Lisa Gawlas~A New Path Begins As The Energy Of Shambhala Releases It-Self!

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 01/16/2013 - 08:45

I swear to god, on the other side of the veil a bunch of spirits are at a betting station, wagering on how far us humans will stretch before we break!!  Just because our spiritual energy is soooo pliable it can stretch into forever, this flipping human body… not even close!!  Or at least it feels not even close.

I woke up at 1 am on January 15th with the most horrific searing pain in my left eye.  My right eye finally was starting to feel normal after weeks of hurting and swelling… but this left eye pain, just brought me to my knees.  Water was streaming down my face, forget tears.  The pain was originating from the far corner of the left side of my left eye, nowhere near my contact, yet I knew, I had to get the one and only contact I had in my eye, out.  Holy shit what a battle that was.

I keep little night lights all over the house, so when I wake up in the middle of the night I don’t have to turn any lights on to see where I am going.  These little night lights were officially blinding me.  After an hour of trying to open my eye to get my contact out and just searing pain ravaging my eye, I just sat and cried.  I reached my breaking point.  Half because I hurt so much, half because I knew… I have 5 people I am going to be rescheduling…. again, in the morning.

I fiddled with my contact for another hour and finally, pacing around my kitchen wiping the waterfall flowing from my eye and blowing my constant runny nose I screamed “Would you please fuckin help me here!!”    (Not that I hadn’t asked over and over again, subtly, during those two hours.)  I stopped in mid pace, put my fingers in my eye and popped out my contact like it was easy!  I was not amused.  I went to sleep.

I woke up super late (just before 8 am) with still searing pain in my left eye, my right eye just sealed itself shut.  I was miserable.  I had already slept thru my first appointment, I woke up with only minutes to spare before my first scheduled appointment and I can’t bear to open my eyes to allow the light of day flow thru them… and the birds needed to be fed.

I don’t care how bad I feel, those birds are not going hungry, especially since we just had an over night snow storm.  I put my sunglasses and slippers on, squinted my eyes so I can at least see where I am walking without falling… and I thought, wow, this really looks weird.  We have freshly fallen snow and it looks all brown or something, must be my sun glasses.  As I make my way into the back yard, I am realizing there is something white under this strange brown…


I made my way back in the house, took off my sun glasses, shielded my eyes from the morning light and seen the back yard was sooo brown.  What the hell is that?


brown back yard


I look out the side window, my propane tank has a covering of brown.  I go to my front yard… thinking, this is crazy, what could have possibly gotten into the snow??




It was everywhere, no part of the landscape was missing this brown covered snow.  I officially felt like i was in the middle of a sci-fi movie.  My eye still in absolute pain and the freshly fallen snow, which should be all sparkly caught a flu as well.

My landlady, who lives next door, musta been feeling my confusion over here.  She called me shortly after I took the front yard picture and said we had a rare phenomenon happen over night.  The Mesa exploded.  A huge hunk of Mesa rock came off it’s base and created an avalanche and obviously one hellofa dust storm in it’s wake.  She said I could see where it released itself because it looks like a waterfall.

I don’t care how much this is gonna hurt my eyes, I am going down to the river to explore and take pictures!!



Wait…. lets get that just a bit closer….

mesa close up


Of course, I took these pictures and uploaded them all to my facebook page yesterday.  Someone asked a question that just sent shivers down my spine.  I will get to that in a minute.  I am going to back way up in this story.

Last November 2011, when I was living nowhere (in a hotel on Virginia beach) deciding where my life needed to go next… thru meditations and readings all of a sudden the focus became on a vivid energy visual called Shambhala.   When this energy came thru in a visual, it looked like the most blazing sunrise ever seen, except it wasn’t coming out of the sky, it was coming directly out of the earth.  That is where I wanted to live.

Can you imagine my surprise when I woke up one day, out of the clear blue, knowing I MUST move back to New Mexico.  What the hell!!  I just relocated back to Virginia in August.  It was so clear in my self, that is exactly what I did… within 2 weeks, I was (in the voice of Willie Nelson lol) On The Road Again.

January 3rd, 2012 I was given the keys to this place, what I have always refereed to as Heaven.  I moved in on January 6th.  I took the very first picture of the Mesa at exactly 7:30 am on January 7th… and broke down and cried.  I knew what my camera just captured, the very images I had seen in November thru meditations and readings.


The glowing top is where I first seen the Guardians… waiting for our arrival (notice I did NOT say MY arrival, but OURS.)  The images started to change and morph thru doing the readings, understandings filling in so many blank spaces.  But it has always been the energy of our connections, our readings.  You unfold in the back yard, the back yard unfolds into you and a whole new way of reading and seeing was birthed.

And then, thru some of my own meditatons, I had seen a doorway appear.  Solid gold and huge.  I did what I could to replicate what I had seen:


But if this story just doesn’t get more interesting.  As I was looking for this above golden door picture, I seen another picture I created on Nov. 28th, 2012… with this information in the blog I posted it in:

Speaking of marveling!!  The field was ablaze yesterday!  So much so I could not see a thing on the ground at all!!  When I do readings, I do not use my physical eyes at all.  I literally put my face parallel to my kitchen floor and with intent, crank out my antenna to the back yard and “see” with that.  I was shocked to see the Mesa cliff as aglow as in the photos I have taken over the last year, but with a twist!  There was an incredible sun rising up from behind the Mesa Cliff, as the day went on, the sun was merged in the top of the Mesa Cliff to the right… or better stated, fully aligned with December.  I have created the most humble picture to give you an idea of what I had seen:

Mesa Sun

Ok the picture is real, it’s the sun that is very primitive in my replication of it.  There was an intensity, a clarity to it that was… intense.  I could see the streams of light coming from it like diamonds filling the air.  Even the center of the sun was not its usual yellow… maybe more like the clearest yellow diamond energy you have ever seen.  The light was so intense, the ground was not visible to my eye at all.

Since the beginning of January, the “ground” has not been visible yet in any of the readings.  Beneath the ash of Shambhala is snow, which, when revealed sparkles like diamonds in the sun!!

Something extraordinary happened in the midnight hours of January 15th, 2013.  For me, I suddenly felt so aligned, so part of this landscape I was not going to throw any more of a hissy fit because of the stabbing pain in my eye.

Together, as a collective, we shifted something HUGE.  Our energy, our love unfolding day after day in the Field of Life.  Our connection are so much more than readings.  I have always known that, because this body feels you… and sometimes, collapses and goes thru an upgrade because of y/our Light, how could we not be fueling the very energy of the Mesa, of Shambhala?

I spent pretty much all day yesterday in my bath tub, the only place in my home that does not have any windows, a way to shield myself from the light of day.  I was not trying to do a meditation at all, just calming the pain that was in my eye.  Silly me decided to take a Percocet aka oxycodone, thinking, it helped with the pain of surgery, surly it will help ease the pain in my eye (NOT.)  All it did was scatter my brains.  How on earth does anyone go back for seconds, forget getting hooked on these.  Maybe I just love the clarity in my mind… I don’t know.

One thing was revealed to me as I lay in my bath.  One of those huge, holy freakin shit moments, that had me sit up and wonder how I never put this together before. Dah!!

When I first started to meditate and FINALLY was able to connect with my spiritual guides, there was always two.  Jill and Ramus.  Jill (the chick who also came thru the Ouija board and kick started this path for me) and I became like best girlfriends.  We would talk and share and just have fun… even when wading thru my own shit, she always reminded me to take it Lightly, don’t get caught up in anything.  The more I communed with her, the more I soooo wanted to be like her.  She was sooo wise and so friendly and never once judged my shit (and god knows, then, I was 150% shit!!)  She appeared to be in her young 20′s.

Always present in these conversations was Ramus.  The guide I came to understand was with me since (before) birth.  What many would call a master guide.  He too, appeared to be in his young 20′s.  He never spoke a single word… at least… not for 8 solid years, but was always there.  He radiated energy in away that was so beyond words and somehow, I got him.  When I would ask Jill why he never talked to me, her reply was “He came here to teach you that actions speak louder than words.”  I will ever forget that.

In 2008, long after my “spiritual team” went from individuals into one collective voice, there was Ramus.  I was stunned!!  And even more stunned when he talked to me!  He came to tell me that I have finally learned what he had been teaching me all along… I turn what I understand into action, not talk.

2008 is also the time I started getting downloads on Shambhala.  Understandings of my collective experiences (spiritually speaking) to date and what it means in the (emerging) understanding of a new word in my world… Shambhala.

I also understood thru the years, often times, what we consider guides are truly aspects of our own Self, individuating and helping us integrate into our life what they came to present.  With Jill, it was pure friendship based in love and excitement and no judgement.  Some years ago, I realized I had become THAT.   I had always assumed that the energy I had called Ramus, also integrated into myself as action (smile.)

Until yesterday…

The greatest facilitator of my own spiritual growth comes from a masculine energy, a person who doesn’t talk to me!  Just DAH!!

Ohhhhh, I forgot to add something really really important!!  The evening before everything exploded I took a picture of the snow fall.  I really just wanted to take a picture of the Mesa completely wiped out of view from the snow, and I did, but as soon as I took that picture I was prompted within to turn to my left and take another picture…. of course, I did.  It wasn’t until I posted it in facebook did I SEE what was in that image:


Just look at those streaks of light coming in slant ways… they are a yellowish-greenish color (there is nothing in the back yard that even closely resembles that.)  What makes this so significant to me is the conversation I had with a lady i was reading in the morning.  She reminded me of our last reading content… meeting someone on her journey to Hawaii who I seen as a yellow-green energy.  He was in human form, but not from earth, an ET in a human body.

There is no doubt in my heart, those streaks of yellow-green light energy came from those who have been loving us and guiding us thru this ascension/shambhala process and filled the Field with such high energy, the Mesa Broke free… and I have a feeling… so have we all!!

There is so much more to share, but my eyes are still recovering.  Thank you dear god, I am not in pain today… but they are still straining from the computer light.  So on that note, I am going to close and pray I can “see” the field today thru readings!

I love you all so incredibly much.  Thank you for Being!!


Lisa Gawlas


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