~LOVE REPORTER JEWEL~ Incoming signals New Earth ahead~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 06:58


~Incoming signals New Earth ahead~


I write about what I am seeing in the meditation state and I understand it misses most peoples radar screen.

However, occasionally others do tune into what I am posting so I continue the humble effort to make it known, what the higher Intelligence is showing me.  Something entirely new is on the Horizon, "The Greatest Show on Earth"  is about to commence.


I am astounded by what I am seeing inside  and beyond what must be what  hindu's refer to as  the Anandamaya Kosha sheath or  Veil, the innermost level or aspect, Higher dimension of the human condition. 


   (anandamaya kosha (bliss-apparent-sheath), literally the bliss sheath is associated with the karana-sharira or causal body. This is the stage in which atma (the Self) experiences the eternal bliss, a perfect state of peace, comfort, stability and carefree nature. This svarupa (inmost Self form) is the ultimate foundation of all life, intelligence and higher faculties. This state is explained as the state of sthitaprajna. This is also known as the state of samadhi. The sadhaka who has reached anandamaya kosha understands all the previous koshas better and realizes how incomplete they are. He also understands how transitory the world is. By understanding this difference, he gives importance to philosophy, reality and subtleness. In this light, he feels all the worldly problems insignificant and he finally attains a state of peace and content.)


Within this innerworld space I am accessing is appartently a mighty force that is breaking through.  Literally like a star being born or going nova. The New 'Blue Planet'  I am not sure in totality of what I am seeing, but this is what is going on, breaking through, to create the birth of the New Earth reality right before our inner eye.


I am picking up a highly charged signal right now, I know I am suppose to respond  somehow, yet I am still doing what I feel I can do through my form of meditation to help make the breakthrough. 


This is not about the person, the ego, the human form, the material world.....but it is about the ancient Soul and the Spirit together forming a new material somehow, don't you all feel it is so?


I am no expert on any of this for sure, but I do feel empowered to say this much, I am a vessel for the awakening of a new Divine Being.  WE ARE being formed, called, tested, purified, cleansed, prepared and utilized depending on our level of surrender and Soul Merit.  WE are in the 'LAST DAYS' for sure.


Each of US is the clay of the New Earth.  Time is cutting close and WE are at hand.  The DIvine ONES that go by many names :

The Hindu Deities

The Council of 24 or the Elders

The Angels and Archangels, Querubins and Seraphims

The White Brotherhood

The Beings of Light

The Confederation of Light

The Violet Flame

The Ascended Masters


Are calling on the inner- net phone.  Anyone getting the clear connection?   Time to go HOME.


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