Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 06:00

Greetings from the starship Athabantian, we come to you today with additional observations of Earth and her human residents. We trust that the following words will assist you as you transition to your new lives.

Any initial observer of your planet might wonder what all the commotion is about, why everyone was so eager to be on this sphere of dark energy at this time. Upon closer examination one would see that the souls who have incarnated here consider themselves very fortunate to be a part of the Earth experience, particularly during these the final moments of the 3rd dimension drama. Upon closer examination we saw the wondrous struggle many are undertaking to emerge from the darkness of mind control into the light of heart-centered existence.

And so it was only after we had observed for a time that we came to understand why you have volunteered to part of this scene, Mark. It was only after we observed how much you enjoyed the challenges of life in Earth’s 3rd dimension that we understood. It was only after we saw the soul growth that resulted from transitioning out of the dark conditions of your early life to where you are this day that we understood why you would undertake such an incarnation.

What we then saw was a richness of experience unmatched elsewhere in the universe. What we saw was the opportunity to experience diversity of plant, animal, and human life as on no other planet: Diversity of landscapes from mountains to desert, to oceans, from green to brown, from arid to lush, and from fertile to barren. Then we observed your cities and their contrast to the less populated countryside — and understood why each has it attractions.

While observing the diversity of experiences, we noted details of the lives of humans such as the opportunity to consume a wide variety of foods. This alone occupied our attention for some time. Each region has its own food specialty, each has it own native plants, and each has it own ways of enjoying the plenty of the land. On our home planet, we have nothing approaching this diversity of culinary delights.

Then we understood: All had been brought to Earth from elsewhere. This is the grand experiment for the universe. Plants were brought from afar, animals were contributed from other planets, and humans came from distinct star systems. It is the richness of life on Earth that almost overwhelms one who is accustomed to less.

Then there is the duality of your existence. There are those who rape the planet, along with their fellow humans, for their own gain. In contrast there are those who genuinely love Earth, honor her for the bounty that she provides, and love their fellow man. Only when comprehends the diversity on Earth can one see duality expressed in so many different ways.

It is not just the tyrant and his slaves; it is also the husband and the subservient wife. It is not just the super wealthy and the poor, it is the master of the house who employees the illegals aliens because they can pay so little to have the house or garden tended. It is those who feel superior because they have wealth or power versus those who feel powerless because they have been raised to respect authority rather then be true to themselves. Again it is the diversity of the way in which domination expresses itself that is so interesting to behold. Yet we do not judge the roles of anyone who is part of Earth’s drama for all are required to give richness to the background and action of this drama.

We are most intrigued with the transformation of individual humans, against Earth’s diverse background. For human transformation is as diverse as is the planet upon which it is taking place. No human understands the things that are occurring around him or her in the same way. No one understands what is happening to him or her, as an individual, in the same way.

Your relationship to Earth is changing as you see her through the eyes of those in a lighter density. It is you who are changing much more than is Earth. Earth is repairing the abuses to her land, water, and air — removing the effects of ignorant humans. Humans on the other hand are ascending to a lighter density wherein they will see Earth and each other from their hearts rather than their minds.

Those of us at the lighter densities generally function as members of a collective. Due to our totally open telepathy, we share the same mind, share the same visions, and share the same opinions. It is quite a spectacle for us to behold an entire race in which very few, if any, hold the same mindset, believe in the same way, or behold the same vision. It is truly remarkable; we are honored to be here.

We also observe that the various energies impacting your planet while fostering change directed to greater Oneness are not resulting in changes with respect to diversity. The original plan was to integrate the life forms that were brought to your planet — to achieve a fundamentally new race of humans. This is now being replaced by diversity within the movement towards Oneness, rather than a new race of integrated humans. It will be most interesting to observe what happens with respect to diversity and Oneness when telepathy occurs among the ascended humans of the lighter density, the inhabitants of a transitioned Earth.

And all of this is occurring on a single planet, not among planets of a star system, nor within a far-flung galaxy such as Andromeda. Earth is a focal point of this diversity, and as such she holds the expression of it for an entire universe. This is another reason that so many of us are here to watch the wonder of your transformation, for you are indeed the culmination of the many aspects of the universe.

Then there are the lightworkers, such as you Mark, who are awake to the larger picture. Even among these who see the larger picture there is almost no consistency in your vision of it, your understanding of it, or your beliefs about it, yet there is a unifying thread of acceptance and love that runs through this diversity.

Each of you, awakening humans and lightworkers, is reflecting back to Creator your experiences, insights, and love from many perspectives. Our understanding is that this achievement of diversity within Oneness is a signal that all will now change all within creation. As was said in a previous transmission, what is happening on Earth signals a grand turning for the all universes. Now in place of an infinite expansion, there will commence a contraction until all are One with Creator.

You are now reaching the pinnacle of this drama; it grows more exciting daily. Earth changes are nearing their climax as Earth shakes off the fears, anger, and greed so long expressed by her human guests. What a wonderful experience to be a part of this. Mark, we now understand why you were so insistent on being here for this moment. We are here to assist you through this transition. Be well our brother and enjoy every moment of the experience.

I am Moraine, and I am Justine. We are from Andromeda. We love each of you, the humans experiencing the great shift, unconditionally, and wish only the very best for all.




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