Submitted by Lia on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 15:05

This is a compilation from 2 workshops/channelings of Adamus thru Geoff Hoppe




It’s time to wake up. Wake up, wake up to all that you are, for, dear friends, to sleep is to lie.
At any moment you can consciously choose to wake up. It’s that easy. “I choose to wake up.” When you do, all the games will end. All the drama will cease. The illusions of limitation will go away, and you’ll have to accept the love from yourself once again.
Your spirit, your divine, says, “I love you. I’ve been longing for you, waiting for you. I want to share every moment with you. I want to remind you of who you truly are. It’s been far, far, far too long since we’ve been together. Please, please start enjoying your life.”
What more can your spirit do? Does it have to get your attention in extreme ways? Does it have to shake you and shake you and shake you? Does it have to create extreme situations in your life to get your attention? Do you have to have cancer and the fear of death to finally accept the love of your Self? Do you have to lose your family, your house, your money and your job for the spirit to catch your attention and snap you out of this hypnotic trance? Is that what you want? Or do you want to make a conscious choice to say, “I wake up now.” It’s up to you. You are the only one who can wake up you. You are the only one who can bring yourself out of the hypnosis.


It is the time of integration of heaven on Earth. It is time that we bring together energies and consciousness from other realms right to Earth. This creates a bridge that will help meld together the energies of duality that are still very, very strong. And this will eventually help to heal a very, very old wound on the angelic realms.

There have been battles for a long time in the angelic realm – light against dark, for lack of better words. I’ll oversimplify it, but there was one element that felt that they were, always have been and always will be a part of God. We’ll call these the light angels. They believe in sovereignty.
They believe that every souled being is a creator in its own right.
There was another faction – let’s call them the dark angels – that believed there was no God.
They believed only in power, control and manipulation. They believe that all of creation was a great big empty void without a God source and that they had to become the gods. So there were massive struggles and wars in the other realms.

When Earth was created to try to resolve some of the energetic imbalances in creation, it was supposed to be a neutral place. But in spite of the neutral guidelines, these battles continued here on Earth. These angelic forces didn’t actually incarnate or manifest directly on Earth, but they used humans for manipulation and an expression of their own battles. Earth was a stage on which they played their games and caused a lot of suffering. There are literally places on the
Earth where these battles have taken place and the energy is still stuck. Places like Poland, many different locations in Africa and many other places around the world still hold some of the deep wounds and sorrows and energies of the battle of the angels.

Now these battles of the angels – the light and dark – are done once and for all. At the core of all things, light and dark have melded back together. Masculine and feminine have come together. The polarity elements have joined back together, even though it could be a long time before the effects of this are actually felt here on Earth and in the energetic realms surrounding Earth.
It is time for angelic energy – heavenly energy – now to start coming to this physical Earth realm, and what it is searching for is humans who are open, in their truth and in their bodies, to start receiving this energy. They can then start bringing a new consciousness and a new type of energy to Earth, something that Earth hasn’t seen in all of its days.

A lot of these entities just want to come in just to be close. They don’t necessarily have a big message, but they just want to be close and help to bring in this new consciousness. Some of them will have messages about human empowerment, about releasing duality and letting go of the old concepts of light and dark. There are many, many entities who would like to work with you.
So take a deep breath. Is it a type of service that you would like to do? What you’ll find if you do this is that you’ll have a lot of beings around you a lot of the times. But you can ask them to back off any time you need some private space. These entities will never, ever, ever take energy from you. As a matter of act, you’ll probably feel a higher, more intense level of energy around you. The question is do you want more and do you want intensity?


Remember there is no grander being in all of creation than the human being. There are no more advanced civilizations anywhere. There are no other civilizations that have “made it”
or figured it all out. The highest level of experience is right here on Earth because when you take on physical lifetimes you also forget your origins and who you really are. That is tougher than experiences on any other planet or in any other dimension. It is the greatest challenge of all, and if you can make it through this, you’ve absolutely made it. There is nothing else you need to do.
Yes, at times it does irritate me when I hear Pleiadians talking about how they’re going to save Earth – they haven’t even saved themselves – or alien space commands going to bring the big mothership down here. And I have to say that a lot of these alien beings have been a part of these light and dark wars, and they’ve carried a lot of agendas. There was one point where I was personally dealing with some of the Pleiadians who pretty much guaranteed that they were no longer going to interfere with the ways of humans on Earth – and immediately turned around and interfered and were part of a very big war, which took place right around here about 70 years ago.
So when I hear this talk about the Pleiadians advising humans, I’m not terribly impressed. The only ones I’ll be particularly impressed with are the ones who take on physical birth, physical form here on Earth, and make it through to talk about it. My highest respect is for those who have taken on human form.

So let’s take a deep breath as the angelic beings who come with a message of integration and unity continue to work with you, if you choose.
Take a deep breath and remember, all is well in all of creation, and therefore, there’s nothing to worry about.

With that, I bid you farewell


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