Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 11:07



I am Jesus of Nazareth. It is with great love that I deliver this message to my beloved. This is such a wonderful and beautiful time on earth today. All who are incarnate in the physical dimension are greatly honored at this time by us here in the Spirit Realm. We wish for you to know the great honor and respect we have for you and it is with this great honor and respect that I deliver this message to you today.

First we in the Spirit Realm wish for you to know that we are ever so close to you now and we are offering our help in any way you choose to ask for it. There will be so many wonderful and beautiful creations coming about. We wish for you to know that we are here to help you create these beautiful and wonderful creations and it is with the greatest love we offer this help. The days and months ahead will be filled with much hope and much love. There is a change in consciousness on earth today and this is the consciousness of Mother and Father God. Through this change in consciousness of Mother and Father God many will reawaken to their Soul and there will be a feeling amongst human beings on earth to have more compassion for each other.

This is the beginning of the creation of the New Earth where, one day judgment will no longer exist. Judgment is and always has been the only true sin. It is through the elimination of judgment that you will create this New Earth. This is beginning now and as this moves forward you will begin to see many changes in people’s attitudes towards the way they have lived in the past. It is already coming apparent to many of you that there is a need for change. You are realizing the importance of sharing and caring for each other. This is not only sharing and caring for human beings but also sharing and caring for all of Mother and Father Gods creations. This includes the animals, the insects, and all of Mother Earth herself.

Many of you are beginning to see much more clearly now that love is who you are and that love is who you will always be throughout eternity. There is no question that the winds of change are blowing ever so gently on earth today and these winds of change are being felt by so many. For many this may cause confusion and for some it may cause anger and fear but this will all pass. It is time now for human beings to listen to the teachers on earth who are teaching about the great love that you are and the great love that you were created by. Mother and Father God are love and you are love. It is time now to be the love that you are. It is through your love that you are going to create all of these wonderful and beautiful things on earth and it is through your love that you will create peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, and abundance for many.

In order for this to happen it will take some effort on your part. The effort that will be required of you will be for you to align the intelligence of your mind with the greater intelligence of your heart. In order for you to do this you will have to release many old thoughts and many old energies that you have within yourself. Through releasing these old thoughts, feelings, and energies you will begin to feel much more at peace within yourself. Creating this peacefulness within yourself will create peacefulness outside of you. This is what will bring great peace upon earth, as you begin to honor and respect each other for who you truly are.

It is through your faith and consciousness that you will grow. Many of the teachers on earth today are teaching the same message. Although it is different words it is still the same message. The messages coming from the teachers are telling you who you are, why you are here, and how to create for yourselves and others. These messages from the teachers are of great hope and of great love and these messages will help you to reawaken to your Soul. Once you remember or reawaken to who you truly are and reawaken to your Soul, many of the truths that are within you will begin to manifest themselves outside of you. So many of you will begin to realize the great creative ability you have. You will begin to create for the betterment of yourself and the betterment of others and this is the will of Mother and Father God.

Mother and Father God are so very close to you now. They have always been within you. This has been your connection but their energy is so strong now on earth. They wish for you to know them as they know you, as the Love/Light that you are.

In the days and months ahead a greater reawakening amongst human beings will be coming about. This is going to happen. So many human beings will be helping other human beings. For it is through the sharing with and caring for each other that you will be able to grow. Always be willing to share your experiences with others and the growth that has come about for you from these experiences. This will help to affirm to others that it is possible to grow from any experience they have during this lifetime. So many of you have thought for so long that these negative experiences you are having are to test your strength and will power and this is not true. The experiences you have been having have been created by you and now that you know this you can begin to create better experiences for yourselves. You see, you have been creating through judgment for such a long time and now it is time to start creating through compassion. Many of you know that the words I speak are true for you feel this in your gut.

I would like to say again, this is a very beautiful and wonderful time on earth. I wish for all human beings to look forward to the coming days and months ahead with great hope and anticipation. I wish for all human beings to begin to share with and care for each other. I wish for all human beings to open their hearts and to align the intelligence of their minds with the greater intelligence of their hearts. It is also my wish that all human beings know and feel the great love that Mother and Father God have for them and the great love that all of us here in the Spirit Realm have for all of you. I wish for you to know the great honor and respect that we have for you who are incarnate in the physical dimension. It is you who will bring about these great changes on earth. It is you who will bring a new consciousness to the New Earth. It is you who are our heroes. With that final statement it is with great love that I deliver this message to my beloved today. I am Jesus of Nazareth.


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