Love, Relationships and more

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/17/2012 - 21:03

Greetings all,

Look at the Sky - LuasDeAlmeida - site

Been a while since I last posted. I have been dealing with a break up in my marriage to a very unconscious person whom I have kids with, own land and a house with etc. etc.


I consciously allowed myself to be affected by this, I consciously dropped out and have not been active in my work here on the press and my spiritual self. I did this not because I don't know what is real and what really matters. I have been dealing with many telling me I am delusional and all the things having to do with that. But I did not do it because I have doubt, I did it because part of me felt I should be mourning this, I allowed myself to bend to her level in some ways and was effected by her negativity. I went out east to make money and had to deal with unconscious persons doing this. I became depressed in many ways, played a silly game to pass time...I had some issues I needed to deal within my own consciousness obviousy, which lead me to turn my back on that which makes me trully happy. It has not been fun, I do not recomend it. I ask for your forgiveness and understanding and ask the same from my true self, my creators and the Source of all Life. I know forgiveness is not nessasary from the latter for I am Loved and Love no matter.


As I am writing this I have a rib out of place and it is very uncomortable and impossible to take a deep breath, it is very painful and difficult to fully connect. I have been running around doing what I can to get things in order that I may remove myself from this sorrow and having to deal with this negativity from someone I care about but do not like and can hardly stand being around. I have no hate, even with all the seeming mistakes I have been making, I am full of Love.


As I have been driving around this last week I have noticed some interesting thing's. It seems like many areas are being sheilded from the intense energy's flooding the planet. I have noticed this as I am driving across the southwest this past week. I am very sensitive to energy's, I feel all around me, plants, people, animals etc. What I have felt is nothing in some areas and intense Love filled energy in others. 


I don't quite understand why this is, the only answer I get from within is some area's are strongholds of the enemy of man and Love and have few or no Light Worker's living there. In my travels I had to go deep into the enemy's realm "Las Vegas" that was a real eye opener, another thing I do not Being the empath I am, it was difficult thing to experience, made my heart weap.


One of the issues I have been dealing with is the full aceptance of who I Am and what I am a part. It is a funny thing having all your dreams come true, your whole life finaly making sense and having all that you have hoped for given to you and much more. I am just about there and will soon step into my full being and act accordingly, I can no longer deny myself in any way, time to step up and into my full being. I will no longer turn my back, I will no longer waste any time, I can no longer do this.


As I was driving home yesterday with my oldest daughter, just south of Sacramento there was a couple little clouds and within myself I asked my ships to present. "I do this on occasion" within the next hour the sky clouded up and lo and behold as we passed Sac. there was 8 or 9 cloud ships, I knew they would present they always do, I waited until I knew that my daughter noticed them, then I told her I called them in and my true self was their Captain, they were stationary as other clouds moved and she commented how she was wondering why they were shaped so, different than the normal clouds that now filled the sky, she also noted how they did not move with the rest of the clouds. She was in somewhat disbelief and I told that I would dismiss them for her. I did within and the clouds surrounding them just fell like rain and were gone. She was amazed to say the least but was still in disbelief a bit, so I asked that a bigger one would present and I was told that we would see it while driving on the 101 which was over these mountains that separated the coastal mountain range and the valley. 


As we drove over the mountain range the clouds dispearsed and the sky was clear, no clouds to be seen except some chemtrail clouds. As we got to the 101 we kept looking up to see what I told I was told and nothing. As we entered our home town we drove around this bend and there it was 4 times bigger than the other's and all by itself majestic looking the sun was setting and the bottom was lit up a firery orange and pink the top dark classic cloud ship shape and a few miles in width and a mile high ? hard to say exact size. She went in the grocery store to get a few things as I communed with the ship from within thanking them. She came out of the store and it was still there as we started to head home, she said she no longer has doubt. She came out of the store at closing 9 pm we hit the road by 9:02 drove to where the road splits into 4 lanes for a couple miles, when the road became two lanes again all the sudden a road that was 3 miles past my road appeared, we said woah where are we? and looked at the time it was 9:17. We looked up and the sky was clear, no clouds. So we turned around, we were like WOW!!! lol we got to my road and drove up the mountain a bit and checked the sky, it was clear only a couple little wispy clouds.


I have that happen to me meditating often, sit down to meditate, think I am doing it for a few min's only to find 2 or 3 hours went by, but it was the first time driving!!


That is all for is ready and I am hungry.


I Love you all,


World Bridger 

Oneness <3



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