Submitted by Lia on Wed, 04/27/2011 - 06:46




I am Kuthumi, and indeed it brings me great pleasure and joy to be here today to deliver this message to all of humanity.

I wish to speak to you today of the energy of fear. So many of your decisions that you make here on earth today are based on this energy of fear. Fear can come in many forms. Fear comes only from judgment. The energy of fear is a lower vibrational energy and feelings of fear lower your vibration. When you can learn to make your decisions through the energy of love, you will be able to make decisions free from judgment and these decisions will come from the heart. When you make your decisions from the heart, your decisions will have much more meaning to you. These decisions will be decisions based on a higher vibrational energy.

I wish for you to understand one thing and that is fear is only an illusion and it is based on the illusion that there is no life after physical death. One thing that you must understand is that this physical life is merely an illusion. When you understand this, you will understand also that there is no reason for fear.

Many of you today have based your decisions in life on fear and this is where your comfort zone is. You have become comfortable in this illusion of fear. Through your fears you have even become afraid to love. Many of you are even afraid to leave your abodes and to step out into the world because you have allowed the energy of fear to command your life. It is time for you to put all of this in the past, to release this energy of fear and to feel the energy of love. The energy of love is the greatest energy in the universe. It is what commands the universe. Of course the energy of love is the Divine Energy, the energy of Mother and Father God.

When you think about it, it is really so simple, you have two choices. The choices are to make your decisions using the energy of fear or to make your decisions using the energy of love. This can be put another way, you have two choices, one choice is judgment and the other choice is compassion. You can make your decisions through judgment or you can make your decisions through compassion. It is that simple and I ask you today, which do you truly wish to make your decisions from? The energy of fear or the energy of love. When you choose the energy of love you will truly realize that there is nothing to fear, there never has been anything to fear.

The entertainment that you choose on earth such as TV, magazines, and newspapers feed you information that continually gives you feelings of fear. These things feed the illusion of fear. Fear and judgment cloud your vision. Compassion and love clears your vision. You will not see the true reality when you live in fear and judgment. You will only see the true reality when you live in compassion and love.

Many of you are asking right now, "How can I live without fear when there are so many things going on in the outside world (the world outside of you) that are fearful?" The answer to this question is within all of you. When you learn to align the intelligence of the mind with the greater intelligence of the heart, the answer to that question will become very clear to you. You will know and understand that there is no reason to fear anything. You will understand that fear commands nothing and love commands all. You will clearly see the great power of love when you make your decisions through the energy of love.

Understand that the conditions you see on earth are the conditions that you have created, you as an individual and you as a species. You have given life to this energy of fear. This is not a good or a bad thing, it just simply is. Also understand that when you realize that fear is merely an illusion, that you can move past this to a greater reality and the greater truth. The energy of love brings you to this greater reality and greater truth. This is the reality of Mother and Father God. This is the reality that you know when you are on the Other Side.

So I ask you today to see the energy of fear for what it truly is. It truly is merely an illusion, one that you have created on earth. Learn to make your decisions on the energy of love, for the energy of love truly is the only energy. No longer walk in fear but walk in love and you will see the great power in the energy of love. When you walk in the energy of love, you walk in the energy of Mother and Father God.

It is time now that all human beings raise their vibrational energy and this can only be done through the energy of love.

Through raising your vibrational energy, you will find great peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, and abundance. As you find this peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, and abundance learn to share this with others so that you can help them to find what you have found.

Right now is a great time on earth and there is a great celebration on the Other Side for this truly is the Age of the Soul. Many human beings are reawakening to their Soul and they are realizing who they truly are. When you realize who you truly are, you can no longer walk the path of fear and you see fear as the great illusion that it really is. So indeed, I ask you today to walk in the energy of love, to be who you truly are and to put the great illusion of fear behind you for it truly no longer serves you. This will bring you to a true reality, the reality of Mother and Father God. You will see the great power in the energy of love for this is truly who you are and this is what you are.

As you move forward in the next days and months, according to your earth time, you will begin to see great changes coming about. Changes not only in your self but also in those around you. This is your Soul reawakening. As you bring this more and more into your consciousness, you will see the changes that you wish to make within your self and also you as a species on earth will see the changes you need to make as a species. New ideas will come forth that will create the pathway for these changes to come about. Believe me when I tell you that this will happen. It is happening right now and it is continuing to grow. There are many teachers on earth today who are teaching this message. The more they teach this message the more they will be shown and the more others will be shown that this is the truth.

It brings me great pleasure and joy to be with you today, to deliver this message. Indeed I love all of you, I am Kuthumi.



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