Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/25/2011 - 15:54




The ones who are hearing the call at this time have set this "awakening" to correspond with this exact gridwork clock...
As the people awaken from within and "tune in" to the higher frequency consciousness, the planet itself shifts in a parallel manner. The earth grid lines, and the light grid within the human body work together....

The... shift in poles and dimensions has arrived...
The events are in motion and the wheels are turning... It is like cogs within a clock as this has triggered a sequence of events necessary to lift the density of the planet to higher vibrations...


The clock is set
the alarm is going off..
Incorporate all aspects of yourself into one
focalized ray of light..
you and many others are one "wheel"
in the clock---
You are all moving into alighment for the "world series" so to speak--
You have chosen this and knew exactly what you were doing... You will use eons of wisdom to continue forward...
When you stay in the NOW, you have access to this information (for it exists only in the LIVING MOMENT/NOW MOMENT)--- the grid is alive (but only in the "CURRENT" moment...

the- NOW- is a ~~~"Current"~~~
thus (current moment)...

You will be depending on your multisensory input, much more than your physical input as you now do...

Fine tuning these skills early on is crucial to being able to use them in times of chaos and stress... you will be more
effective by learning to control these forces...

It is in this period that time will cease to exist... the concept of time as set up in your current physical existance will
shift into a more fluid reality..

time is a part of the veil that must be lifted in order to understand the true nature of your existence...
this shift in ages is happening now,
and it will be "felt" even more in the coming days....

The people of the earth have been shielded from their cosmic brothers and sisters
because the density of the earth is not a welcoming vibration to them...
the human consciousness has forgotten their identity and not recognizing these deeper realities...

the time period we are leading up to is literally like the world series...
this is a
p ------in consciousness that requires all
participants to maximize whatever resources, knowledge, and ability to shift energy
In what ever way possible...

the means to do this are being planned and executed according to divine order...
this "Game" has to be played out, for humanity has generated this with their collective will...

the "network" in the cosmic sense
is looking into this level of reality for much is to be learned from shifting in this way...

as we have emphasized the wheels
are in motion and as the clock strikes this critical mass threshhold it is like the ------clock stops-----

it will appear as though the earth has stopped spinning on its ---axis---
and indeed that is the case...the polarity shift is exactly what it sounds like----
as the magnetic forces in the earth's iron core are GRINDING to a halt
the surface of the earth will feel great tension caused by this...

think of an hourglass,
it seems as
sand at
the end goes out
faster than when it is full...
it is symbolic of how time in this dimension is simply running out...
-NOT- it in the scary way, but in the way
like we are shifting into a new paradigm
and shifting our conceptial interpretation of time...
time appears to have sped up...
once the sand has emptied out,
the hourglass is flipped over...
............the pause in between.....
is what makes it feel like time has stopped...
nothing has changed really as time is imagined concept
it is when we focus
on time that it exists...

in this physical realm, time is an agreed upon psychic projection that humans have agreed to perceive...

in day to day interactions, stay in tune with your higher vibrational self...
the beings you interact with on a day to day basis are going to shift as you shift..
it is impossible to stay in sync with vibration that is not in sync with your own...
some that you know will be reaching out to you
to feel light...
you are reminded to not take things so seriously that you forget to live lightly...
this is the greatest gift you can give your fellow beings... we all need positive, funny, light people in our lives...
the jokester brings everyone light...
the studies, ideas, and information are secondary...

growth in the days to come will be experienced in leaps and bounds by all...
those that resist growth will have even more thrown at them...

all are transition in...
going into
"high gear" is a way to look at it...
the human race is hitting critical mass
on their way to this giant ---leap in evolution/consciousness---
at a speed unparalleled in history...
those on the leading edge are literally paving the way for others to follow...
the vibrational frequency of those on the leading edge is pushing the density of the planet forward..

we must remain focused at all times to these inner pathways of light
as they are leading mankind into higher vibrational levels of existance...

here is one key to this transformation...

Be in the now at all times...
all will blend and start to manifest and flow into oneness... you will need that kind of foculized energy to go "throught the eye of the needle"
various civilizations have made their way, and now these feelings are growing and spreading like a wildfire in the deepest parts of your psyche
which is connected to your sisters and brothers in this realm and others...

you have the instructions within you to make this transition.

It is possible to exist in two realities at once. You must remain tapped in to the higher channels and in constant communication with the higher self, yet have your feet planted in the Earth...

It is not enough to do one or the other...

The cleansing of the planet will take place in various stages... the forces of light are aware of the tactics of the forces attempting final last ditch efforts to remain in
control over the earth.

It is not allowed to happen, and in this time the total Galactic forces are fully present in order to assist lightworkers to maintain clarity and in control of their actions when the upheavals and chaos intensify.

These upheavals
must happen, as it is one final bridge that must be crossed in regard to the movement of matter to spirit...

The beings that have practiced and mastered staying in tune and staying focused will be the ones who help the others to remain calm.

Remember, the most important thing to do is to remain calm and connected. It will be urgent not to panic with the masses.

You are being given the imformation now and at this time in order to share it wih others who will be in similar situations and are at particular points
of awareness and can comprehend such concepts...

Above all, remember it is like a game, and it must be played out entirely...
The more playful you approach these changes,
the quicker you will accelerate and thus help to accelerate the planet as a whole.
The information is correct (although the numbers vary) that one person maintaining a high vibration can counteract thousands who live in fear based paradigms.

It is their fears made manifest that are feeding energy into these last ditch efforts being planned by the polar opposites.

Fear feeds these forces...
They then Must be activated,
as human ~~thought crystalizes into materiality~~~
it is a law of the universe that thought creates reality...
Now these fear based thoughts must come into the physical realm and be played out...

Just remember it is a game

see manifestations of fear for what they are, and you will not be affected by them...

The soul (in its conscious form) will do anything to remove these blocks that keep the illusion intact..

It will bring deep ingrained fears to the material level so that they can be worked out and released...

This is cathartic for the spirit/soul body because by releasing the fear, the block is removed...

It must be done in this way....

The "lightworkers" as some call them, are scattered around the planet
and must "brace" themselves where they are at and where they stand...

they must follow their inner guidance and instinct to be where they will be able to maintain the highest vibration...

there are no accidents in placement as divine order placement is like putting an antanea on a television
and has to be angled correctly to pick up the transmission....

These beings are like cell/radio towers that pick up and receive, as well as transmit light in their specific local...

Such an event of such proportions has not been done in this way anywhere in our universe... It is absolutely necessary
to stay "grounded" both as an electrical analogy, as well as emotionally...
The amount of light you can hold for the planet at that time
is directly proportioanal to the amount of light you have allowed yourself to grow into
It is important to remember this at all times that "you are the light"
and the higher forces of light need channels through which to pour even more light...




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