~Love Party Today!~ High Energy Incoming, All Dreams Come True

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 09:15

Incoming Waves of Love are Incoming!!!! Be In Joy! Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

6/15/2012 -- Saint Louis Missouri Shakes -- Charts show it -- USGS doesn't report it


Firsthand report from South St. Louis Missouri -- at approx 1230pm CDT , June 15, 2012 (today) -- minor rumbling , rattle of windows, and a few glass items rattled on the table tops.

St. Louis seismic charts show the event, However USGS has chosen not to report this earthquake on its map/service for some reason....... again.. the chart shows it... USGS skipped it??!! Is not reporting it?!

Here is the chart:


here is a link to the node for the region with all the other charts in the area:

Use the links here to monitor earthquakes nationally and internationally:



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~Sheldan Nidle~ All About Starseeds~


In this FREE PAO Webinar, Sheldan Nidle will share his
unique knowledge about Starseeds with his listeners.

• Do you feel isolated, ridiculed, misunderstood or judged?
• Are you a Starseed? How do you know?
• How can you activate yourself?

For more information:


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/15/12 ‘Why We Are Here’




These words are symbolic that we share with you from time to time. The thoughts and expressions we share with you are not always to be taken literally, and we do see many of you taking our words too literally too often. How to decipher whether our words are presented as metaphor and simile is a matter for you to decide for yourselves. When we speak to you we wish to convey certain thoughts, certain ideas, certain concepts and certain information to you. Depending on what we wish to convey to you at a particular time changes the manner in which we may present words to you.


When presenting particular and specific information about an upcoming event or suggestions we may make to you about how to better improve upon your communications and your tasks at this time would be occasions when we would not present to you expressions through the use of metaphor, as these cases would not be a suitable arena for such a use of expression. If we, for example, would like to share with you our feelings and emotions about a particular subject, then this would be a more suitable place for the use of artistic and poetic metaphor. Do you see the difference my friends? Do you see when there is a suitable place for metaphor and other artistic uses of language and when a more direct approach through the use of language is called for?



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Hot Potato Counterfeit Cash (E300)


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David Wilcock - Love Yourself, End the New World Order


David explains how the metaphysical has a role in the evolution and revolution that is underway. The time has come to end the reign of power by those who wish to rule us by keeping us from knowing and loving our true selves, and keeping is from knowing our true power...


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Galactic Community of Souls and the Call to Dance



Galactic Community of Souls and the Call to Dance


Dancing with the stars - crystalin - site


for two days i have been sensing many different light beings , this is the message i have been asked to share


we love you so

we stand and dance  beside you

we have seen your work, your unity of love and light we have watched in awe and admiration


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Due to the Increase in Energies~Our Next Update and Finalizing the Golden Grid





Due to the Increase of Very High Energies. Our Next Update will Most Likely Be Sunday June 17th as We Process these to Share with Everyone.


Please Join US On Saturday for Our Live Internet Love Party

Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific


Here at this Link:





The Following is A Quick Update On the Grid Accomplishments

Update from Gaia Portal: Finalization of Golden Age Grids

15 Jun


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Bill Ballard ~ Official Release Of My E-Book ~ “The Great Awakening” ~ 15 June 2012



Bill Ballard ~ Official Release Of My E-Book ~ “The Great Awakening” ~ 15 June 2012

(Bill and Gillian congratulations with the new E-Book that is  free Downloadable. It is great. Thanks so much! Love and Light my friends, Lucas. )


As has been reported by Aquarius Channelings WE DID IT! “It has been confirmed by the Council of Elohim that we now have more than 144,000 people upon the Earth that are at least 5th level initiates and who have achieved and are now living in the frequency of Christ Consciousness.


Fifth level initiation is referred to as the “Resurrection”. This demonstrates full mastery over the pull of matter. We completely return to the Monad and merge with the Group I AM while retaining a physical “light body” form. This is the attainment of 5th dimensional consciousness which is characterized by the experience of oneness.



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June 15, 2012 | ActivistAwake

Beam Love Nightly Global Meditation

(June 14 through June 21)


It’s ‘Crunch Time’ and we’re issuing a call to all members of the ‘love and light’ brigade  across the globe to come together and stand in the new energies and new light of compassion and love for the cabal members.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Ron Paul Lawsuit Going Viral - Lawyers for Ron Paul - Voting Rights Lawsuit FAQ


Published on Jun 15, 2012 by


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FREEDOM PROJECT: GUILTY & CONVICTED! Former Director of Goldman Sachs Gupta convicted of insider trading - 6/15


Gupta convicted of insider trading

@CNNMoney June 15, 2012: 4:33 PM ET


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The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “You Are The Agents Of Change.” By, AuroRa Le. June 15, 2012.



The Crystal Dolphin Pod. “You Are The Agents Of Change.” By, AuroRa Le. June 15, 2012.


Welcome Us, Cousins, in happiness on this fine day.  We are alight in the glorious excitement of change.  Change is everywhere, you need only to look around you and see it.  It beckons to you.  It is in the air and it is loudly knocking at the  doorway to your heart.  Open up and allow it in.  Some of you are saying, “What?  We do not hear it knocking. Everything seems just the same to me.”  Oh this is fine, for you are simply playing the human games of denial and complacency. 



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6/15/2012 -- Saint Louis Missouri Shakes -- Charts show it -- USGS doesn't report it


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6/15/2012 -- Tornadoes in South Canada and Louisiana -- Midwest Hail / Damaging winds


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Remember Your Journey and Calling


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Sacred Heart Connection



Sacred Heart Connection

By GLR mizrah - Posted on 15 June 2012

We The Pleiadians step forward right now because we are a closer vibrational frequency to humanity than others.  We are in the 5th Dimension and as humanity and your Sacred planet Mother Earth is stepping into the 5th Dimension we are able and willing and wishing to assist those of humanity who are listening.


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New Crop Circle in Camponogara (Italy)


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Kauilapele: Transformations… A Foot at a Time…



Transformations… A Foot at a Time…

Posted on  by Kauilapele's

This photo is from yesterday. As I cane out of the water and put on my (rather old and flimsy) slippers, both feet felt achy. On the soles.

Now one month or so ago, I had a pinky toe slammed against the door jamb which put me out of action for a few days. Now, recently, I know of another of us who has had some leg/foot challenges. And today talked with another Light Worker who had a toe smash issue.

There seems to be a lot of this leg appendage foot type challenges going on. So what is all this?


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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~14~12 The Lights Momentum just Hit the High Gear


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Scientists Talk About, Inside Monsanto, The Truth.


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Scientists Discover Plants Communicate Through Sound


Not that this is a big surprise to us, but it's certainly nice to see mainstream science acknowledging this type of thing. The Universe is far more Conscious than most people realize.


"...new research, published in the journal Trends in Plant Science, has revealed that plants not only respond to sound, but they also communicate to each other by making "clicking" sounds.

Using powerful loudspeakers, researchers at The University of Western Australia were able to hear clicking sounds coming from the roots of corn saplings."

Full Story... (medicaldaily.com)


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Earthrise is here on June 15th, 2012 with a special report.

June 15th, 2012 Today's Earthrise special report is asking a question about Nik Wallenda. Nik Wallenda just performed an amazing sunt over Niagara Falls today. He walkd n a steel cable going from the United States of America to Canada. It was about a third of a mile walk.He mentioned while going over Niagara Falls saying the word FatherGod. He was preaching God after. He said that diven intervention was happening where he was. He also mentioned that never give up on your dreams. I have video of him saying the word FatherGod. I need to review the video I took. The quality of the video is poor. I will review the videoand post as soon as possible. Readings about him were so positive. He had so much positive energy. The world was watching him today! The question I have for anyone reading this for the Earth Allies, Galactic Federation of Light, and everyone else; Is Nik Wallenda a Earth Allie that is coming up to the surface of everything going on NOW? I am asking the Earth Allies if they know of him and if he is an Earth Allie. The readings were going off the chart when I felt his energy. Earthrise is here NOW!

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Meltdowns, New Focus Identities and Evolving-Door Realities: Answering Spirit’s Call to World Service



Meltdowns, New Focus Identities and Evolving-Door Realities: Answering Spirit’s Call to World Service
by GLR DL Zeta

It has been said we are never given a challenge we don’t have the resources to handle. While it is wise to have faith in one's self, it also helps to understand the inner workings of consciousness that allow us to move through seeming obstacles with ease, confidence and grace of spirit.

This understanding is especially helpful now as we encounter unparalleled winds of change carrying us to new and uncharted realms of our being where we daily come face to face with situations that seem to stretch us to the limit. During times of quantum change, we may experience major underpinnings of our lives falling away. Relationships may end, careers crash to a screeching halt; other life circumstances may transform themselves with such speed and precision it is as if the road ahead of us crumbles before our eyes.


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Power Path ~ New Moon/Solstice Update June 19, 2012 with Pat Liles



Power Path ~ New Moon/Solstice Update June 19, 2012 with Pat Liles
by GLR Lena Stevens

Dear Friends,
New moon is Tuesday June 19 at 9:02 AM Mountain Daylight Time. This is followed closely by the Summer Solstice on June 20 at 5:09 PM Mountain Daylight Time, one of the most powerful transition times of the year. This is a highly energized and highly creative time of maximum growth potential. Ask for miracles, be in community, pray, be in gratitude, in love, in full bloom. Definitely be around beauty and in an environment that deeply inspires you.

Stay away from conflict and what you know to be a lower vibration. Whatever you are doing at this time it should feel really good. Every breath you take should take you into a higher centered space. Open yourself up to Vision that will help organize your creativity in the direction spirit wants to take you. This time offers a portal to a higher expanded sense of self. Let go of the small contracted provincial thinking and perception of the fearful false personality and allow yourself to dream big. As long as you are aligned with spirit, your dream will flourish and take flight.


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The Solar Wave ~ June 20th Summer Equinox



The Solar Wave ~ June 20th Summer Equinox



The Solar Wave Countdown to the 2012 Shift of the Ages
This is a Joyful Invitation to Participate in an
Unquenchable Spiritual Evolution!
This is a call to ALL Light Workers and Way-Showers,
Mystics and Sages, Masters, Saints and Angels!
to participate the Great Grand Mother of all Ancient Count Downs.
YOU are being called .... YES YOU ! ... to join the long awaited
Grand Universal Synchronization Celebration ... a Spiritual Pandemic ...
a Conscious Revolution of the ONE HEART.
Are you ready to raise up your hands, hearts
and wings to create a better world?
It is YOUR TIME to SHINE to create a new world!

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Cosmic Vision News - June 15th


Listen to internet radio with InLight Radio on Blog Talk Radio

CVN Show Summary With Links

The full summary with all links can be found here: 

The short summary:

1.  Defrocking The Vatican

2.  Euro News And Possible Cabal Surrender

3.  Galactic Disclosure at Olympics in London?

4.  Breaking 3D Addictions - Thinking Ridiculously

5.  Hydrogen Peroxide - Miracle Cure?

6.  Colostrum - Another Miracle Cure?

7.  Information On Starseeds - Sheldon Nidle

8.  Meditation for Bill Brockbrader And Cabal Surrender

Music for show:  Back To The Future ( Universal Studios - 1985 )




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What is Ascension Really Like?



by GLR Patricia Dietz

What does ascension really mean? I don't KNOW for sure but I can ponder it. Maybe it means rising above the chaos and confusion of the world we live in. Living detached from the noise. Listening to and following our heart guidance at all times.

We are in the world, interacting inside it, but we are not chained to the dramas. We interact inside them, but from a different perspective, with our eyes wide open. We are in control of our thoughts, actions, attitudes, feelings, but we do not control them. We trust them and allow them to flower inside us.

We don't have many worries. We KNOW that we are being guided through life by a perfection that exists beyond our understanding. We've learned to allow the natural flow of life to carry us from one day to the next. We accept that human life is imperfect, and yet inside that imperfection all is perfect.


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The Mystery Nibiru lights that appeared next to a passenger plane in Australia and in California : The Full Report



The Mystery Nibiru lights that appeared next to a passenger plane in Australia and in California : The Full Report..

Crop Circle's appear at Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire on 6.09.12 that match the Mystery Nibiru lights that appeared next to a passenger plane in Australia and in California : The Full Report
10 June 2012 09:19:51

Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire. Report 9th June

ATTENTION BREAKING NEWS!! : 6.9.2012 Crop Circle's at Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire ... new article just posted on 6/10/2012!

Images by : Lucy Pringle and Carter Wright June 9th 2012


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Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael June 16 2011


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North Korean film exposes Western propaganda - Part 1 of 10


The value of this series lies in its intent to expose truth of our enslavement. As with everything, it may our may not resonate. My intent is to help with enlightenment.


"I have been contacted by the Police and asked to go in for an interview tomorrow (June 16) and discuss how I came into possession of this documentary. On legal advice I am posting this statement: on a recent trip to visit family in Seoul I was approached by two North Korean defectors with a request to translate a film. The following day I met with them and they handed me a disc with a copy of the film, which they said had recently been brought into the country by a defector new to their group. They asked me to translate the film and "make sure the world saw it" and an agreement was made to protect their identities (and mine). Despite my concerns about what I was viewing, I proceeded to translate and post the film here because of the extraordinary content. As I have posted earlier, I don't believe this film was ever intended for a domestic audience. I believe the 'defectors' specifically targeted me because of my reputation as a translator and interpreter. The fact that I have continued to translate and post the film in spite of this belief does not make me complicit in their intention to spread their ideology. I've chosen to keep posting this film because - regardless of who made it - everyone should see it for the issues it raises. Please share the uploaded parts while it's still on YouTube. I believe it is my right to share this film and that is what I will tell the Police tomorrow.

Thank You,



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All my love to everyone and here is something to make you smile! The Mizzone Brothers..., with the youngest boy (9 years old) on the banjo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7MoWPTeYS4&feature=youtu.be LOVE Shannon

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STARDUST 12.6.12



12.6.12 - I sat for communication and sent golden light coursing through my body.  I visualised roots going down deep into earth and sent healing light through them like torches into the caverns.  I am chanting the ohm beneath the earth where the waterfalls and the rivers flow and the enchanted ones come to listen and to join in.  Ohm . . . Ohm . . . Ohm . . !

I was filled with purple light and could see the outline of a person surrounded in white light; I feel it is me but I have a bald head - I have no hair at all. These words came strongly:- 

I am perfect - I am pure - I am Holy. 

We speak to you of ‘Mother Earth’ we sing her praises. 

At this point there was such a commotion outside that I opened my eyes and saw three huge black Crows or Ravens – keepers of sacred text!  I kept my eyes open and continued.


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Heavenletter #4222 How to Work Wonders


Heavenletter #4222 How to Work Wonders, June 16, 2012 

God said: 


Be true to love. Be a supporter of love. Back love. Love rules. If you want to command the Universe, then love, for love is the way. Love is the only way. Love is vast. Power and control are not the strong arms the world sees them as. Next to love, power and control wither away. You may protest that you have not seen this or even heard of it, and yet I tell you that power and force wither before love. There are no two ways about it.

If you have not seen what I say, you have not been looking. Actually, you have seen it. You have read it. The grouchiest nastiest man will melt when a baby smiles at him. The baby's smile, the baby's generic love, the baby's happiness at seeing him wins him over.


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“Right Wing” Murdoch Asked Blair To ‘Speed Up’ Iraq War



“Right Wing” Murdoch Asked Blair To ‘Speed Up’ Iraq War

2012 JUNE 16
Posted by GLR Stephen Cook

Rupert Murdoch previously told the Leveson inquiry: 'I've never asked a prime minister for anything.' Photograph: Mike Theiler/EPA

“Right Wing” Murdoch Asked Blair To Speed Up Iraq War

Stephen: Now the real truths start to tumble… Under pressure from US Republicans, a “very right-wing” Rupert Murdoch asked former British PM Tony Blair to accelerate Britain’s involvement in the Iraqi War.

Eh? I thought he said he had “never asked a British prime Minister for anything”.  Yet here it is, tabled in evidence at the Leveson Inquiry, that he was war-mongering.

So, a media mogul was instructing a nation’s leader to ‘go to war’? Deplorable. And yet I’m not surprised to hear this. In fact, I’m relieved. It’s now out in ‘the open’ for all to hear -  and I’m very ready for more truths to be exposed. I can handle it; as I expect – deep down – you can, too.

(FYI – Alastair Campbell was Blair’s Director of Communications and Strategy.)

Rupert Murdoch pressured Tony Blair over Iraq, says Alastair Campbell

By Nicholas Watt, The Guardian – June 15, 2012


Rupert Murdoch joined in an “over-crude” attempt by US Republicans to force Tony Blair to accelerate British involvement in the Iraq war a week before a crucial House of Commons vote in 2003, according to the final volumes of Alastair Campbell’s government diaries.

In another blow to the media mogul, who told the Leveson inquiry that he had never tried to influence any prime minister, Campbell’s diary says Murdoch warned Blair in a phone call of the dangers of a delay in Iraq.


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Fast Moving Solar Plasma Cloud Heading Toward Earth



Fast Moving Solar Plasma Cloud Heading Toward Earth


Ascending Star Seed | June 15 2012

Info From SIDC – RWC Belgium 15 Jun 2012, 1202UT

A fast solar plasma cloud – coronal mass ejection or CME – erupted into the direction of the Earth on June 14. The cloud was associated with a long duration M1.9 flare peaking at 14:35UT. The cloud was first visible at 14:09UT in STEREO B/COR2 images. A speed estimation based on STEREO B COR2 images, gives a value above 1000 km/s. This means that the shock preceding the plasma cloud might arrive within 2 days. We expect also the cloud itself to arrive at Earth. This CME might catch up with the CME of June 13. We expect the arrival of this cannibalistic phenomenonfor late June 16, early June 17. Geomagnetic disturbances are possible. The geomagnetic conditions at the moment are quiet. The sunspot groups that were responsible for the flares of the past days, persist in flaring in the C level. Another M-flare is possible.


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Our dreams and yours are coming to fruition now. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



 Spanish     Portuguese


This morning we will speak with you about the abilities you are trying so hard to manifest.  You have equated the ability to see and hear with your spiritual eye, and other things such as moving objects or lucid dreaming, with your spiritual progress.

It is true that those who are a bit further along on their paths have many of these abilities.  It is true also, that intention and practice may allow you to gain many of them.  There is nothing wrong with such efforts.  Allow us to point out, however, that at his time, there might be more beneficial things to center your attention upon.  Clearing past grievances and fears would be one.  Learning unconditional love for all around you would be another.  Simply intending moment to moment the ascension of yourself and your world might be the most beneficial of all.  For if these were the things upon which your minds were centered, all the rest would fall into place as a matter of course.  Never having given any thought to it, you would find that you were experiencing these things when needed.


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COMEDY CIRCLE: Keiser Report: Con Games Go Global (E301)...


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Unknown Light Artist

Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago and was taught by him as a universal remedy for universal ills, i.e., an Art Of Living.


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It's Time To Wake Up - We Are All One


Please share this video, far and wide! Modern Science is now beginning to confirm what Spirituality, Philosophy, Sages, Ancient teachings and psychedelics have been saying for millennia, that the entire Universe is One and that what we think of as "reality" is just an illusion.. And the only real thing in the Universe is Consciousness.

"If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet." ~ Niels Bohr


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Sheldan Nidle – All About Starseeds – A Free Webinar – 16 June 2012


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Zooey – On Making Choices – 16 June 2012



Zooey – On Making Choices – 16 June 2012

We are LoveLike many of you, I watched the Bill Brockbrader interviews with wonder and amazement. However, there’s one thing he said that struck me most of all: he suggested that, as we play out this year, the people of the world would start to make the same choice.

I’ve thought about that a lot.


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