Lisa Gawlas ~ Concentrated Electrical Field + Autism And Obama! ~ 14 April 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/14/2012 - 10:13

Lisa Gawlas ~ Concentrated Electrical Field + Autism And Obama! ~ 14 April 2012

These days are so extraordinary.  We are participating in the greatest show on earth, and I am so grateful to have a front row seat each and every day to the details unfolding.  Assimilation of each day is not always easy, but there always seems to be a clear message embedded within the field of Light I read from.


Yesterday was the finalization of the massive change started on earth April 11th.  The first reading of the day really showed us what is happening on earth… tho it took me a bit to really understand the message.


When I first started reading the field of energy as it set itself up in my backyard, it took up the entire breath of my back yard (acres of area.)  Everything sprawled out and easy to read and understand.  And then somewhere in late Feb the field itself left… and the readings started orientating elsewhere.  April 11th the field returned to the ground… super concentrated tho.  What was once a 100 feet wide is not maybe 20 feet wide and on top of each other.  It is as if it squeezed itself together so tight and compacted that for me… hard to read, really hard to understand what we are seeing.  Imagine you have 10 sheets of paper and they went from being all over the floor to now neatly stacked on top of each other… try to read page 4 or 5 without moving any of the other papers!  Not easy!!

That is how the field looked yesterday with my first reading.  I kept hearing that everything is now concentrated.


Picking up from what I shared yesterday… everything was sprawled out in our timeline.  Walking from here to there was casual and took a while.  Now, here and there are on top of each other.  I suppose this is why time itself is becoming really disorienting.  Time as we know it is collapsing in on itself.


As I strained to see individual images thru all of this, I could see the golden dome of energy that was so present in January and February.  I also understood (then and now) this is a very special magnetic dome, housed close to earth to support and enhance those light bodies that can truly and purely hold this energy within them.  Interesting addition was there were these like tubules coming out from above the sky (keep in mind, the blue sky is now 10-15 feet off the ground in my readings.)  These tubules (kinda looked like golden funnel/tornado clouds) were placed all around this very light golden energy come.  There was something flowing thru them, could not tell you what it was tho!!  It was all gentle until my 2nd reading happened.


The (first) lady I was reading for tho… now she took on a really interesting space.  Under all this concentrated imagery there she was… nekked as a jay bird… completely sprawled out with her head towards the north (rejuvenation) and her feet towards the south (full bloom.)  Her image was flawless and so sultry.  She was oozing seduction like I had never felt before.  It was a feeling of her calling to all life to come into her energy and reproduce in fullness.

After we giggled about her naked sexiness (she mentioned her 60th birthday is around the corner) we had to look and see what did this mean!  I realize today, this is the only way we can truly arrive in the field of this super high concentrated vibrational energy.  Pure.  Naked.  Radiant. Confident.


To really let go of who we think we are, what we think we are doing and how it needs to get done is the only real key to the freedom we all seek.  To stand (well in her case, lay) naked, fully and utterly exposed to all of life and radiate your pure sexual energy (the energy of your soul) with not a want or expectation in the world.  THATS heaven alive within and thru us!!


The 2nd attempt at reading brought in a really interesting element as well.  Less than a minute before she called me, I felt a huge crackling sound all around me.  It so reminded me of just when lightning strikes and you can feel the electricity in the air.  And then my phone rang…


As soon as I tried to orient myself to her and the field, there was electricity everywhere.  The entire upper atmosphere was filled with pure silver energy… electricity sparking like crazy.  Hitting… infusing… enhancing the ball of imagery that is, at least for yesterday, the field.


I could feel the current running thru it all, running thru me as I participated as a watcher.  I knew this was the final touch on energizing the next expression of earth and all that is involved with earth.


All electrical currents are now turned on!!  We can look at the next 9 days leading up to the 23rd as the universes way of letting us “test drive” our new life.  To make the needed adjustments within, to reestablish our new relationship to the Living Field of Light we are now expressing within… the concentrated version.


That power node on the 23rd… seals in the next phase of the game in our individual and collective lives.  Once again, pay attention to what you feel each day deep inside of you.  If there is anything discordant pushing its way out…. don’t push it back in and smile over top of it.  These feelings are going to be amplified for all of us as we move past the 23rd.


To completely change the subject (well, sort of,) I was gifted the most amazing Lumerian Hybrid Crystal the day before yesterday.  It refers to itself as a hybrid, a cross between the celestial energy of the Lumerian and the earth energy of the clear quartz.  Every other facet of this crystal goes from the familiar striations of the lumerian crystal to the absolute clarity of the clear quartz… with a beautiful rainbow inclusion to boot!!


I took it into my bath meditation yesterday… Holy Cow Bathman… the information it released was amazing!!


The first thing I had seen was my (etheric) rock-man Jorge holding and enhancing the energies in the Brazilian crystal mines as they get ready for full activation on 12/12/12.   All of a sudden I could see this amazing figure 8 of pure crystalline energy flowing from where Jorge was to where I am.  It was breathtaking let me tell you.

For two days prior to this meditation, everything inside of me wanted to purchase Brazilian quartz to take up to the top of the Mesa with me for the solar eclipse… I poo pooed it away… until now.  This is going to be my next special, details to come soon on my readings page!


Thru this amazing flow of crystalline energy some really interesting details were revealed… some took me completely by surprise actually.


The first flood of information was about our heart energies… our divine counterpart potentials… and freedom.  There is no doubt our approach to relationships must and will change.  We have a tendency to enter into relationships by placing an ownership tag on a person… this is mine, hands off. That really comes from insecurity within.  That energy, that state of mind, cannot and will not exist within a true partnered relationship.  We will expand on this at another time (I need more details.)


The next wave of information flooding from this energy conductor between the crystalline field was about Autism.  I understood that the precious souls who have come into this world with Autism have been not only holding the energy of the higher light fields, but grounding it into our existence since their arrival. This is why the Autism rate is increasing so rapidly… it is not a disease at all… altho parents of autistic children can find it quite challenging to raise these precious children.  They have come in to break our outdated mold of so many things… communication, relationships, approaches to life.


Thru this meditation I had seen an energy released on earth that frees the restriction of the autistic mind.  I am not even sure how to describe this, I don’t even know an autistic child… so please keep that in mind in this sharing.


Their minds are wired so uniquely different from the human that we are (we are old wiring.)  We are working towards their very type of wiring within us, that these children already came equipped with.  They have a very hard time being in a lower frequency on earth, so mostly they retreat within to where their vibration matches their wiring.  That is about to change.


All I can say is I had seen like flood waters of light pouring onto the planet, completely freeing the autistic child so they can (and will) live fully and freely on earth.


The 2nd and even more surprising information came in the form of Barack Obama.  This information has such amazing detail to it, as if I was watching a Barack Obama movie unfolding at my feet.  I seen him there standing in front of me and all of a sudden a huge light wave hit him in the head.  I heard his team say “He will have a dream and wake up forever changed.”  We will be able to recognize this moment in time because his entire approach to his campaign will change.


I instantly thought about a meditation I had last week or so, where I had seen all these earth events taking place (and many are playing out right now) with the crescendo of that crazy meditation creating a massive light beam going thru the white house.  There is no doubt in my heart these events two are related.


It is funny, even now as I think about Romney, I see him in a field of electricity… like being in the reverse of a bug zapper… completely and utterly polarized and cannot move.


(Please don’t go all political on me… I am simply a visual messenger, take it up with spirit!!)


It indeed is going to be a very interesting year on planet earth!!  Game on!!

With ohhhh so much love and electrical excitement to All wrapped in buzz filled (((((HUGZ)))))

Lisa Gawlas  s


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