Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/13/2011 - 09:03




I am Mother Mary. It is with the greatest and deepest of love that I come to you right now to deliver this message to all of humanity. It is such a great moment for me to be here with all of you who I love so dearly.

It is my wish for all who hear this message to know of the great love we here on the Other Side have for all of you who are incarnate in the physical dimension. This love that we have for you is beyond all of your imagination. Many of us here on the Other Side have been together with you during many past lives on earth. You know our energy and you feel our presence around you today.

Many human beings are having a great feeling of confusion today and this is because you are feeling our energy around you today much more strongly than it has ever been felt here on earth. This energy is helping many people to reawaken to their Soul, to know who they truly are, and to begin to live their purpose during this incarnation. So many human beings today are asking this question, "Who am I and why am I here?" As more and more human beings become aware of their Soul, their Higher Selves, and the reality of Mother and Father God they are beginning to help other human beings to do the same. These people that I am referring to are the great teachers and the great warriors for truth. These people are part of Archangel Michael’s army.

When I speak of warriors, I am not speaking of warriors as you know them on earth, although in many ways they are the same. These teachers, warriors for truth are very brave Souls and very courageous Souls.

These teachers are on earth today fighting the battles of consciousness. They are helping to bring about the changes in consciousness that are necessary to help bring about the Golden Age here on earth. This consciousness is truly the Christ Consciousness. This is what you refer to as the "End of times" on earth, although it is not as many who are incarnate perceive it to be. The "End of times" merely means the end of one consciousness and the beginning of another consciousness. There are many human beings today who are helping to bring about this change in consciousness. I have told you before that it is through your faith and consciousness that you will grow spiritually. The change in consciousness that I am referring to is the ending of judgment consciousness and the beginning of compassion consciousness. Compassion is and always has been your true spiritual path. Compassion is your true nature and the true nature of your Soul. As more and more of humanity reawaken to this truth you will see great acts of kindness and love coming about on earth. As this occurs this opens many, many more doors and allows the great energy of love, the Divine Energy, the energy of Mother and Father God to become even stronger on the planet earth.

In the very near future, as you refer to time on earth, you will see more and more of what you refer to as "miraculous healings" beginning to happen. This will be simply a confirmation or validation to many of you of the changes that are coming about. There will be great discoveries made in your technologies that will also help this change in consciousness, from judgment consciousness to compassion consciousness, to come about.

I wish for all of you to know that we here on the Other Side clearly see the great amount of light coming forth from many of you on earth today. This is the Love/Light or energy that you all are. This is the great energy of the All That Is. It brings all of us here on the Other Side great joy and happiness as we see this light becoming brighter and brighter. We wish for you to know of the great celebration that is occurring on the Other Side. This celebration is in honor of you who are incarnate in the physical dimension right now. We all have such great honor and respect for each and every one of you. You chose this season on earth to be a part of and help bring about this great change of consciousness. We realize the great courage and fortitude that many of you have.

In the coming days, months, and years as you refer to time on earth, more knowledge and wisdom will come forth that will change many of your views or perceptions of your past history. This new knowledge and wisdom will help many to more clearly see the path they have chosen to walk during this lifetime. Many will see and understand the choices they will need to make in order to bring about this great change in consciousness. Archangel Michael and all of the other archangels are leading this great battle that is happening today. Again this battle I refer to is not as you perceive it on earth, this battle is not one fighting another, one trying to gain control over another, and in many cases one having to destroy another. These old perceptions of war will quickly fall away as many more people begin to see the true reality, the reality of Mother and Father God.

This is a very important season on the planet earth today. This is truly the planting season on earth. The seeds of the compassion consciousness have been planted and we are now seeing the great plants coming from the ground and growing more and more every day. More human beings will begin to see the great fruit coming forth from these plants of compassion consciousness. There will come a day when there will be a great harvest of this fruit for all humanity. This will happen.

It is with the greatest of love, hope, and anticipation that I have come to you tonight with this message. The great energy of love, the Divine Energy, the energy of Mother and Father God is all around you today. It is within you, it is outside of you, and many of you are feeling this great energy. Accept this energy and allow it to flow within you, through you, and outside of you. It is truly my wish for all of you who are incarnate in the physical dimension to have great happiness in your lives. This will happen as more and more of you accept and allow the reality of Mother and Father God into your consciousness. I love you all so very, very much. I am Mother Mary.


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