~Love takes a Right Turn~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/02/2012 - 10:19

Yeehaw... Love is coming in, full force energy and will be putting alot of pressure on all ego's on Planet Earth=Heart. This is the bottom line, as ego's cannot enter the Higher Energies that are coming in...ego's have to be transformed, and now. Many Love Reporters also at this time, will not be able to share true information if they have any ego. So, we are observing all information coming through. Only that which is Real will be allowed to flow from the Press. We will have an Update out later today. WE Send ALL our Love.. Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff







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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-02-2012...


...as not seen on the mainstreem media

by ANdReA



The changes going on on Planet Earth=Heart are not only about changes in the governements and banks... this is All part of an Energetical Change due to the Blasting of LOVE Energy coming to the Planet. As Gaia as well has to release lots of old density, as well as All HUman Beings are due to, we'll start a daily update of Her Activity and of Her Clensing. 

These cleansing activity is supported by Sun, and can be seen through the activity of Vulcanoes, Earthquakes, and severe Wheather outbreack. Here's the first daily Update for Mother Eart=Heart shift.  

These changes are nothing to be afraid of, fear only makes the process more difficult by giving Gaia more to clean. By simply lining in Ones Heart and sending Her Love and Gratitude for her caring for US, we help her going thorugh all this process in the softes way possible. She's not going through all this Process to put US in danger, whereas to Help US and Her in OUR ASCENSION PATH.


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newslitter from the poleice blottair


The Poleice Blottair: Ludesniftair reports the earthly statement of" let my finger go".Police are forced to use violins to pull the in dicks plastic finger of god and free it from its endturnhill pull my finger bliss effectively degassing the index from hells bullchip markedair markit.The unicversall stick markit precedence held there signs of shuncearn stating thats bull chip that smells get gods fingear out off it.Ludesniftair in totalitorian victoriant ansquish over gods spiritual toileats that unknowningly concealed pubic signs to cuntroll ghost do-dos that hole roll airs have inatvermally left in the Ka-Bibble.Jesus whole me and roll me into air tour is cansealed as the zig-zag mana is busted fur going down on the vaticcanxxx.cum spiritual virtue sex sight.Ludesniftair stated he was errogenassly impressed with thyn buy jesus acktunged actshuns and happy that he finally god the guall,sex and weedease head needed to turn gods add-ministarred adult videos into hole pan-or-am-ick ministries.Playbore saysan insirmountabull mini series is fourth cumming.           


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Lemon Detox, Master Cleanse without the fasting! by Eve



Lemon Detox, Master Cleanse without the fasting!





Lemons have remarkable healing properties. They are a great help in over all detoxification! There are known for detoxing the body, weight loss, cold preventative,cancer healing etc! In Ayurvedic medicine, lemon peel is used to clean and tone the liver. Lemon water is one of the best ways to alkalize the body. It aides in digestion.

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What The Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012


What The Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012 - A Guest Post by Michael Brine


What The Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012

Carlos Barrios, a Mayan Elder is a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide of the Eagle Clan. What follows are his insights:

“Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It’s just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed.

We are no longer in the world of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the world of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing earth changes.

Humanity will continue but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action.


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~753~ ~GLR Lisa Gawlas~



~GLR Lisa Gawlas~

I have decided that I no longer go to sleep or wake up alone.  I have woken up so many days lately with topics and important points to talk about in my sharings... as if someone has already started the dictation before I even wiped the sleep out of my eyes.  I know it is the Guardians... and I know the Guardians are You.  So let me just say thank you for leaving a little room in my bed for me, but at least let me grab my coffee before we start yapping together!  (smile)

My first, and thanx to working on the hypnosis recording, my only reading yesterday really seems to be a huge exclamation point for today's topic.  So much so, it was replayed in importance as I awoke.


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The Illuminati's worst nightmare comes true


The secret is out. The secret that the Illuminati have been trying to suppress for thousands of years.
The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.
Use your iphone timer to countdown the prayer sessions. Millions of hearts combining with unprecedented force to change and heal the world we live in. Think of it as instant concentrations of focused vibrational energy and raised frequency. Oust the darkness, and beam the light. Blessings to you!! We are winning!!!!!

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HEAVEN #4116 Hours in the Day , March 2, 2012


HEAVEN #4116 Hours in the Day , March 2, 2012 


God said:


When you feel that you have too much to do, know that that feeling is something you learned. You learned to be overwhelmed. You learned it. Now learn that you can accomplish everything. Give yourself credit. Why hobble yourself?

You can get everything done. You can get everything done better when you give yourself credit.

Of course, in the world, you are being stretched. That's what the world does. The world preoccupations are there so you can burst through them.

You may have told yourself: "There aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish all I have to."

And you are the same person who may have told yourself: "I have to have a good night's sleep, or I am not good for anything."


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Remembering Our Skills of Energy Transference ~ I Am Avatar Yoga ~ Children of the Sun




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Meditation ~ Pink Cocoon of Compassion to heal and energize Earth and all Souls ~ Nasrin Safai





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03-03-2012 ~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ Anrita Melchizedek



03-03-2012 ~ Introduction to the third initiatory Gateway of Light

You Tube video http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/1/12



There are many worlds where there exists intelligent life that make up the higher dimensional universe. Earth is a 3rd dimensional world, and it will soon be raised up into the higher realms along with her children to once again join her brothers and sisters of the higher dimensions. Your planet at one time was a higher dimensional world, but she fell down through the dimensions due to the actions of her children. She now wishes, as a conscious being, to ascend into her rightful place within the Heavenly Realms. It was her children that plunged her deep within the dimensional layers, and it is her children that will now assist her to reclaim her position within the higher realms.


How you will achieve this is through love. It was your collective decision to turn your backs on love that allowed your mother planet to begin her descent down through the vibrational layers, and it is love that will once again lift her up where she rightfully belongs. Your planet was once a jewel of the higher realms, rich in her majestic beauty and sparkling purity. Many of you still see the beauty that she possesses, but what you do not see is how beautiful she once was. You will again see this. This is the plan, and this is your purpose here.



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SaLuSa 2-March-2012 - Mike Quinsey –



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 2-March-2012


Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.

Message channeled by Mike Quinsey


Live each day as it comes, as you never know what to  expect when so many changes are on the verge of taking place. There can be  little doubt that our allies are achieving great progress on many fronts, and  that soon you can look forward to a period of explosive happenings. Already you  are seeing how extensive our probes have been to remove corrupt individuals form  the banking fraternity, and that has not yet finished. So as you can see, not  only has the corruption been uncovered, but also those responsible. Once these  disclosures gather steam, you would be surprised at how many people are coming  forward with more information. The breakthrough has uncovered plots that have  involved trillions of dollars, and the most outrageous and audacious acts to  steal from their rightful owners. We intend that such monies are returned to  them providing they were legally acquired in the first place. Much money that  has been misused has come from the public purse, and in fact astronomical  amounts are involved.


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3/2/2012 -- Severe weather is breaking out = Midwest, South, Southeast PREPARE NOW


If you live, or know someone who lives in Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, West Virginia, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, and possibly even Michigan... 

Currently, 200am CST 3/2/2012 -- Southwest Missouri -- severe is breaking out -- Hail detected , severe thunderstorm warnings issued by the NWS -- be prepared for quick tornado development , and strong damaging winds.

Also.. North Georgia heading towards South Carolina -- damaging winds detected , strong cell thunderstorms reported.

This is JUST THE START of todays severe weather . BE PREPARED these storms are fast moving and very strong. 

link to all the systems you will need to monitor this outbreak:



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~Matthew's Message~ Connecting the Dots




Fear subsiding in collective consciousness; divine grace in karmic completion; light forces' success against Illuminati; developments in coming months; Zionism; duality, divisiveness; family pre-birth agreements; children living in Nirvana



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After The Dawn ~ Guardian Of The New Dispensation


After The Dawn ~ Guardian Of The New Dispensation


Photo By Will Harader


I am one who is known as the Guardian Of the New Dispensation and I rarely communicate in this way. Now is the time that you are fast approaching, a time that you are being prepared for that which is the new dispensation, the new age to come. There is before the dawn and there is a after the dawn. You have been working diligently with that before the dawn part, preparing yourselves for that which is to come, that which is to herald in this new age. You are preparing for that and working toward being the ones who are ready to assist those of your brethren, who will be a part of this and many at this time who do not yet know they’re going to be a part of this.



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THE ELEMENTS OF MARCH 2012 ~Open Your Heart


Beloved Light Beings of the Divine Heart!


March is the center of 2012, as the Heart is the center of the Human Chakra System.
New Harmonious Frequency beats per second are coming this month!

Stay this month with the beat of the Heart, no matter what!!


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ A New Day


Endings are always followed by new beginnings



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Visionkeeper ~ Frustration



Visionkeeper ~ Frustration

One World Rising | March 2 2012

As time accelerates to warp 8, I think it is critical for us to make quiet time for ourselves to adjust to all that is going on. I don’t know about anybody else, but it seems as if I no sooner wake up than it is time to get dinner ready. I can’t seem to get things done as I once did. It is very frustrating indeed, but I also feel it is being intentionally done as a way of getting us out of the limitations of time restraints in preparation for being in a space where time is no longer relevant.


Time is just another man-made creation designed to control us and keep us operating on a schedule that benefited big business and our hard-earned money going into the pockets of the corporate elite.



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White Hats Report #37 ~ 2.27.12



Category Archives: 2.27.12 White Hats Report #37

2.27.12 White Hats Reports #37

Posted by Galactic Love Reporter 

February 27, 2012 – White Hats Report #37


The White Hats Call For Joint International Criminal Investigation: America Demands Its $15 Trillion Dollars Back!





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Dorene Carrel ~ Astrology Report for March 2012



Dorene Carrel ~ Astrology Report for March 2012

Astro Connections Blog | March 1 2012

March is featured by the New Moon and Uranus aligned with the Sun and Mercury. This can bring us flashes of insight throughout the month. Mid-March brings a grand earth trine between Pluto, Jupiter, Mars and Venus, which opens the way for us to receive opportunities and prosperity. Mercury turns retrograde in Aries on March 12. The Spring Equinox occurs on March 19, which ushers in the beginning of the astrological New Year.


As March begins, we are still in the waxing phase of the February New Moon in Pisces, with its spiritual and idealistic overtones. In late February we entered the shadow phase of Mercury retrograde. As Mars is also still retrograde until April, it is timely to review our goals for the next two years and be more patient towards oneself and others.


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Oracle Report ~ Friday March 2 2012 High Energies In Effect



Oracle Report ~ Friday March 2 2012 High Energies In Effect

Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase


Today we have the choice to fight or to reason. In fact, over the next three days, people will be easily carried away by the energy. Mars retrograde will align with the position of the Earth and oppose the Sun. Mercury entered Aries, the sign of The Warrior, today, and will make a conjunction with Uranus this weekend, bringing unexpected information, surprises and dramatic changes.



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BRITISH PARLIAMENT: New Parliamentary Group Formed to Consider Thorium ~ March 2, 2012



New Parliamentary Group Formed to Consider Thorium

This entry was posted on March 2, 2012

Thanks to Luciano  -  Laura


Published in Media/Outreach Strategy by  on March 1st, 2012


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Mother Mary’s March Message ~ “Gold”



Mother Mary’s March Message ~ “Gold”




Beloved Ones,

It is I, Mother Mary, greeting you, and enfolding you in the intricacies of light and of love that in their fluidities and expansive abilities to re-direct you, re-align you, and re-fortunize you into the gold within, the gold that does not lose value based on whether it is part of a standard of currency or not, or whether it is fluctuating in demand and supply, or not, but the gold within that is very much part of the golden frequency of Christed light that is beginning to rapidly, exponentially explode in divine fireworks of understanding, truth, and re-orientation for all of humanity, at this time of your holographic shift in March 2012.


And so it is, beloved ones, in these frequencies of re-alignment and of a re-afiring within you of golden consciousness, Christed consciousness, I carry within this transmission a set of tones and alignments that re-direct you, re-align you, re-orient you as you so choose to see and focus on that which is being quantumly manifested in your Earth.



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~Message from the Galactic Federation of Light~



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Solar~Severe Weather Update


Accuweather: a tornado has been spotted on the ground south of Trinton Ill,
Solar Filament Rising on NW Limb


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Cosmic Weather Report Report: Lessons In Love by Mark Borax



Cosmic Weather Report Report: Lessons In Love by Mark Borax



March 2012,  Putney Vermont  


The elemental distribution of Planets this month accentuates Planets in Water and Fire Signs, with a lack of Planets in Air Signs. Air is the element of perspective, vantage, and detachment. With those things lacking, we're going to be thrust into the thick of the realms of Feeling (Water) and Burning (Fire.) Also, Saturn, Planet of underlying purpose, moves through the final three degrees of Libra this month, where the most advanced and complex lessons in love reside. The forecast for the cosmic weather is:



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Anonymous Operation Black March Begins


TheAnonPress Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheAnonPress88

Anonymous: Operation Black March Begins!.
Join the Protest!

Hello People of the World, We are Anonymous.
Operation Black March has Begun! Join the protest!

If you do not know of Operation Black March, I will explain.

With the continuing campaigns for Internet-censoring litigation such as SOPA and PIPA, and the closure of sites such as Megaupload under allegations of 'piracy' and 'conspiracy' the time has come to take a stand against music, film and media companies' lobbyists.

The only way is ot hit them where it truly hurts.
Their profit margins.

March 2012 is the end of the 1st quarter in economic reports worldwide.

Do not buy a single record. Do not download a single song, legally or illegally. Do not go to see a single film in cinemas, or download a copy. Do not buy a DVD in the stores. Do not buy a videogame. Do not buy a single book or magazine.

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Gabriels Monthly Weather Report ~ MARCH



This month involves the 3rd chakra and the lower will being transformed. You will move from DESIRE to TRUE WILL-ingness.


This is also the mental identity, which has been held captive to the ego defense system for the most part. You will see a lot of disillusionment in March, at how you have been giving your will away and NOT being the source of your own passion.


It is important to discern how you are focusing your passion, for manifestation in the physical.

As the 3rd gateway opens, which has to do with moving from desire to TRUE WILL, which is the passion for create revelation of all your talents and abilities in action and manifestation. This will help you develop a trust in your true identity, not the mental illusion of who you thought you "should" be or had to be in order to be loved.


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Solar Update~Live Aurora Cams C~Class Flare


C3 Class Flare Update and links to Alaska web Cams.


from Space Weather~ MAGNETIC DISTURBANCE UNDERWAY: A disturbance is rippling through Earth's polar magnetic field on March 1st. "The magnetometer needles are swinging here in Norway," reports Rob Stammes of the Polar Light Center in Lofoten. Bright auroras have been sighted in Sweden and Finland


Solar wind
speed: 470.7 km/sec
density: 2.8 protons/cm3

explanation | more data
Updated: Today at 0056 UT


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Mystery force shaking North Carolina coast


Mystery booming noises have people worried in Southport, N.C...


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Angela Peregoff ~ The Holographic Body Of Light And Matter The Morning Blessing



Angela Peregoff ~ The Holographic Body Of Light And Matter

The Morning Blessing | March 1 2012

How about a layman’s look into the holographic body of light and matter which we are today?

We are a part of all that is: our consciousness sprang out of the Silence which is known as the void or vacuum in Quantum Physics.


This first sprouting of consciousness comes out of the Silence as waves, a frequency of light. The photons of light travel till they hit something, then change from a wave to a particle and an antiparticle.


These particles cluster together and start to form the atoms of our body, the positive particles to the centre forming the nucleus and the negative antiparticles forming the electrons.


These groups of atoms cluster together to form our molecules; the molecules cluster to form the cells and DNA. The cells cluster to form the organs and bones etc., and all the parts together form the whole person.



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Planet Alert March 2012



Mahala Gayle ~ Planet Alert March 2012

 1 March 2012 - 12:40pm |  sensipeter

February 28 2012

Here we are in March already; time has definitely speeded up. Did any of you have heart challenges, or back problems this past month? The moon was in Leo this past full moon on February 7, 2012, and Leo rules the heart and back. Many people experienced some physical challenges during, before, or after that full moon, which was on 18 degrees Leo. This is the degree of Christ Consciousness. This consciousness is now open for anyone to experience. It is time to think with your heart.


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Melchizedek : You Are the Miracle Makers and Creators ~ Marlene Swetlishoff



Galactic Love Reporter Marlene Swetlishoff


Posted by BZ Riger


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A Closer Look At Consciousness




In previous posts we have established our mind plays a huge role in determining how our “reality” is played out. Lets go a little into the process. Why, for example, can I hold thoughts and intentions (vibrations) to be rich and have the perfect job, and it doesn’t happen right away? Why are there some people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, etc. that seem to already have that wealth consciousness? All three were school dropouts, in the case of Richard Branson high school dropout, yet they still were able to become some of the most rich and successful people in the world. Why not me?


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An Anonymous Donor and Envelopes Stuffed with Cash




An Anonymous Donor and Envelopes Stuffed with Cash

The German city of Braunschweig has a new benefactor. An anonymous donor has been stuffing envelopes filled with 10,000 euros in cash into the mailboxes of charitable organizations. His latest contribution was an anomaly. A local hospice found the money under its doormat.

Thanks to Nuriel




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~ The Host Of Heaven Is Closer Than You Think~




The Host Of Heaven Is Closer Than You Think



I don't know why, today I received this deep desire to share this with all of you. So here goes!


In 2007, I went to Mt Shasta with a very dear friend of mine. The trip there took us through the most amazing road, known as the Loneliest Road in America. It is so lonely that you could break down and it'll be about two hours before you might see another car on the road.


There is nothing but desert on either side, and beautiful sand dunes and stillness. It is pristine.

Across this amazing road, we listened to high-vibrational music and talked for hours and hours about The Illumined Worlds. We were in a "bubble", quarantined from the outside world or mass consciousness.


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Go Light Your World~Chris Rice


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 94 Everything is Unfolding According to Plan


We are aware that for many, this waiting will be hard to take, and for some, this waiting has been stretching out for almost all of their lives. You see, this has been a long time coming, and for those that were amongst the first to open their eyes and see through the illusion, this process has been almost unbearably long. We sympathise with you all, as we know fully well that residing in a world that feels more and more foreign to you whilst realizing that something wonderful is waiting in the wings must be frustrating to say the least, but still, we will have to ask for your patience once again.



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March 2012
GLR~Chuck Spezzano



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2012, LET'S COCREATE A RENAISSANCE OF LOVE by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


Kauai Beach 



by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles



The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that through the collective consciousness of Humanity we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will enable us to utilize the celestial alignments that will take place this momentous year of 2012 to cocreate

A Renaissance of Love on Planet Earth.


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This is in response to sounds from the sky in Yellowstone Park that's been happening for many years... Enjoy the MOODY BLUES...A band whose music is very relevent today as it was when first brought to humanity... Much Peace, Joy, Light and LOVE to ALL! <3 :) NOW!


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R. Kelly - The Storm Is Over Now



Music video by R. Kelly performing The Storm Is Over Now. (C) 2000 Zomba Recording LLC


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~ The Galactic Free Press ~ Daily Update ~ 3~1~12 WE are ALL Going HOME~


~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 3~1~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ WE are ALL Going HOME~


Photo By Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings~ Welcome to the Roaring Energies of March, that are bringing in some intense energy. If one's Heart is not open and ready for this energy, it will be difficult for them. Everyone on this Planet has a contract they signed with Love to go through this Transformation Home into The Light. However, if they cannot release the illusion, the flowing river will just pick em up and bring them, one way or the other, WE are ALL GOING HOME. 





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A story of FreeDom and Forgiveness - how to BE FREE against all odds.


by ANdReA


Napoli, Italy, 1976...



...two Carabinieri -Italian military policemen- get killed and a man is arrested... Giuseppe Gullotta. 

He confessed...

But was innocent!


Among those who questioned him, Renato Olino, a former Carabiniere.


22 years after the fact, Giuseppe Gullotta is set free, because he did not commit the fact. 


The story: Giuseppe was caught and questioned with other two men.


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John Farnham - You're The Voice (lyrics)


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3/1/2012 -- Plumes erupt from New Madrid Seismic Zone = 2.9M quake follows.. more coming?


~Looks Like we will have some type of movement in these area's~ Things are really going to begin Heating UP~ Love The GFP Staff


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Power Path ~ March Forecast 2012: Opportunity Lena Stevens~Opportunity.


Power Path ~ March Forecast 2012: Opportunity Lena Stevens


Photo of Cloud Ships in Mt Shasta



The main theme for March is Opportunity.


Whew, we have managed to get through January and February with a few instinctive and emotional scrapes and bruises and have landed into the more grounded, certain and stable influence of March. We are in a period now of practical transformation where how we approach what we know we will have to do, will determine how it all comes out. The practical side is important as well as addressing your physical environment and the theme of bringing the body along.



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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 1.3.12: Death of Taxes?... or maybe something much bigger: FREEDOM... Freedom from DEATH AND TAXES... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain




Lets start with truly amazing story from Germany, where Anonymous Donor stuffed envelopes with 10,000 Euros during this weekend... and what is even more surprising, the Anonymous still continuing to gifting businesses that serve people... from Soup Kitchens to Daycares...


Even editor of local news is so excited saying: "...“Every editor dreams of such a story!” says Noske..."


I feel this is the most rewarding energy we can experience... True Gratitude with lot of love and joy... I can even feel joy of Anonymous donor who is still laughing thinking how tax office cannot even touch this money... and especially as it comes from completely anonymous source... And yet, he even did not ask for receipt for his personal tax return!?...



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Eyes of a Child -Moody Blues


I just have to share...for the child within all of us...and for the all the pixies, elves, and fairies we know...LIGHTEN UP! Life is as is must be...FatherMotherGod says it's time to PLAY!!! Enjoy..Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! :) <3 NOW!


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3/1/2012 -- Next severe weather outbreak on the doorstep -- Midwest , South, Southeast be aware


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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ 1 March 2012



Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ 1 March 2012

March begins with a deep connection into the communication of the Universe in which you live, breathe and create.  Your connection is enhanced as you look beyond the physical manifestation of what-is, as you feel beyond the emotional manifestation of fear and think beyond the mental manifestation of expectation. 


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hose With Leadership Responsibility Feel Tremendous Confusion In Many Ways by Rith Ryden



Ruth Ryden ~ Those With Leadership Responsibility Feel Tremendous Confusion In Many Ways

The Masters of Light | March 1 2012

MASTERS: “Dear readers, this is a time of tremendous upsets all over the world, as you are well aware. Leaders killing their own populations, religious furor going out of control, millions of dollars being spent trying to buy power in the U.S., and similar confused actions in many other countries. Your Sun is also going through some ambient contortions, sending strong flares that are producing weather phenomena around the earth.


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Friday's Weather/Worse the Wednesday's


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~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏ ~ by Anrita Melchizedek



03-03-2012 ~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏



~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏ ~


by Galactic Love Reporter Anrita Melchizedek


03-03-2012 ~ Introduction to the third initiatory Gateway of Light





You Tube video






Mp3 download







On March the 3rd 2012, we enter into the third initiatory Gateway of Light through the Overlighting of the fifth ray of concrete knowledge; a beautiful orange ray of Light, amplified  through the planet Mars at its closed approach to earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun. Fiery Mars takes us into a greater level of empowerment and expression of the Higher Mind through the Divine Masculine archetype, and assists us as we experience this third initiation, esoterically referred to as The Transfiguration. 


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How to do Your Part to Spread the News of the Imminent Arrests of the Criminal Cabal!



How to do Your Part to Spread the News of the Imminent Arrests of the Criminal Cabal!

Easy Copy & Paste Method! Fun for the Whole Family!




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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Blessings


See the blessings in each moment



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AA Gabriel ~ Thriving in the Heart of Sacred Awareness



AA Gabriel ~ Thriving in the Heart of Sacred Awareness

by Galactic Love Reporter Shanta Gabriel


February 27 2012

Your heart will provide the guidance you are seeking when you blend the worlds of spirit and matter within your life. As you claim Unity in a world of polarity, it creates an empowered connection to the Source of all Light.

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Conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart is dead at 43


Conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart is dead at 43



Widely read conservative Internet publisher Andrew Breitbart, whose flare for battle with politicians and the mainstream media earned him a reputation as one of the nation's most influential commentators, died Thursday.

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SaS on the Failure of the Cabal’s Strategy of Provoking Violence 2012: What’s the Real Truth? February 29, 2012


2012 March 1
Thank You to BZ Riger

Undercover cops being "arrested" at Montebello, Canada

You can see the outrage building and the spread of knowledge as more and more people confront the cabal. Language a bit spicey but instructive about where we’re at as a collective consciousness.


Another MUST READ Op-Ed from our own SaS in response to: Natasha Loder, Economist Journalist, Detained At Mitt Romney Event


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In Honor of Lucio Dalla - Caruso - In Onore di Lucio Dalla




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