Submitted by Lia on Wed, 04/27/2011 - 08:34




Hello everyone, I am Mother Mary and I am here today to speak with you more about the Age of the Soul. The Age of the Soul is the reawakening or the rebirth of your awareness of who you truly are. This reawakening comes from a Knowing. That Knowing is an understanding of who you are, where you came from, and why you are here. Through that Knowing you know and understand your purpose. You see more clearly a path you wish to walk. This is the Age of the Soul.

In the Age of the Soul there will be much more Faith [TRUST] and Consciousness. Many people will begin to understand the importance of this Knowing. There are many teachers on earth today who are bringing this information, this knowledge, this wisdom to many, many people. These teachers are showing people through their own experiences that Faith and Consciousness is the true reality. This is the reality of Mother and Father God. When you live in the reality of Mother and Father God you live the reality of love, you live in the reality of happiness, you live in the reality of peace, and you live in the reality of joy.

The days of judgment are coming to an end. This will not happen overnight but as more and more people become aware of who they truly are there will be much less judgment. This is happening now. The teachers are here and they are delivering their messages.

The Age of the Soul will bring forth many, many blessings to many, many people. In reality the blessings have always been there but the people were not ready to accept these blessings because of their judgment. As we move more and more into the Age of the Soul these blessings will become greater and greater. This is what Mother and Father God have always wished for human beings. But through the teachings over the last thousand to two thousand years human beings were taught fear and judgment. Fear of Mother and Father God. Fear that Mother and Father God judge you. This cannot be possible! It is so simple, Mother and Father God love you unconditionally. They always have and they always will.

In the Age of the Soul you will learn to be the great creators that you are and that you always have been. You will create through your love. You will create a great earth and as you call it "heaven on earth".  You will see your great powers as creators come into reality on earth. The teachers today on earth are teaching many people how to connect to Spirit through their soul. This is what the soul is. The soul is your connection and it has always been there. It has always been there within you, each and everyone of you. These teachers will teach and help many to find this to be their reality. For within you, you have always had this great power. This great power of creation and within you, you have always been connected and never separated from Mother and Father God. Your Mother and Father are always with you, each and everyone of you. They have great love for you.

As you learn to connect through your soul more and more knowledge will come to you. You must learn to ask the questions and receive the answers. The answers to all of your questions have always been right there for you, right within you. As you speak to your Higher Self and as you speak with those in spirit, you will know this to be true.

As you learn your great powers of creation you will be shown. This is your Faith. Faith is simply knowing and the Universal Law of Faith is knowing and surrendering to that knowing. When you walk in Faith, or you walk in your Knowing, you will create your wishes and desires. It is that simple but we realize it is hard for human beings to realize this because they have to analyze everything. They have to find a rationale for everything. The proof is in your faith and your consciousness. The proof is in your knowing. For what you believe brings forth your truths which creates your experiences on earth. This is the Universal Law of Cause and Effect or "Karma" as you put it.

This is what to look forward to in the Age of the Soul. Think of it as a great adventure. Look upon it as if you were a child going outside to play for the first time on a beautiful summer day. See all of the new and wonderful things that you see. Look upon this age in that way and you will have great creations.  This is your great power, this is who you truly are, who you have always been and you always will be. The earth has great things in store for you. If you treat it with honor and respect you will truly see the great beauty of this planet you live on. As you learn to honor and respect this great planet you will see the wonders that are there for you.

The Age of the Soul has this all in store for you. It is just waiting for you to reawaken, to be reborn. You are connected to everything in the universe, to everyone in the universe, and you are connected to Mother and Father God and to all Spirit. Know this connection and you will know who you truly are. You will see your purpose. As you see your purpose you will have great direction in your life. There will be much more happiness in your life there for you and this is what you all wish for. You all wish for love and happiness. It is there, it has always been there just waiting for you. Become more aware. Know that everything is within you and know that Mother and Father God are within you.


Look forward to the days coming. See things in a new light. See things as a child sees them. As you become better and better at this you will see the great beauty within you. You will see the great beauty in others and you will see the great beauty that the earth has to offer to you.

There is so much energy being sent to the earth now to help with this reawakening. Many, many people are feeling this now in their solar plexus region or what you refer to as your "gut". When you hear something that you believe to be true, you feel it in your gut. You have a Knowing. That Knowing comes from your soul, it comes from your connection to who you truly are.

So move forward with open arms to learning to know your connection, to learning to know your soul, to know your Higher Self, and to know who you truly are. Listen to the teachers and as you listen to the teachers you will see that even though they aren't using the same words and maybe not describing things in the same way but you will see that they are all saying pretty much the same thing. The teachers are on earth today to help show you the way. To help you in any way they can to have Faith and Consciousness, to help you find your direction, and to help you to find who you truly are. There are more and more teachers coming forth every day and they will help you. Ask for their help for they know their purpose is to help you. The teachers will do all they can to help you.

The Age of the Soul will be a wonderful time on earth. It will not be easy but it will happen. It will require a great leap of faith for many but as I say the teachers will show you through their own experiences the truth and the importance of Faith and Consciousness. The importance of knowing your connection. So move into the Age of the Soul with great anticipation, with great joy, and with great love.

I am Mother Mary and I love you all so very, very much.


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