Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/11/2011 - 09:27




Farewell Newsletter
Dear Friends,

Over the recent weeks I have written about many of the changes taking place, which has led to this point in time where we are bidding The Lightweaver as we have known it farewell. It is the end of an amazing 10 year cycle, which frees us to prepare ourselves for a brand new cycle and the new venture birthing as a result of this "death." This change has been building up for months, and suddenly everything is manifesting at once, confirming we are on the right track. We will soon be re-launching under a new name, a new website and new processes of authentic empowerment. Our Dream Team has invested a lot of time and vibrant new energy in the creation of our new vision and what we have to offer you. You will soon be introduced to the Palace of Peace, our new name and webiste, and the combined energies of our Dream Team - Samantha Gilbert, Peter-John Garbutt, Sean Manders, and Colette Van Heerden, whom many of you are familiar with already, Kirti Carr, Faith Parent Hendrickson, Karen Downing and Jason Behan. And of course me :)

My recent personal process of change has resulted in profound clarity and new insights, which are equipping me with skills previously invisible to me. Most of what is not supporting me, which reflected my life pattern of abuse and lack have been removed. My entire identity has been stripped away, and finding myself in the new space called my life has been an experience of note, however, I can now share myself and my journey with you in a new way. So, goodbye to Michelle Eloff and hello to Michelle Manders :) New name, new life, new everything. Woohoo!

For the first time in my life I am being supported like never before. Not having this kind of support in my past has challenged every part of me unable to trust. It has brought up all my issues of lack of deservability and there are parts of me telling me "this is too good to be true and there is hidden agenda, because people don't support me like this." I have always done everything myself and breaking this pattern has been one of my most difficult challenges to overcome.

The gift in all of this is that I am learning how to allow myself to be loved and supported unconditionally. I am also seeing how we reject support because of abusive patterns. When you haven't been loved, supported etc, you don't know what it feels like, therefore, your default program kicks in every time. All your ingrained points of reference take over i.e cellular memory, and you have to invest a huge amount of energy in building new neural pathways to replace the old. But it can be done, I can vouch for that because I am doing it right now. If I had not gone through this I would not be able to help people find their personal pathway to their palace of peace -because the past will continue destroying that pathway.

This change in itself is a traumatic process, because one's system goes into shock at the realization that life does and can in fact support you in ways only fantasized about and shatters the basis upon which you have built your identity and maintained your belief systems. In most cases we choose to cling onto the concept of "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know." But that is all changing, it has to if we are going to continue integrating and embodying what Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene have been teaching and preparing us for. So, now I see that the abuse and trauma I have experienced in the past has culminated in this point of letting go and allowing my future to become the antithesis of the past 44 years. The teacher has to master the lesson before it can be taught - lead by example. What a journey. A great deal of this has felt surreal, yet I know it's happening for real :)

The Full Moon eclipse on the 15th of June 2011 is the day we honour and finally lay The Lightweaver to "rest," and also the perfect date for us to lay to rest everything from our past we are done with.

We are inviting you to join us in this process and prepare your energy for the new vision we will share with you very soon.

The process -

Leading up to the 15th spend time considering what it is you are seriously over and done with and what you want wiped from your slate. Be clear!

Write everything down in detail.

On the 15th choose a quiet place and time where you will be undisturbed.

Begin with some deep breathing and relax yourself.

Invoke your Guardian Angel and any other Being you are close to and ask for a coning of protection.

Say "I, (your earth name) consciously choose to be set free and have my slate cleaned in accordance with the Highest will of my soul and all souls concerned"
"I appeal to the energies of this full moon eclipse to assist me with this process of release under grace in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways"
" I now choose to be consciously and subconsciously free of....." read out everything you have written down.
"Great Spirit of All That Is, I humbly request that you hear my prayer and grant me my request unconditionally"
Take some time to give thanks to everything and everyone you have chosen to say goodbye to.
Give thanks for all your lessons learnt and that your request has been honoured and Prayers answered.
Close off by thanking your Guardian Angel, Great Spirit of All That Is, and other Beings present for granting you this opportunity and for ensuring the process of release be gracious, harmonious and miraculous, and burn the paper you wrote everything on.

On the 16th, the day after the Full Moon eclipse, focus on everything new you want to attract and be attracted to within the new energy you have called forth. The full moon energies will still be strong. Write this all down in detail and offer this to Mother Moon and bury the piece of Paper with your written intentions. The Full Moon and eclipse are happening in the sign of Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, which means it's a super sized opportunity to grow our vision, new philosophy and intentions. Jupiter will be in Taurus, so we have a generous opportunity to ground "the good life" in all it's positively abundant forms and move forward in making them a reality. Saturn will have turned direct, releasing us of restriction and limitation. Taurus is a fixed Earth sign, so what we set intentions for will be firmly rooted, which is why we must be very clear about what it is we want to grow roots in our reality.

With regards to The Lightweaver coming to an end, please rest assured that we will fully honour the Cosmic Law of Fair Exchange, and those of you who have bought credits on TLW site will be refunded, if not already. We are starting with a fresh, clean slate, therefore none of the old energy will be brought into the Palace of Peace, everything will be fresh and new.

Finally I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to you for being a part of The Lightweaver's journey, as well as my own. This new Ascension cycle promises immense change and growth and we would love YOU to continue on this path as an Authentic One with us.

In closing, some of you have asked about my upcoming tour to Vietnam and Cambodia in September 2011, and if it is still going ahead - ABSOLUTELY YES! I have given my tours a new name - SOUL ODYSSEY, and you can read all about the Vietnam and Cambodia tour and my upcoming tours on www.soulodyssey.co.za as soon as it goes live within the next week or so, we are just adding the final touches. Kim Lings of Nile Travel made this website possible and I want to thank her for all the incredible love and support she has given me, and everyone who has travelled with me in the past. You can certainly look forward to a whole new style of tours too. Our planned upcoming tours are to Peru in April 2012, Thailand, Russia, India, an exquisite 9 day retreat in Siwa, Egypt in around September 2012, and Antarctica in December 2012. We will continue to add these new itineraries as they become available. More on this will be provided in our New Launch Message.

I would also like to confirm that our 11:11:11 Star Code Tablets Conference in November 2011 is still going ahead here in South Africa as originally planned. More details will follow soon, and all the information you need will be available on our new website.

Thank you Precious Lightweavers, come and join us in weaving the new dream!

Much love,

Much Love
Michelle and TLW Team



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