Lisa Gawlas ~ Overcoming The Obstacles Of Life ~ 27 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/27/2012 - 08:02

Lisa Gawlas ~ Overcoming The Obstacles Of Life ~ 27 February 2012

The one thing I have noticed over the years, when you are at the moment of greatest growth within yourself and within your life, life seems to become an obstacle course.  The more intense the growth potential, the bigger the obstacle course becomes.

We humans tho, we have a built-in justification set within ourselves.  Of course, I feel we have built-in a lot of confusing sayings into this life of ours.  We have a tendency, when the obstacles start mounting to say, well this isn’t meant to be, it should be effortless… not so!!

The universe is always seeking to ask you (and you are really asking yourself) the question… how much do you want this?  What are you willing to do to attain it?


More often than not, we talk ourselves out of it.

Yesterdays hypnosis session really put this into play for me.  Of course, it was later in the day that I really seen what took place way before the hypnosis session started.


12 people had signed up to participate in the event.  I am far from skype savvy, I thought getting everyone into the conference call would be so easy… not even!


Getting everyone in the group… super challenging.  Then once people were in the group, getting everyone online at the same time, wrought with obstacles.  We would get one person online, but someone else would be dropped.  We had run past the start time… and this just seemed like it was not coming together.  The static in skype was annoying at times.  But oddly enough, it sounded like we were all underwater.  I had spent the last 7-8 hours writing this journey directly from the guardians… I knew the ending.  We were submerged in the earths waters as umbilical fluids.  I knew there was something to this water gurgle thing at the start.  I felt it as confirmation the guardians were indeed present with us.


20 minutes past the start date and still not everyone was able to be connected at the same time… the questions started coming.  Are we supposed to do this?  Does the guardians really want this to take place.  ….Ohhhhh Hell Yeah!!  I spent 7-8 hours writing fluidly… not a miss in the communication, not a skip in the transmission… hell yeah we are supposed to do this!  We just have to pull ourselves together.


Like magic… something happened.  The static stopped… all but one person was online together, and she wasn’t feeling well so she just left.


I am always observing the environment in which I am participating within at any given time.  It is usually later, as I review it all, do I really get what transpired.  This tremendous group of super magnetic people stopped questioning and just started doing what they could on their end.  Amazing teamwork was happening.  A coming together to make sure everyone was in and on.  The moment the obstacles didn’t matter and only the purpose at hand was focused on…. the shift happened.  The effortlessness (pretty much…smile) happened.


As I was reviewing this precious moment in time that really changed me to the core… I heard spirit say, this is how a community works itself out.  Everyone coming together with whatever they can do to help.  Not focusing on being the one to stand out, just making sure everyone is taken care of.  No leaders, no followers, a partnership of the All.  Truly, I felt the shift within me.


Any obstacle is a neon sign from the universe that says, you are about to take a huge leap of growth within your life.  Become creative, focused on the outcome, not the obstacles themselves to achieve your goal.


Most importantly, send love and thanx to all the obstacles in your life.  They or it have been divinely placed, divinely triggered to be a part of your obstacle course to your next greatest aspect of yourSelf in life.


Even thru the obstacle course, the universe has set up signs along the way to be part of your cheer-leading effort, to say to you, this is exactly what you are supposed to be doing.  For me, that was the watery gurgle coming out of skype… like I said, I knew the ending of this journey.  Of course, I have been groomed by my team to notice every thing, every little thing.


My son right now is going thru the greatest change of his 29 years.  He just turned 29 this past week.  His change is wrought with tremendous obstacles and a venom of hate consistently being spewed at him.  Yet, he faces these mounting obstacles with determination and focus.  What I love more than anything, is the signs along the way… his spiritual cheer-leading team.  He and his sister went out for his birthday to a sports bar.  They had one of those crane games like you would find at a store to win stuffed animals.  Only on this night of his birth 29 years later… they crane game had live lobsters in it.  He played twice, and each time pulled out a live lobster.  What are the chances of that!!  I had to look up lobster as an animal totem, a spiritual messenger and I smiled all the way thru the reading:


I go to a site called Animal Totems A to Z because it covers just about everything and here is what Lobster medicine reveals:



Lobster, like Crab, shows how to keep protected on all levels; mental, spiritual, physical. He teaches guarding yourself with camouflage if needed along with balance and grounding. Progressing backward is sometimes needed to move forward, trust Lobster to show when and how to move into the next phase of your life. He will demonstrate how to use intuition and honing your senses. He gives you the skills to go deep into situations and hold on and/or let go if needed. Lobster’s depth of feeling will show how to work together to meet all of your needs in work, home, family and friends; truth, honesty and openness will help heal. Feel the rhythm of life for when true comfort sets in creative potentialities will be born. Lobster medicine will help growth even if it means to leave the old behind.


Always pay attention to the signs in your life, in your body, in your entire field!  His team placed him in that particular bar, playing that particular game and effortlessly he won two (not one but two!!) lobsters in a row!!    Support and communication is everywhere if we just look beyond what we think we know or see or experience!!


When we are at the crux of massive change, we tend to only look at the obstacles we now have to jump or retreat from… and that crazy phrase “let go and let god”… you are the god that is letting go… if you let go… then what?  Again, these tricky little phrases we have developed along the way can be confusing really.


Letting go is really of the fight.   When you fight against something… you are really holding all the energy potential back.  If you just move forward, focused on the outcome and doing everything that your heart prompts you to along the way… the outcome is already assured.  Just like our hypnosis event yesterday.


Being proactive is the key.  When you are focused in your heart, the obstacles don’t go away, but the ability to move thru them does become effortless.


The entire world is at the greatest growth potential of our collective history.  The obstacles will mount.  How determined are you to move thru them?


As you move thru each obstacle, be sure to send it love and gratitude for showing you just how strong you are!!

With so much love to all we are becoming… thank you for your strength and loving courage!



Lisa Gawlas


P.S. I want to take this moment and thank my magnetic sisters and brother for yesterdays profound event.  The theme of the hypnosis event was expansion and magnetic alignment to the new earth.

For about an hour or so afterwards, I was in the spin of that vortex… light-headed, seeing light.. and then…


For the rest of the day, my heart must have received one of those magnetic geometric keys because I felt it.  My back became so incredibly sore as the day progressed, starting at my heart and moving equally up and down my spinal column. I could feel the pull or stretching on both of my shoulders…


I am going to make this hypnosis event available as a download or physical CD to be mailed (your choice.)  I am giving it as a gift to anyone who purchases a reading.  Full details will be posted on my site before this day is over.

I love y’all sooooo much!!  Just…. thank you!! link to original article


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