 hours. This Broke a Record~ WOW! What this Represents, is Alot of Focused Truth Energy and Codes, Entering Into The Collective Consciousness. This is Assisting US in the Mass Awakening, which is well underway.



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Carribbean Again Put on Tsunami Watch


A leading expert at the UNESCO is urging the Caribbean's 40 million people to be prepared for a tsunami....


Disclaimer: This is for educational purposes only and is for those who are interested. I do not approve or disapprove of the content. This is for the viewer to decide. This video is NOT ever intended to scare anyone, fear monger, or to spread disinfo. This information is readily available on the internet for anyone to read. I am not able to confirm or to verify any of the content as being accurate, so please be fully aware of this.

FAIR USE: This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.

I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If any individual wishes to go beyond the fair use law, they should contact the copyright owner for permission.

All videos by Pinksapphiret. Please do not mirror or embed to Power Tube, or Zippcast without my permission. Thanks for understanding..


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/30/12




Two test participants of equal amounts of wealth traded an equal amount of wealth with each other. A person of your elitist class traded his wealth for the wealth of someone of less fortunate means. These types of experiments have been conducted in your world for many eons. What we have been attempting to do is to carefully study the motives and behavior of the human psyche development over the many long years of your journey through means of artificial stimuli, sometimes concerning monetary gains and losses, and sometimes other situations that have tested you and measured your growth and your development in many different ways.


We are not here to play games or meddle with your lives irresponsibly. We are here conducting serious scientific evaluations and experiments to better understand the being that is human, and to better prepare you for your advancement in becoming Galactic beings and a Galactic society as well. We do not wish to see any of you suffer unduly through such experiments, and each of you that has taken part in these experiments has given us your complete permission before any of these procedures are carried out. Never are any of you selected for such assignments without discussing in advance exactly what these experiments will entail and demonstrating your willingness to cooperate in these field tests. Each of you that has participated in these tests either have been or will be rewarded in one way or another, which has also been discussed with you and these terms were agreed upon by you prior to your participation in these experiments.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Benjamin Fulford Update: 1st May 2012...


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Spain has plunged into a second recession amid government measures to rein in the country's debt. Ratings agency Standard and Poors has downgraded nine of Spain's banks, many of which are bogged down in bad loans. It also comes as Spain's unemployment rate has soared to almost 25 per cent, the highest in Europe. And sweeping cuts to health care and education have seen thousands taking to the streets, angered at the government austerity measures. RT gets some analysis on the situation in the country from Professor of economics Philipp Bagus, author of the book "The tragedy of the euro".


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In numerology, the language of numbers and their symbolic meaning, numbers and dates are added together to obtain the true meaning or essence. For example the year of 2012 is 2+1+2 = 5 showing the overall essence of 2012 is the five energy. May being the fifth month and 2012 being a five year, the triple portal date of 5-5-5 IS significant. Take just a moment to reflect upon the number 5, which in numerology represents major change at the most primal meaning and translation.


Of course 2012 would be a 5 year! It makes perfect sense as we move into the next grand cycle under the Galactic Mayan Calendar. This entire year is about grand transformation.



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Calling all Catholics...THE DARK CABAL NEEDS MONEY

It appears that in order to stave off impending money shortages from all the Chemtrails, briberies, drug schemes and sex traffiking, the VATICAN NEEDS MONEY! Therefore it is back to selling forgiveness....FOR OTHER PEOPLES SINS!!!! see article below. http://www.dailyfinance.com/2009/02/10/buy-your-way-to-heaven-the-catho… Dont you think it is time to wake up...(just a little?) Shannon

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What Sources Say We’ll Ascend on Dec. 21, 2012?


What Sources Say We’ll Ascend on Dec. 21, 2012?

2012 April 30
Posted by GLR~ Steve Beckow

How do we know that Ascension will occur on Dec. 21, 2012? Who said it will? Various galactic, celestial and spiritual sources have. Why don’t we review their evidence to see who supports that date as the time of Ascension.


On Feb. 24, 2012, SaLuSa told us: “That you have a date for the completion of this cycle is wonderful, as it means you have something to set your sights upon as you count the days that remain.” (1) On some occasions, SaLuSa places the time at the end of 2012: “Nothing will stop the Ascension process from finally manifesting at the end of 2012.” (2) Elsewhere, he actually names the date as “the 21st of December,” 2012 (3) and “21.12.12.” (4)

Celestials like Archangel Michael support the same date for Ascension. Here he speaks through Celia Fenn on the matter: “Beloved Ones, you are all invited to be present at the Grand Ceremonies of Inauguration of the New Earth Reality on the 11/11/11, the 12/12/12 and the 21/12/12.” (5)



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Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-30-12


Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

Here we are, our daily sightings.

Some new formations appearing, no more only in the sky but even flying close to the ground.

And on the news... again!

Who was the one that said disclosure is not happening?

Well, don’t remember, must have been a long long time ago, somewhere in the Middleages.

Enjoy the flight folks!

And get used to it.

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FREEDOM PROJECT: Hollow Earth Hohle Erde 1/5 This video will blow your mind




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the video im am showing is what looks to be a impact crater or that of a hole to hollow earth you make your own mind up thats just my opinion any one know what it realy is

New developer filtered by wikileaks video shot from a plane where you can see a large hole in the ground never before filmed, you can see a bright light from within.

The video was leaked by a series of documents that talked about the material of personnel authorized to fly over the area where only a few can pass and are under oath not to talk about what is in these places.
the video was recorded as unauthorized disclosure.

Some say it is proof of the polar openings to the center of the earth.
(and who argue that near the opening there is no ice in many other parts of Antarctica and a small town or military base near to guard the entry of unauthorized personnel)

others say it is the mark of a new meteorite impact.
malformation, a good trick computer, a giant crater.
ah also discussed the possibility that it is a mine as there are large mines with this aspect on the list of world's greatest holes.
the difference is that this mine would not be documented.

The truth is that this video is not without a great degree of mystery.

The last word you have, so I like to hear your opinion.



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Please share this with everyone Lets Do This ~ MAKE THIS VIRAL!


Please share this with everyone Lets Do This ~ MAKE THIS VIRAL!



It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of full moon this May. Millions of us will gather and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the central bankers so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.

There is a plan, conceived by positive people in the military, supported by civil authority, to arrest the members of the banking Cabal for their crimes against humanity. Our visualization will support this plan, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We will support brave heroes that will carry out this plan. Something like this has never happened on this planet before. This is our chance to be a part of it!

Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will activate the plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our visualization on that day is our declaration of freedom and independence. Make this viral! Share it worldwide!
We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, the moment of full moon, which comes this May 5th /6th. Exact times for different time zones are:

8:30 pm PDT May 5th (Los Angeles)
9:30 pm MDT May 5th (Denver)
10:30 pm CDT May 5th (Houston)
11.30 pm EDT May 5th (New York)

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Floods in the UK - Sky News


Large parts of England and Wales are braced for more flooding as a man and his dog died after the car they were in became completely submerged in floodwater as it was crossing a ford. Sky's David Crabtree reports.


Namaste :-)


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FREEDOM PROJECT: ~Open~Message~ From~The~ Heart ~Of ~ Anonymous~


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COMEDY CIRCLE: The Colbert Report: 04/23/12 Recap


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COMEDY CIRCLE:This Week in Jimmy Kimmel Live...


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COMEDY CIRCLE: The Daily Show: 04/25/12 Recap


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COMEDY CIRCLE: Key & Peele: Obama Loses His SH*T...




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youre so full of shit. you dont see yourself the way i do, and you dont see me that way
i see myself, and you see me from your unconsciously conditioned perception. and i see you
from that perception, and you tell me im in denial and have psychological issues
that need to be addressed. you tell me i need help, which is true because we all rely
on one another. you come at me from a place of egoic delusional superiority. telling me
that the way you perceive reality to be IS the way it is. you tell me that i need
to take a look at myself in all totality. you look into the books of old, for the
answers to your questions, you look to the books of old to uphold your perception.

you tell me im scared , im socially anxious, or suffering from panic attacks
or anxiety attacks. you in short tell me that youre seeing me as yourself
from a totally unconscious awareness. you never had the thought to question yourself
because you grew up having support of your unconscious perception of yourself
thus the way you perceive others to be and reality to be. you spin around
in circles unconsciously inside yourself, spewing your perception as the truth
at everyone around you, and only enjoy being around those who support your
current stance in the world.

you verbally persecute others who completely disagree with you and point out
how they see you. some of you not only verbally persecute, but intentionally
hurt others for them pointing out what they see taking place within you,
and this is because youre the one whos denying the fact that youre in denial,
because you identify with your unconscious, reactive, conditioned, egoic,
perception. youve even told me that i need to be put on medication
because my perception is deluded, crazy,insane, and not right. you read
these sentences and break down the words , so you can see where it is
that im coming from.

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Message from All Higher Self's~Destiny Up Ahead~ ~Heaven is Within~


Now the Truth is Revealing itself....
     A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace 
~Heaven is Within, Happy Ascension Day~

Heaven an awakened dream manifesting before your eyes...Just a Fantasy most believed by the old controllers of the game... Now is Real and is
coming in.... as the New Stage of creation.... A Garden of Eden Now all may play....and re~member each as Divinity and Magical Celestial


The Truth of Real Love will burst forth this treasury...this Love gift for all of Humanity.... Eternity becomes the new Name of the
game and death will no longer exist as it now is in the duality....Heaven is a state of HEART in which you see...pleasure and
perfection inside of ones being...True freedom and Living Life spiritually. ..



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By GLR~ Rian Claassen~


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TODAY.... Marks My 1st full year BE-ing here with All You fine HU-MAN/Souls


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Imagine communicating with loved ones with ease...


You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine communicating with loved ones with ease...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
<span style="font-family:georgia,se</p><p><a data-cke-saved-href=" galacticfreepress="" content="" imagine-communicating-loved-ones-ease"="" href="/galacticfreepress/content/imagine-communicating-loved-ones-ease">Read more


The View From Down Here: Record-Breaking Radio Waves Discovered from Ultra-Cool Star


(editor's note: More chatter from astronomers about "life beyond our solar system" -it seems to be a more acceptable topic among professional peers.

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)



Record-Breaking Radio Waves Discovered from Ultra-Cool Star


Penn State University astronomers using the world's largest radio telescope, at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, have discovered flaring radio emissions from an ultra-cool star, not much warmer than the planet Jupiter, shattering the previous record for the lowest stellar temperature at which radio waves were detected.


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Crystaqueous ~ Detachment ~ Part 5 ~ 1 May 2012


Crystaqueous ~ Detachment ~ Part 5 ~ 1 May 2012

Yes, whatever is coming our way in this time is best to be wholeheartedly embraced and not run away from.  The whole concept of detachment is far distorted on the dream stage.  This is by no means saying that such is out of sorts with the Script Divine.  Impossible it is for anything to be out of time or place here, contrary to many appearances and so-called human-mind notions.  Detachment is invariably in distortion when it is consciously planned and worked at by the dream mind.  Detached all will surely become—even from their very own erroneous self.  But such will occur only by the Cuing of Divinity—even while the mind human remains in its last-ditch attempts to halt all thought and effort toward this and having an acute awareness of its utter helplessness to achieve such.


What is getting clearer than ever in this time is the need to openheartedly embrace every moment and every event and every thought and experience that comes one’s way.  And to embrace it with love and joy and a complete sense of freedom as well.   If one still tries to resist anything for so-called spiritual reasons entertaining the idea of purifying oneself thereby, that (whatever it is) is going to return time and again until it is totally faced and embraced.



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MAY 2012




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Open the Locket of Your Heart and LIVE Your Passion!


Open the Locket of Your Heart and LIVE Your Passion!

I have said this many times before, but I have got to say it again today.  I am so very very grateful I do readings.  I am so grateful for the caliber of clients I attract to my heart.  We truly are in this together.  All of us hanging on for dear life to the side of our life’s ship as it makes a massive and sudden turn into May!

I am also grateful that I can once again look into the body system, because yesterday, thru one of my precious clients… I got to see up close and personal what is really happening to those of us hanging on for dear life emotionally (those who aren’t going thru this, wait… your time is coming…smile.)

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Astro-Chakra Synergy System weekly reading 30 April to 6 May



30th April to 6th May

*I hope this reading brings you hope and joy and makes you realise just how wonderful you really are! Yes, YOU!

Mercury 3: 3rd Chakra (solar plexus)

Mercury Keyword: 'Communication'

Colour: Yellow

Chakra Keywords: Personal Power, Self Will

Card Keywords: 'SELF ESTEEM'


There is nobody walking around on this planet that is exactly like you! Think about it. You are a one-of-a-kind. You have special and unique gifts you bring with you to share with the world.  Today, give some thought on how you contribute those gifts to your world. Realize that to experience the true joy life has to offer is to live it! Use daily self-esteem building affirmations to help your self-confidence to grow.

ACTION:  Write down your goals for the next six months to help give you a future guideline. Remember, you are in control of your own destiny.

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Marlene Swetlishoff – Melchizedek – 1 May 2012


Marlene Swetlishoff – Melchizedek – 1 May 2012

Beloved Ones,

Your individual Light shines far amongst the backdrop of the constant change and metamorphosis taking place within you and in every atom of the World upon which you are living. The most precious gift given to you in these times is LIFE. And it is now your task to become fully conscious in your everyday experience of life. This requires your complete focus and attention.

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Stretching Science: Synchronicity


(editor's note: Today's story examines the question, "Why do great ideas come in pairs?" What we know as synchronicity is now being analyzed by science.

In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
~All my Love, Boo)


Why Great Ideas Come In Pairs


Have you ever noticed how similar inventions seems to materialize out of thin air at precisely the same time? Some recent examples include hi-definition DVD players (Blu-ray and HD-DVD in 2002), digital video recorders (VHS and Betamax in 1974), and audio tape recorders (compact cassette and 8-track in 1964). While this may seem like a consequence of our highly connected and hyper-competitive society, it turns out that this phenomenon is nothing new.



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MAY 1st IS


TO-DAY  ... Marks My 1st Year and a few hours.. Here with You Fine Souls Indeed... 

That's IT  I just wanted to Share.. LOVE LOVE LOVE and CHERISH My Whole Entire Family OF *LIGHT*....  YEE-HAWwww.. BAM ! BLAST -O F F TIME.. !


((((((  {{{ hugZZZ }}}  ))))))




BIG Mawh :-D

X O X O X O 's



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Forcing the Inevitable Absolute…


~Yojman Chase ~


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~Incoming Codes~ Longer Than~ We are In Love With You~


~We are In Love With You~


~Catch the Wave of Love In Freedom~


Love The Earth Allies


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Tornado Warning/Oklahoma




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Some Quite Impressive Solar Observations… “SOHO What’s Going on Here??!!”


Some Quite Impressive Solar Observations… “SOHO What’s Going on Here??!!”

Posted on by GLR Kauliapele


Found this at 2012 Scenario. These craft are quite impressive. See what your discernment says.

I will add that John Kettler (ndr. and Nassir Haramein) and others have pointed out that the sun is actually a stargate. So we might well expect to find such craft around the sun.


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Healing Earth News: The Success of India's Solar Program


(editor's note: India's national solar program demonstrates how government policy and dedicated people can help heal the earth.

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)



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Natural Remedies: Mother Willis And Her Mystery Concoction



(editor's note: Jessie "Mother" Willis is a 92 year old woman in Michigan who continues to heal colds and body aches of others with a recipe passed down from her grandfather.

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
~Be well, all my Love, Boo)


Mich. woman concocts 'Mother' of alternative medicines


Mother Willis was born eight years before the accidental discovery of penicillin.


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Strange Wave/Huge Light Anomaly Near Moon!!!


Video follow-up and closer look at earlier bird video of light speeding by the Moon. I do not think that was a bird!! Video taken April 29th, 2012 8:20 PM MST.


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5/1/2012 -- Severe weather UPDATE = several areas in the North, South, East, West


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Oh Life, oh Light, oh Love Divine... Come Holy Spirit Come. I Am Ready!


Oh Life, oh Light, oh Love Divine... Come Holy Spirit Come.  I Am Ready..


May 1, 2012 by GLR Yojman



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5/1/2012 -- Severe weather UPDATE = several areas in the North, South, East, West


Currently under or will be under severe weather :

North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Florida .

Several states will be effected as the storms move ENE.

website post with screenshots of the continental US.. plus links to monitor severe weather in your area:



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Biggest ‘Supermoon’ Phenomenon on May 5, 2012


Biggest ‘Supermoon’ Phenomenon on May 5, 2012




Supermoon 2012 150x150 Biggest Supermoon Phenomenon on May 5, 2012

‘Supermoon’ is a situation when the moon is slightly (about 50.000 km) closer to Earth in its orbit than on average, at least from our perspective on Earth. On May 5, the moon will appear about 14% larger and 30% brighter.



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Emmanuel Dagher – Energy Forecast The New Earth May 2012



Emmanuel Dagher – Energy Forecast The New Earth May 2012 – 1 May 2012

Hi my beautiful friend,

With so much happening in our personal lives and globally, I’m so grateful we can take this moment right now to connect with each other again.

The theme for this month will continue to expand on action as we move forward (previously mentioned in the April forecast.) The exciting news for this month is that there’s also great potential for us to materialize some of the desires and goals we’ve been diligently working towards in our personal lives and globally.

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Lucas ~ Self-Love ~ 1 May 2012


Lucas ~ Self-Love ~ 1 May 2012

In 5D to come in as a state of being you have to master first loving yourselves. A Feeling that is not a construct of emotions or from a sexual nature.  The connection in finding self-love will set you free. In you remembering the love for the self you open up the possibilities needed to build the link to the unconditional love for all of that is. You will not be that easy tripped in or pulled out the love for all outside of you anymore by learning self-love.


So the love you have for being what you are and who you are at this moment of the now is important. You will see You. You can say I love all that is me and makes me what I am now. Focus on the things that are in your mind obstacles to love your self. I hate my belly, I am  so bossy, I am so rude, I am so ugly, etc. All you have thought about now will  be loved by you. See and feel that what you do not love about you and tell it is loved and will be loved always. It is a part of you.



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Oracle Report, may 1 2012



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First Quarter Moon Phase

The theme for today's energy is "longing."  We long for something other than what we have - material items, financial equality or freedom, a change in the status of something, appreciation, and on and on.  The vast desire for things that seem out of our reach will elicit feelings of jealousy in some.  You can go the endless route of longing today but it only leads to unhappiness (and reactions that are not healthy or even sane).  Wise old owls know that anything of true value comes from inside of us, not outside of us.  If you find yourself drawn into the illusion of the material world, stop and go inside yourself.

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We are cranking up the volume. ~ Michael through Ron Head




Today we will discuss the frequency of love and light which is building around you.  I am particularly qualified to discuss this as it is who I am, is it not?  The angel of love.


These frequencies have been building around you for many years, but the strength and frequency continue to build and more notes are added to the symphony, as it were.  As more of you begin to awaken, the attraction to you and your planet of these frequencies increases.

We are using the word frequency today because we wish to distinguish the variations in energy from the energy.  Frequencies are the notes in the music of energy.  Your frequencies are being raised by the music that is playing all around you.  We are standing in the booth and slowly cranking up the volume.  How is that for a picture of what you are beginning to feel?



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✿ Archangel Indriel. The Colors Of Your World.



✿ Archangel Indriel. The Colors Of Your World.

By GLR AuroRa Le. May 1, 2012.

Throughout the Universe, everything is artfully awash in color of a brilliance unimaginable.  Every being is, at heart, a Starburst. Every Starburst is a sweet expression of one unique aspect of The Divine.  You, Beloveds, are Starbursts.  You have stashed away your secret brilliance in a third dimensional guise, while you toil ceaselessly upon the planet Earth.

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Seeing the Picture clearly


It is May. In the Midwest U.S., a time for flowers and graduation ceremonies; transitions.  The arrival of the new, even if we’ve seen it every year, is celebrated.  It brings us to the past – perhaps our own graduation or last years tulips.  We are systemically changing this month, without anything to relate to; a bit disconcerting.


Our brains are associative.  We won’t even see a thing unless we have something else similar to relate it to.  Moving forward without a map is part and parcel to the way seer manifesto.  This is untraveled ground.


Brand new thought sticks out there like an optical illusion. Sometimes even after being told its there, we can’t make it out.  It takes concentrated effort and intention.  We will need both as we proceed, we are entering uncharted territory.  This is the fun part.


My entire body sort of hums now.  Several weeks ago the internal motor started and today the subtle vibration and sparkling is constant – I barely acknowledge it.  This week there are waves of energy, resulting in a sensation of spinning.  My diet and sleep patterns are all over the map, which is true for my entire family.  Something new shows up almost every day and we adjust to the level so that the next stage can occur.  Ascension or the move to the “next dimension” has to happen gradually so that we can assimilate it comfortably.  The plan here is for amazing yet not shocking.  We want to enjoy this.


So let’s relax a bit.  As our eyes and bodies adjust, let’s see and feel the change without worry or confusion.  We are brilliant beings of light who have been tasked with moving a planet and her people out of density in “real time”.  We will live through whatever scenario we collectively create.



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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 1 May 2012


Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 1 May 2012


Are you paying attention to the universal sleight-of-hand that is about to happen this coming weekend? If you’re under pressure and thinking that it has all been self-generated then I have some good news for you. The first of two Super Full Moons will occur on May 5th (in Scorpio) and the second a month later on June 4th (in Sagittarius). And just for good measure the cosmos is tossing in a solar eclipse in Gemini on May 20th with a lunar eclipse occurring on the full moon (June 4th) also in Gemini.

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