~Lightworkers Arise! The Time is Here!~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 13:46


~Lightworkers Arise! The Time is Here!~

By Love Reporter  Kriss Erickson


I am channeling, but channeling from my own ancient memories from the Before Times, between corporeal lives.  So I don’t have a name of the energy being channeled, except to call it the “Kriss”.


A Kriss is a doble-edged sword with a wavy blade that was traditionally sharpened to such a keen edge that when wielded by an expert, it could remove a limb, a head or even cut an opponent in half without the opponent even seeing it coming.


Energetically, the Kriss is an entity that cuts to the heart, removing what isn’t needed, bringing the truth to light without consideration of personality or ego.


Though I have had a very human life this time around, meaning that I have had ego struggles, I was sent to earth with a purpose and with a message.  My message was that so many of the programs and realities created on this world are limited and do not work. 


I tried to relate that throughout my life, since I was a young child.  I think a lot of other Lightworkers have done the same.  As a child I would have conversations before being punished by my controlling, narcissitic parents.  I’d talk to myself, reminding myself that my parents had bought in so deeply to this world’s version of reality that they had forgotten how damaging their violent actions were. 


In fact, the fact that they had bought into this world’s patterns so deeply was one reason why their energy had chosen violent means of expression.


I reminded myself each time a punishment was coming to be strong.  Not to give in.  That my parents had forgotten who they were.  Each time I vowed to be strong.  To look the darkness in the face and to calmly take the unjust punishment.


Each time, the violence of their actions caused me to crumble.


This was an important lesson for me, with a two-pronged message.


The first prong was that the crumbling of my inner strength was preparation for survival in a world that would have literally thought they were doing “heaven” a service by destroying me if I had been too open about the vast differences in my beliefs versus the status quo.


The second prong was to test me.


It appeared to my young mind that the Universe had lied to me.  That the forces that ran this world really were stronger than the message I had been sent to deliver.  That was shown to me again and again by my parents and later as I refused to go along with my peers and classmates as they would decide to trick, hurt, steal or manipulate.  Again and again, I pointed out the patterns, urging that they choose to do what was right overall instead of what felt right to them, what would bring a bit of comic relief or what would give them a secure place in their group.

Time and time again, I was ridiculed, punished, rejected—etc.


I thought, though, that my belief in the message I was given, to stand in love, to stand for Universal Laws, had remained.  But about twelve years ago, a part of my life energy seemed to evaporate.


I was easily pushed around, and in my energetically weakened state, I allowed the belief that the collective consciousness of this world was stronger than the Laws of the Universe.  This manifested in my becoming more self-centered and manifesting this through the use of food and other human means.


I still refused to join any groups or to give into the collective but in some ways I had given up.  I was putting in my time, asking the Universe to keep  me here as long as It wanted. 


I’ve talked with a lot of Lightworkers who have felt the same way.


I believe the core of this is the belief that the reality that is being created here by the collective consciousness of this world is somehow stronger than the message of Love that we were sent here with.


But that is not true.  In fact, the realization that the collective consciousness, the group energy does create the reality we see was for me a huge aha! moment, and proof that the collective consciousness has reason to gang up on Lightworkers, in order to maintain the levels of pain that they have come to accept as reality.


This gave me a great surge of hope.  The times of darkness when we must hide to survive are ending.  The times when we must mumble noncommittal comments in order to survive are ending.  Our message can never die.  We are sent as voices in the wilderness to bring light to this world. I knew that if even a bit of light could have reached my parents that the light would have changed them.  But they were not ready to receive the light so they lived and died in darkness.


That is no longer the case. 


Do you see?  The rejection, the scoffing, the disrespect, the rejection and denial were all proof that the messages of love and light that we were sent with are not only valid but absolutely essential for the balancing and well-being of this world.


I hope this message will bring you hope and will give renewed energy to your lives.


Love & Light: Kriss


KATE (not verified)

Wed, 06/22/2011 - 13:59

Thank you for sharing this beautiful and insightful article, it has been inspiring to remember that we are the light and the strong urge within us to share it IS the truth.

Much love and blessings to you dear brother/sister

Kate x


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