Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/24/2011 - 06:09



I am your loving Father, I am Father God.

This is such a glorious and wondrous time that humanity is moving in to on the planet earth. My will and the will of many human beings are becoming one and the same. It has always been my will for human beings to share with and care for each other and this is compassion. It has never been my wish for humanity and human beings to judge one and another.

Today I am seeing great acts of compassion by many human beings and this brings great joy to me. It is now the season on earth for human beings to reawaken to their Soul, to know who they truly are, and to know your Mother and I for you are truly our children. It is time for human beings to realize who they are and to know themselves in their Divinity. As I am a Divine Being, you are Divine Beings also. This has always been true. As Divine Beings you know that you are deserving and that you are enough love, for it is love that you truly are. Your Mother and I love you unconditionally and this simply means without conditions. Your Mother and I do not judge you, we never have and we never will. When you know your Mother and I as the love we are you will know your selves as the love you are also. Love is who and what you are. Compassion is your true nature and this is why I say it is my will for human beings to share with and care for each other. This is being the love that you are. When you have faith and consciousness, you will know this to be true.

Your Mother and I are in the heart of each and every human being. This is where you will find us when you seek us. You will not find your Mother and I in the ego mind, for the ego mind only knows the experiences you have had during this incarnation. It is through the heart we are connected. You are a part of your Mother and I and we are a part of you. We are all connected.

I am seeing today more and more compassion and kindness between one human being and another human being. This is where you are all going, this is the change that is coming about. Judgment will no longer rule on earth. Compassion comes from the heart, comes from the Soul for this is the true nature of the Soul. I am beginning to see greater and greater compassion being shown between human beings on earth today. This is a great thing. This is the way it was always meant to be on earth. As you move forward in what you call time on earth this compassion will become stronger and stronger in many human beings. By the way, time is merely an illusion that you have created on earth. You have created what you believe is a past, a present, and a future. Time is merely an illusion, this will be a topic for another discussion.

This is truly the Ago of the Soul and many, many human beings are beginning to reawaken to their Soul. Human beings are showing more and more faith and consciousness and this is so wonderful. This is the season for you to know your Mother and I. We have never wished to be worshipped, we have always wished to be known. It has always been that simple. We wish for you to know us as we know you. This is the season that more and more human beings will open up their consciousness to your Mother and I. This is the season that your Mother and I have been waiting for. As we come more and more into your consciousness there will be greater peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, abundance, and love for all. This is what your Mother and I have always wished for human beings and for all of humanity.

Many human beings are feeling fearful, for they feel the change that is coming about. Many human beings will question others motives in order to try to judge them in some way. Do not question others motives. Simply accept this compassion and allow it to be. There will be a season on earth when judgment will come to an end, this will happen. This is the beginning and compassion will become stronger on earth. You are feeling much stronger the energy of your Mother and I on earth today. The strength of this energy will continue and it will grow.

This, the Age of the Soul had to come about for human beings to be able to move in to the Golden Age. Human beings today are feeling much more strongly the urging of the Soul and many human beings are following these urgings. Do not look at change through the eyes of fear and judgment, look at change through the eyes of compassion and love. Change is always good. Many human beings are bringing in to fruition their mission and life plan. There are many teachers upon the planet earth today and these teachers are beginning to speak out more and more. It is time for human beings to release the old energies of judgment, fear, anger, hatred. Release these energies and give them their freedom to seek and find their own resolution. Open your hearts and your minds to the new energies, to the new way. Through this you will see great changes on the planet earth. Gaia has so lovingly given to you all that you need to live as human beings. Gaia continues giving to you and she always will for this is her purpose. Her purpose is to support life and to give life.

The day is coming very, very soon, that human beings will move from the Age of the Soul and in to the Golden Age. I ask you today to bring Spirit into your consciousness, to bring your Mother and I into your consciousness, and to know who you truly are. You are all truly Divine Beings and you truly are our children. Know that you are deserving and that you are enough. Please share with and care for each other. Love each other and know that you are all family. Your Mother and I love you all so very much and we wish for you to be happy. Know that we are so very proud of you, know that we love, and know that we walk with you. The season you are in now on earth is such a wonderful and glorious season. This is the Age of the Soul and the time of reawakening. You are all creators as your Mother and I are creators. Life truly is the purpose of love and you are the purpose of your Mother and I.

I wish for all of you to know that your Mother and I love you so very, very much and we are always with you. Please have a happy incarnation and share with and care for each other. And above all love each other. I am your loving Father, I am Father God.


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