Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/29/2011 - 08:03




March 27, 2011

I haven’t posted much during March 2011 because I haven’t had much of anything nice to say. During my thankfully rare periods of this I go into self-imposed exile until I get myself back to a better place emotionally. Soon I’ll master this reactionary business and will exist within Center constantly. Until then however, this is me repeatedly learning about how energetically falling out of the eye of the storm feels, looks and works.

For many of us it’s been extraordinarily difficult these past six months, with March 2011 blasting everything for everyone everywhere into the Ninth Wave final stages of completion. I knew this potent transition into the Ninth Wave—and all that goes along with it—was coming just as you did, but intellectually knowing something vs. actually being in it and living it are two very different things as many of us are currently experiencing…yet again. Because entering the earlier Eighth Wave was monumental for me because it was the start of my biological Ascension Process, I assumed the start of the Ninth Wave would be equally intense yet in different ways and so far, it certainly has been.

As most of my readers know I don’t paint things in angelic-like pink glitter fluffiness. If it’s difficult and Dark then it’s difficult and Dark. If it’s amazing and full of Light then it’s amazing and full of Light. It’s all the same Process to me; integrating, resolving and evolving/ascending beyond 3D polarity and polarized consciousness into the 5D Center or Unity or High Heart consciousness and being. It’s not an easy or attractive Process and we don’t always look, feel or sound like we’re dipped in cosmic sparkling fluffy Love n’ Light fabulousness while actually living The Alchemical Ascension Process in-body! So, for those who are used to getting your ascension-related information coated only in warm and fuzzy loving sweetness and Light, then you’ll probably find what I sometimes say and how I say it rather coarse, harsh, or even repulsive.

That’s because I say what I do from within the Process in a physical body, and not channeling some non-physical Being whose not living it in this dimension as we are. Focusing entirely on only one-half of this Process is foolish and dangerous; focusing too much on the opposite half is equally foolish and dangerous. In a polarized world and consciousness it’s a minuscule razor’s edge between these two, but that’s what polarity resolution in 3D physicality is all about and not many can traverse that difficult Path and not repeatedly get cut deeply before their Transformation is fully complete.

I had negative non-physical beings (the Dark Ones) attacking me and mine with final-phase last-minute intensity starting back in October 2010. We dealt with it because there’s nothing else to do but deal with it and learn what you can from the negative, polarized experience. By February 2011 these attacks from the non-physical Dark Ones changed their tactics as they often have during my lifetime, and began using and directing certain physical humans to do their attacking of me in another attempt to derail me, slow me down, distract me, shut me up, and/or preoccupied.

I’ll confess that it worked for a few days as I dealt with those people and their energies directed at me and my reactionary emotions to their actions. (Oh to be completely free from this emotional reactionary junk!) After this of course came the great need for me to get myself back to Center…yet again. (You wouldn’t believe how often this tactic has been and still is used by the non-physical Dark Ones where they use certain humans against other certain humans for very specific reasons. And of course the really amazing part is that the people who are used and manipulated by these Dark Ones are never consciously aware they’ve been used to stop, derail, slow down, side track, wound, harm and attack a human Starseed/Lightworker carrying Light.

Then March 2011 arrived and the energies shifted back into full-on here comes the Ninth Wave energies that are seriously launching the Light beings and people one way, and the unwilling-to-change Dark beings and people in another direction. Then Mother Nature had 9.0 muscle spasm and the planet and reality changed in mere minutes…again…and people’s hearts felt things at a very different level than what they’re used to. I felt the Dark Ones shift their focus due to the Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor problems.

They suddenly had great numbers of people producing new fear, physical and emotional pain, chaos, suffering, shock, trauma, and more fear which is the Dark Ones favorite food and fuel source. I am NOT saying that the non-physical beings or physical human Dark Ones caused the 3-11-11 Japan earthquake, because from what I’ve perceived they did not create it or any other earthquake. What I am saying is that due to the tremendous fear, pain and chaos the Japan quake naturally caused in much of humanity, these Dark Ones had a boost of lower frequency emotional energies to feed from.

So, yeah, it’s been rough lately on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions and I know there’s more to come because many of the Dark Ones and humans simply won’t easily or quickly relinquish all they’ve had for so long. The Reptilian owned and operated humans like Gaddafy and so many other human leaders around the world including the USA, won’t give up their power/control/money/fame as quickly and easily as some already have and others soon will. Watch how this unfolds in America because our time for this has arrived.

I’m going to share this next bit but do NOT want to add to the fear levels in any way. This is why most of us Lightworker Seers do NOT publicly share what we see or sense because too many people who don’t understand fixate on it in a lower frequency way; spread disinformation online; produce more fear energy over it that only feeds and prolongs the Dark Ones and makes more energy work for us exhausted Lightworkers to then have to transmute! Our hands are tied with these types of matters so we usually only hint at certain potential or strong probabilities that may manifest physically.

I’ve been sensing that $$$ money will do something unpleasant again in late April and into May 2011 here in the USA. Also that the  2011 June Summer Solstice energies will trigger another potent round of Earth Changes and typically be another intense period of shifting for all of us. However, these probable events are not set in stone because opened hearts and Conscious Creating can change much, redirect much, and greatly reduce much that needs to happen.

In no way is the USA exempt from what’s happening so obviously in certain other countries, but it will unfold differently here because the illusion of freedom is so much more complex and well-developed in this country. Our dictators won’t give up their power and control willingly either and Americans (and other countries) need to consciously see this and make the needed changes within themselves. It’s take your power back time around the globe and in some cases it will happen rather quickly and painlessly, while others will resist, fight, and typically create as much spin and BS as they’re capable of.

How do you and I stay in higher Center in the eye of the storm while the patriarchy collapses around us and the Earth continues to quake and spew worldwide? We learn to remain in our High Hearts—aka Unity Consciousness—and let fall and shift all that absolutely must during 2011. We also are learning to perceive from a higher viewpoint, as our Higher Selves do, where we realize that every human death is Divine and perfect for that soul at that time on multiple levels for both itself AND for the rest of humanity living the Ascension Process. My highest Gratitude goes to every soul in a human body whose chosen to utilize these Ascension-related disasters and Earth Changes to force and assist the rest of humanity into realizing how much must be changed now in every country around the world.




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