LightLeaders! From lightworker to lightleader for everyone

Submitted by grailheart magi on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 16:58

After absorbing and assimilating the light energy of the 5th, it is now necessary that each lightworker advance to the position of LightLeader. Below are ideas which can work in most areas affected in our world. The Preparation our Divine Mother was speaking about on the 2nd I am outlining to save you time and also to create a positive visualization of a smooth operation of the transference of power. 


By now, the word "power" should not scare you.  It is the power within to make whatever changes are necessary in a world based on light.  Now, in the process of being of service to families, community, world and universe, watch for all the synchronicities and help YOU will receive in the process. It is within this world of so called "magic" you have been creating by the processes of setting yourself free. 


It will feel so good!  To truly feel your purpose as a LightLeader. Not in the old ego way of "making things happen" by your own separate power for recognition, fame, glory or money. But it will be now that heart-centered acceptance that you truly are of a greater Light than ever before and the the universe will assist you through various methods. 


She reminds in this moment to always accept any help anyone else is offering. Stay away from any concept that you can do this singularly.  It will take  community efforts. 


In moving from a male concept of what a leader is to a feminine understanding.  99% of individual leaders have led "in front".... having a "follow me" approach. It required lots of convincing (conning), "buying" people, professionally prepared presentation and speeches and thousand dollar Italian shoes. As of yesterday, that male role that had even been caste onto women is gone from effectiveness on this planet. Just looking back over the past 3 days you can recall how it is much easier to sense and discern who is doing what for recognition and position even in your light circles.  They will soon wake up, too. They will be able to newly observe how much love and respect for one another is created from "leading from behind" without any need for recognition at all. What comes back to a LightLeader is a profound sense of being loved which will have NO comparison to the old ways. 


We in the higher realms will be helping you each step of the way and you will feel a little nudge or sound to help you stay of the track of service. So stay calm, stay alert with discernment at all stages of this imminent shift of power back to the people. Many of you have held leadership roles before so we ask you to assist others in their new responsibilities if they ask. It is always good to present an idea as a suggestion.   And, the best action everyone can take is to ask questions - of each other, of potential help at all levels. 


Understand that this assistance you will be providing is a part of the ascension process.  Without it these present energies would prevent your Mother to be Star-bound.  As you have received information from other reliable posts, you will be much rewarded.   


Watch Mass Arrests - New Information from Bill Wood and Eva Moore,videos Set of 6


See yourself as a heart-centered, LightLeader Community Coordinator. 


Contact locall church, grocery store, mall or other visible location where you will be allowed to "set up shop" as soon as you hear of the beginning arrests. As a last resort, use the driveway to your own home.  Make a very simple sign and hang an American or your country's flag.  

Bill Wood says the beginning will be very obvious.  

Have all your tools ready in advance, with plenty of gas/diesel in your vehicle.  Advise others to do the same. 

Look for any size storage devices for your own and supplies for others.

Write a fairly short overview of what is happening and print hundreds of copies that people can take with them. Include youtube, website as well as local contact numbers.

Include that in a short time ALL of this information will be presented on the internet and TV on a 24/7 basis to help them understand all that is happening.


Find a convenient shaded place where you can set up a folding table and a few chairs (one for you and some for others who will be asking you questions)

Determine if you can get online there.  Computers or smartphones.  

Purchase a wireless adapter that will pick up signals from up to 1 mile away. (C. Crame online)  Their products are great and reliable.

Plan to have drinking water, sodas, snacks available to help people calm down.

Plan to have gentle (not weird) music playing so that those sitting or standing nearby can here and become relaxed.

Practice speaking in a quiet voice, calmly and firmly. 

Contact your local "ham" radio announcers in your community.  They are everywhere. Perhaps convince one of them to share the table with you. This will also give you more credibility and will also offer an easy method of communication for resources like food and supplies. It will also be more fun.

Have a donation plate in easy access. Many people won't know what to do, necessarily, but they might want to help out.

Keep a journal of contacts:  of who has extra food, who has a water well not on electricity, who has infants, who has stoves working, who can secure ice for chilling food or for drinking, although it might be good to have canned drinks which will not need to be refrigerated.

Take notes on all offers with names, phone numbers and addresses (in case phones go out)

Make special note of land lines. They might still be working at some point. 

Be aware that some of your emails may be interrupted... this has already begun. 

Practice telepathy.

Keep your mind open and gently into this new matrix you all have created.... for loving support. 

Use your imagination.

If possible, round up extra bicycles, wheelchairs, radios, paper towels, handi-wipes, and toys for the kids. If the children are calm usually the parents are calm. In this short time maybe get towels and toys from salvation army or goodwill. 

Find out how much backup food is stored at various food depots and if they can serve in emergencies. 

Make yourself known to a local talk radio station, in person. 

Find out if there are any mid-wives or wet nurses nearby who would be available. 

Make a list of items that people might be able to donate or share.  This may be obvious to most, but some people have a hard time with imagination, even with items they have. 

If in cold climates, make note of portable heating devices. 

Have sterno, sleeping bags, blankets and other "camping" tools available. 

Stay friendly, centered and happy.  You will be in the center of miracles all throughout each day you are of service to others.  Watch how they will make sure that you are ok, Too!


This post is to get ideas of service going... please add to it. But if you disagree with any of it... let's just agree to disagree!  Someone will benefit in some way!


Stay tuned, stay allert, always USE DISCERNMENT


Grailheart for the Goddess


Guest (not verified)

Sun, 05/06/2012 - 19:32

I'm not even sure I understand exactly what is happening so how do you expect me to explain it to others.... could you post some sort of outline or something to use as a guide to help us begin to start explaining what is happeing? Of course I am still holding out for everything to go as though nothing is happening as in we don't miss a beat in keeping things as close to normal as possible to make this an easy transition, but even still a good outline of some explanation would be most beneficial. Thanks


Depends on where you live mostly.  No one knows how specifically this transition will be met. Drake, Bill Wood and others are suggesting it is better to be prepared than not.

Help those who are open to being helped. Follow your heart and blessings will come.  




Mon, 05/07/2012 - 16:37

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

Thank you for this message as it is the only law we need in all life and in this universe as it is the one truth and nature of the creator of all God, this  as been the message of all prophets holy messengers scribes all who worked in this one truth and offered this to mankind as the only law one needs with the understanding by becoming unconditional love in all senses all we think do and say it manifests the universal will of the Creator that of its nature unconditional Love, All That have advised mankind and offered true wisdom of any religion belief or no matter is always this one message Unconditional Love.. I have never been a christian in any true sense but I did understand the message of the Christ and again it was a way to attain Unconditional Love. We live at present in third dimension duality reality, through adapting to and becoming as the Creator Unconditional Love do we gain wisdom of all the teachers of mankind all ascended masters even if we choose to look at the truth behind some of the most imformous people of history when we take time to read the intent and see it clearly for ourselves rather than taking another perception as fact we will see even those accused of satanists black in nature of the devil etc  it is does not exist it is manufactured to supress truth as many who have been acused of such things know the one undeniable truth of all in this universe its nature to be of God the Light the Universal Life force and by any name you knoweth your god it is unconditional Love... again I am not a christian but it was said the Christ would return, this is truth and it has returned not as a manifest being of any kind but the essence of what the christ is Unconditional Love this energy is all about us it is a conciousness of unity of opposites through Love... The Christ was one of the best teachers to come to help mankind yet though i do not attend church indeed I am considered a heritic as i am walking a path of a magickian and have done for many many years I can not deny the truth of the return of the Christ counciousness as way to ascend to higher knowledge higher truth of all becoming Light and Live through not division of opposites but the unity of all opposites through Love Unity true wisdom is gained, It is through Love that we will ascend to higher conciousness and even higher if we attain the christ conciousness Love is the Law love under will... to truly understand this is to realise that my true devine will free will is that of God or creator etc, thus it is truly my will is love  love is my will and how this has been misunderstood as was the message of christ and all holy men prophets scribes sages all who know and live this one truth... yes have written a blog in repsonce to your post as this is so deep within my heart and my driving will force is Love and to become unconditional Love that as I am designed to become, as we are al to become... Lets us seek similarities in all as opposed to differences as this path leads to so many misunderstandings, Let us embrace this beautiful truth and energy that is so present on our beautiful Gaia as she too is unconditional Love as she has never questioned never not provided what we have all needed all our lives here on her she has not said that one is worthy and another not nor does any god of Uncnditional Love... Thank you and Blessings of Love to you all



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