Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 00:35




"I Want To Know God’s Thoughts…The Rest Are Details." – Albert Einstein


The 2012 ASCENSION process and beyond, involves moving out of third dimensional density into the higher frequency and vibration of the fourth and then fifth dimensions. Financial, political, and social institutions that no longer serve us are falling away. They are being replaced with better systems that will serve us well. The same is true of our bodies. We are changing from a carbon based physical nature to a crystalline light body without experiencing physical death.

 A major paradigm shift is happening from our perceived duality or separation from the Divine to a ONENESS with all that is. Earth is about to enter a Golden Age, far more wonderful than anything we have ever known before. Laws of physics demonstrate that virtually all matter, seen and unseen, is a form of energy. Lower thought forms and behaviors cannot exist in the Law of One, LOVE based, higher sequential and vibrational dimensions we are ascending into. Evil cannot exist. Nor can fear control. There are only two major emotions: fear and love. All negative emotions stem from fear and all positive from love. Fear has no place in the Ascension process, as we are being lovingly escorted into this higher vibrational energy under the direction of God, the One Supreme Being. Assistance from Angels, Ascended Masters, and officially announced, highly evolved Light beings are assisting us with every step. This "Disclosure" announcement is one of the visible aids toward our new life reality. In truth we have evolved to this point over many thousands of years. In fact a nearly, 26,000 year cycle for the planet Earth is now ending with a new beginning. While these times were foretold by many, including the Mayan calendar, the direst prognostications will not play out. Instead, we now embark on an amazing path of Heart-Centered, LOVE and ONENESS with All That Is. DIVINE LIGHT and LOVE, hope, peace, joy, health, freedom, equality, and prosperity for all will prevail. It is already seen as done in the Highest Realms. And so it is.


Beth P. Shanahan is a spiritual healer, teacher, counselor, visionary, intuitive, who was born to assist with the Ascension process and forward during these times of tumultuous change. Her life work is devoted to all who seek to raise their level of spiritual consciousness, awareness, evolvement. Her work with both people, and their animals, is the antithesis of fear. If you are seeking self-empowering, compassionate, loving, hopeful, personal guidance, you have found it here. Beth Shanahan is uniquely qualified as an accredited university degreed counselor, and a professionally trained metaphysical intuitive (psychic), energy medicine practitioner. Beth is both a full Reiki Master and a full ARCH (Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing) Master, which is a quantum leap beyond Reiki. (See ARCHHEALING.COM). Beth is also a certified Kaula - a Hawaiian word for prophet/seer. Her many professional certifications include: animal healing and communication; Other Side mediumship; grief counseling; group counseling; Ho’oponopono – a Hawaiian term for a forgiveness, love, gratitude, and transformation process; family counseling; past or present life regressions; future life progressions; Akashic record and soul retrieval; house clearings; and medical intuition. (She is also a certified Laughter Yoga leader!) A dedicated scholar of spiritual and metaphysical studies, Beth is a seeker of universal Divine truths and a leading edge thinker of high vibrational teachings. Beth is attuned to act as a conduit and channel or vessel for Divine Source Energy and Guidance. She may also receive information for you from your Angels, Master Guides, Ascended Masters, Mother Mary, Jesus, Quan Yin, Saint Germain, Archangel Michael, and more, to assist all who are open to receiving. She offers individualized counsel, spiritual tools, and insights for all issues of life, love, family, and health, including personalized work with those who are making their transition and ‘crossing over’. She is of service to ease the shift to truths now being revealed. If you are confused or anxious about the times we are living in, please know that you have found here a resource of Divine information, hope, and help.


Individual sessions are healing in nature for any and all issues, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, and assist on all levels and all realms. Personal sessions for both people and animals are available, with appointments in person (Boulder/Denver metro) or world-wide by phone, online, or via distance healing.


In her professional work, Beth Shanahan has been described as one who "breaks down the esoteric into clear layman’s terms", "a true teacher of spiritual truths", and "a Master healer". By fellow Lightworkers she has been characterized as…"a human expression of the Angelic realm!" Beth’s sincere intent is to help others with whatever will be for their highest good. She empowers others to achieve freedom from fear and anxiety with sacred wisdom imparted with kindness, compassion, and love.



  rock group, R-E-M

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