Submitted by Lia on Wed, 11/07/2012 - 10:48

Portals of Awakening now fully opened



Portals of Awakening now fully opened



Gaia planetary brightness has increased to highest levels since inception of Ascension timeline. Portals of Awakening now fully opened. Shadow worshippers may resist, but resistance is not possible at this time. Planet-wide presence of Portals of Awakening assures planetary awakening.

Freedom of Movement occurs as awakenings unfold.

Sands of time dissolve. Wings of flight unfold for New Paradigm flight.

Pegasus wings expand and release Hue-manity from all restriction.


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Negative nieghbor mision achieved


Man what a wild ride.  I got this negative neighbor been tryn to bust my chops for three months now. Saw him pointing and laughing at me two Sundays ago while I was on my side yard meditiating.  I did not respond.  I guess that didnt satisfy him. So this past Sunday he came back over bamming on my front door. When I answered it he yelled out," if I catch your dog in my yard again Im gonna kill it! I opened screen door and steeped out on the porch and told him "If you kill her you might as well kill me too!  I must have  taken my god energies on the porch with me because this guy who out wieghs me by at least 100 pounds turned and bolted beck home like I had a grizzly bear standing behind me when all I had was a budwieser can in my hand.


This man was still not satisfied and called luminiti cops and told them some lie next thing I know I had handcuffs on instead of sitting down watching second half of NFL.

His cousin must run the sheriffs dept.


I have never been to jail scared the bejesus outta me waiting in that little box with a little window for paper work for bail.  Then found out Luminati rules allow them to hold you

for three days. What a crappy deal.


When guard shift changed somebody knocked on door as I lie depressed on thin mat on cold concrete floor in all cinder block room. It was a guard and He said I summoned him

over and I replied I was asleep. He said I summoned him telepathically and he saw my green aura glow. I said what its green? Ithought mine was silver.  We began talking


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Well, YES, I WAS having TOO MUCH FUN thankyouverymuch.

I kept waiting for someone to say it but nobody did, and it IS Election Day.....

ok I'll be quiet for a little while now.

I didn't expect that to be so shocking.



I'm a little pixie.......what would you expect?


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Message to the general public and the winner is???


After it's confirmed to the public that Obama Will retain this office, soon will come the revelations of the major events that those awake are eager to see fulfilled. However those who have not an ear for it will be shocked and overwelmed by the truths they are soon to learn.


Some will run and hide due to what is approching, some will want to take their weapons of "mess-distruction" and hunt down the ones responsible for the mess the Elite have put you in.


We are in the time that every eye shall see what has been hidden from us for a long, long time. What your are about to "see" won't be a pretty site indeed, but well worth the wait after the dust settles.

The ones involved with the Illuminati/cabal that up until now run you, own you and control you, will all be removed from their respective offices, some will be imprisoned and held for arraignment just before we the people rain on their evil heads, some will be shipped to other planets where they may best learn from the karma they have made, the most evil of them will be remove from Earth and incinerated.

The cabal was hoping for another "minion" in this important office that would follow their evil lead, but not this time. This will not be allowed as "The Highest Authority" of ALL has decreed that peace will now rein on earth for the next thousand years. There is no more nukes allowed to detinate for the purpose to kill and or distroy. War will soon become something of the past and forgotten.



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Join Us Live For the Announcement~



You Can Join us Live Right Now for The Announcement~

You can Join us At this Link:




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The Great Goddess , , of Peace Speaks, footnote





From out of the Great Great Silence


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Video: 2012 US Voting Machines Altering Votes



Video Description: My wife and I went to the voting booths this morning before work. There were 4 older ladies running the show and 3 voting booths that are similar to a science fair project in how they fold up. They had an oval VOTE logo on top center and a cartridge slot on the left that the volunteers used to start your ballot.

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I predicted He would win by 53 to 64% win babie. I Love my President and Im very proud of US, WE THE PEOPLE.


I even sent President Obama a email congradulating Him almost two months ago, looking forward to His victory reelection speech.. In this NOW TIME, there are no secrets.


Disclosure time, TWIN FLAME REUNIONS, yeah, its a mighty spectacular time to be ALIVE IN THIS NOW TIME. New technologies, togetherness, understanding, all the attributes of MATTI. And Love, good ole L-O-V-E.


Thanks for having me. There is no other place in the uni/multi, and undi verse that I would rather be than this NOW TIME with y-o-u.


Love Nageeta



"yes, Sananda Love me, for the Spirit tells me so."


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My Definition of the Ego

My Definition of the Ego

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John Smallman – Jesus – Establishing A Relationship With Your Own Deep Presence – 7 November 2012



John Smallman – Jesus – Establishing A Relationship With Your Own Deep Presence – 7 November 2012

Here in the spiritual realms — at the level of consciousness that prevails outside your illusory realm — we continue to assist you in your awakening process, constantly.  And I confirm that your awakening is divinely assured.  Release your doubts about it and focus on your powerful inner knowing that this is so. Your long journey home is almost completed and a grand welcome awaits you.  Until you arrive, maintain your course positively and lovingly, knowing that your arrival is imminent.


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Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – Freeing Love – 7 November 2012



Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – Freeing Love – 7 November 2012

God said:

A parade of love is going on all over the world, and you are the leader of the band. There is a march of love on the rise. Love is bursting through the shell of what was Life. Now, love is on the rampage! Now there is a riot of love and more love. Love is taking over. Love has taken over.

What once felt comfortable no longer feels wonderful. Is it a wonder that love reigns supreme?

Love is greater than anything else. Loving feels right. Unloving does not.


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John Smallman – Saul – Wellness Is The State In Which You Feel At Peace – 7 November 2012



John Smallman – Saul – Wellness Is The State In Which You Feel At Peace – 7 November 2012

Wellness is to envelop you all.  Wellness is the state in which you feel at peace, satisfied, composed, alert; not anxiously wondering about some 3D issue in your personal life or that of humanity.  It is the state that you seek and encourage to enfold you when you pray or meditate, and in which you surrender all your fears and worries to your Father through the Holy Spirit.


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Obama Election Victory Speech – 7 November 2012


Uploaded on 6 November 2012 by Full Speech. Here is Presidential winner President Obama and his victory speech today November 6 or 7 2012 depending on timezones.


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Amendment 64 Passes: Colorado Legalizes Marijuana For Recreational Use


The Rocky Mountain High just got a whole lot higher. On Tuesday night, Amendment 64 -- the measure seeking the legalization of marijuana for recreational use by adults -- was passed by Colorado voters, making Colorado the first state to end marijuana prohibition in the United States.

With about 36 percent of precincts reporting at the time of publishing, 9News and Fox31 report that Amendment 64 has passed.

Read more... (Huffington Post)


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11/6/2012 -- Oceans rising -- NASA/JPL data confirms dramatic rise over past 60 years


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Do you feel the energy of this day? It is one of hope. – by Love Reporter Ron Head



Spanish        Portuguese


Our message for today is one of assurance and support.  On this day the people of the USA will tell the world, and each other, what kind of future they desire.  We know that each of you is supporting them in your hearts, as well.  Lightworkers around your world are waiting and almost holding their breath in prayer for the results.

Instead of holding your breath, dear ones, breathe deeply and send your intention for the new world you desire into the consciousness, the collective consciousness.  There are many millions voting with their intent this day who do not reside on those shores, but who do reside in that consciousness.  Hold space in your hearts for the new to manifest, for the light to assume a greater role in the governance of that land.


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Today is the day. This is it.


By tonight, God willing, we will know what to expect, from which bag of tricks our political future will try to be pulled from.


What if the frightened haters of this nation elect Romney?


I believe that, due to all the hateful speech and behavior, that Obama is going to win, and that Romney will only be elected if there are voting irregularities. Last night I saw news indicating we need international voting officials to officiate. We have lost our way, and voters are stuck in long, long lines. Democratically held precincts, mind you. Such dirty tricks!And let's not forget that 18 of our 50 states have abandoned exit polling. Eighteen states up for grabs.


I had promised myself that if Romney gets in, we are moving to Europe. His America is not my America, and I will bow out.


Now, I am not so sure.



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Design And The Akashic Field


               Design Consciousness


Contained within every quantum field are self-organizing forces that give relative measure and validity to a countless number of interactions that when in harmony, provide unlimited opportunities for the formation of light/energy. This photonic light/energy/information field contains all the probabilities that engulf an infinite array of possibilities, i.e. potentialities, of contact with countless other “light forces” within the realm of its influence. 


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Make you own voter button - mine says LOVE IS REAL


You can tell by their eyes who is true and who is not. Obama's eyes are open. His smile is genuine. Mitt is pretending.

Make your own election button! Customize it with your reason for voting and share it with your friends.


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Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 12 - The Voice




Sometimes when we are feeling lost and alone, we don’t know which way to turn to renew a friendship.  That close friend we had so long ago seems lost to us now.  They have faded away like so many things from our earlier life.


Are we to believe that we can no longer sustain such relationships?  Are we to let go of all those sources of comfort that once enjoined us and caused us great pride.


Our affections for others are what keep us alive. Our connections to each other invite us to live again, to breathe in, and to satisfy those cravings for friendship we once carried and then set aside for what appeared to be important matters..


 It is untrue that we have to let go of such connections as time marches on.  It is true however, that we have a greater need for each other as the years speed by.



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The Great Goddess , , , of Peace Speaks




From out of the Great Great Silence

has  come  the  Goddess  of  Peace,

to share Her Heart’s Love with us.

“Constant lovers of Life in all Its forms,

it is that Constant Loving Kindness

which has no doubt or fear


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Heart Song for November 6th 2012


The Heart Song for November 6th, 2012 is I AM by Donnie McClurkin. I AM was the first song recorded in my Heart Song data base. This is for all the Lightworkers to infinity and beyond.


Love Nageeta


Excerts from I AM by Donnie McClurkin


"Come now and see, this mystery,

Remove your shoes, bow down,

Where you stand now is Holy ground.

The Fire burns, sit at my feet and learn

As I reveal my plan, and I tell you who I AM."


"Some will hear, others will fear,

Because the enemy has said,

Before I let them go, I'd rather see them dead.

But in that hour, I'll reveal my power thru you,

So that all may see, and when they ask you tell them what you know of me..."


When I believe that my work is in vain, my number one Heart Song (I AM) begins to play and I AM reminded just who and what I AM.




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We Declare Peace on Earth! Volume 3


We Declare Peace on Earth

Please enjoy and share this video. See if you can spot Mama Rain! I LOVE you, Mom.






Thank you ALL for standing up in LOVE and LIGHT.


Please send in your Declaration of World Peace today.

Email it to





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Your Heart Heals All





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3MIN News November 6, 2012: Solar Shutdown = Collapsing Atmosphere



Pubblicato in data 06/nov/2012 da 


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The Apocalypse Is Upon Us! (a revelation of joy for all those wondering how to vote today)


An apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted.

Prepare yourself, brother.

For the Apocalypse is upon us.

Journal 8, Entry 1

Businesses that must end right now: all oil companies, all television networks, all news networks, all phone companies, and all bottled water companies. These are just off the top of my head; there certainly are many more. Seriously, watch the documentaries mentioned in these journals and it should be obvious simply by the evidence.[1] We no longer require any of these. It’s in everyone’s best interest to end them and any honest assessment of technology will show what we’re capable of.

The problem has been the “reality” within which you think these decisions must be made. You assume the “profit motive” of major corporations like GM, Exxon Mobile, AT&T, Fox News, etc. is too big and too powerful. And you assume the political structures are too corrupt and too big and inaccessible for anything to ever change. Even worse, you assume that people are either unwilling, ignorant or, at best, powerless to ever influence such an engrained system of political, corporate and institutionalized power and control.

Sound about right?


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Visionkeeper – Step Out Of The Box! – 6 November 2012



Visionkeeper – Step Out Of The Box! – 6 November 2012

(picture by

This quote pretty much says it all for where we should be right now on our journey. It is time we stretch ourselves beyond our limitations and go after whatever we desire. Remaining locked within our safe little worlds does not allow us to experience all of life that we are being offered. We dream about things, but rather than venture out to get to our dreams, we stay inside and just look at them through the window.

This is not truly living ones life, it is just small bits and pieces carefully chosen by you and allowed to come into your life. All the fears that keep us locked within our small worlds are the very  things we need to face to grow and expand who we are. It is these very experiences which help us evolve and become all that we can be. It is time to take the key off the hook and finally open the door and throw open the windows and let in the fresh air of all possibilities.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Celebrate It is a wonderful world




Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Celebrate

It is a wonderful world



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Oracle Report - Tuesday, November 6, 2012



Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Leo

There isn't much more I can write about today's Mercury retrograde and the energy that accompanies it than I wrote in yesterday's extensive post.  So if you missed that one, you will want to go into the Archives and read it.

I can say that the energy is spinning very fast and in the process it is really generating strong fields.  It is empowering our fields at a great clip.  This is often felt as anxiety and restlessness and produces headaches and lower back problems.  The ironic thing is that when are personal electromagetic fields are being empowered, we usually "feel" weak.  There's an adjustment period involved.  It is important to take good care of yourself when we have these upgrades.  Remember to pace yourself and not get caught in the whirlwind.  The energy is weird and even bizarre, so today we will continue to be the rocky cliff withstanding the brunt and tomorrow we will revert to wise owl in the tree. 

I just want to say a quick hello to everyone who is on the Oracle Report Facebook page that wise owl Andrew operates.  It is certainly one awesome energetic field that is being generated!


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The manuscript of survival – part 219



The manuscript of survival – part 219

 •November 6, 2012 •


Today is an important day indeed, as it hold within its confines the hopes and prayers of millions of people. We talk not about the election of one man to an earthly position here, but we talk of the choice that so many others will make in their hearts today. You see, this is not only about the election of a single individual that will be chosen as the president of one of the countries you have been divided into on this planet. We talk about the fact that from now on, the energies that have been transmuted and changed into a whole new octave, will start to make their voice heard in so many ways. You see, underneath all of the hustle and bustle created by this election, and by so many other ”superficial” events going on at the same time, the renewal of this planet’s energetic layer has been all but invisible. That is, except for the likes of you, who have already managed to tap into this new power source. And for those who have gotten a taste of this elixir, they know that big changes are afoot. We say ”elixir”, but we are well aware that the tasting of this brew may have caused more than a mild reaction in your physical body already, and also in your mental one, as this heady concoction is nothing if not life changing in so many ways. Let us explain.


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The Infusion – Impregnation of Feminine Energy




I had waited with bated breath yesterday to start reading the field and you (not that you are separate from one another, I just see it all differently once YOU are there in it.)  Just knowing the enormity of wholeness we have achieved and not only brought to earth, but is now expressing Here as a living entity.  I couldn’t wait to see what that even means to us.


When I cranked my antenna outside to start my first reading of the day, I just became frustrated!  To say I seen nothing, that would be a lie.  Somethings tho, are becoming more and more indescribable within the view.  The field was…. different.  Unrecognizable from the day before.  I suppose the closest description I could give is like a massive wood grain pattern that looked nothing like wood (smile.)  There was a movement to every grain, striation, stream… and trust me, not one of those words, fits.  There was no recognition of anything discernible (that is when I started to get frustrated.)  The multi-coloredness of the field was so deep and rich, it could have almost looked black… but it wasn’t.  Not at all.


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~Sheldon Nidle Update~ Preparing a Grand Surprise!



8 Men, 3 Xul, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Everywhere around your planet, teams drawn from a special coalition of our sacred allies, Agarthans, and our liaison personnel are preparing a grand surprise! The present reality is beginning to experience difficulties as the many timelines that determine how it operates collapse. This massive temporal deconstruction is forcing the dark cabal to realize that the present construct can no longer hold. We have watched these cabalists obstinately refuse any and all proposals to step down and allow your divinely decreed freedom to manifest. Apparently, they still believe that some sort of 'event' can somehow reverse their predicaments and keep them in control. This is simply not going to happen! The Creator's edicts state that the time for a new consciousness gestalt for humanity has arrived. The dark cabal needs to step aside and let us do what the divine plan mandates. Our role, at this point, has been reduced to using our abilities to bring this situation to a head, and this we are doing by setting up the final procedures which are to topple the besieged and outdated power structures of your globe.


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Morning Blessing: 11.07.12 I Am Amazing



Morning Blessing: 11.07.12

I Am Amazing


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~ Stop The Press~ Council Meeting In Oneness! Join US Live


Miracles All Over


Join us Live for The Weekly Council You can join us at this Link:


Love The Earth Allies


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Obama's Victory is a Victory for the Light


Obama's re-election is a clear win for the Light. All our channeling resources here at the Galactic Free Press have said so, and if you're like me this morning, you Feel It in your bones and Know It to be True.


There is no doubt in my mind that the Shift has taken place, that we've crossed over the hump. 1) Obama gets re-elected in one of the most hotly contested races in American and World History; 2) two states pass propositions to legalize Marijuana; 3) another state joins the chorus of recognizing gays and legaizes same sex marriage; 4) a proposition opposing a new bridge between Canada and Michigan gets defeated clearing the way for better trade between our (I'm a Canadian) nations.


What this all means to me is A Sound Defeat for the Dark, for the Republican Agenda which is dark through and through, for the attempted controllers of the world, like bridge owners in Michigan, like the Fox News Network and its litany of lies, like the flip flopping ADD Mitt Romney and his cadre of supporters, like Carl Rove and his army of manipulators who have to crawl back under their rocks somewhere, like the anti-marijuana paranoids, the gay paranoids, the "rape is OK whackos" who want you to believe that "it's God's will", like the Bush family who sent in their Army of manipulators, intimidators and cheaters to try and steal another election and FAILED!!!,  like all these Fat Old White Guys who've been running things for so long they can't imagine life without their usual measure of control.


DEAD IN THE WATER!  That's where they are.  America has spoken and Her Voice was echoed around the world with a Tsunami of Support from every corner. NO MORE!  NO MORE!  NO MORE cowtowing to the Dark! 





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Oracle Report - Wednesday, November 7 - Thursday, November 8, 2012



Wednesday, November 7 - Thursday, November 8, 2012

Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Leo/Virgo

Some days dualities are stronger than others; Wednesday and Thursday are two of those days. 

Wedneday's energy brings the need to consciously choose our mindset.  In other words, we will have to work at choosing a day that reflects our natural, true state of being: joyful, playful, and appreciative of the beauty of the planet.  It's a wise old owl indeed who can express these things in the world today.  The window of time of extremely intense energy has now closed and we don't have to worry about maintaining strong ground by invoking the rocky cliff.  We don't have to hold on so tightly or rigidly.  It's time to lighten up and let in some air.  It's time to let things fly (meaning some things just need to go!).  Simplicity is the keyword for Wednesday.

Thursday brings the potential for overwhelm if we try to take on too much responsibility (for tasks, for others and for others' feelings...) or try to be overly self-sufficient.  The opposite side of the energy is laziness and falling victim to disinterest or martyrdom - believing the world is against us.  The key to dealing with this is the age-old wisdom of balance.  We have to find a balance between taking care of ourselves and others, balance between work and play, and balance between the light and dark sides of our psyches.  Like Wednesday, this energy requires some skill to navigate because it will unbalance people and will unbalance situations.  Stay even-keeled and aim for the center.  Yoga will help immensely if you are teetering.  Balance is the keyword for Thursday.


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I have to admit I have msnbc on in the background, crowing about how good things are today, grousing about how terrible some things are, mentioning what the White House staff are going to be enjoying in their soup bowls a few hours from now.


But I feel divorced from it, certainly not as plugged into the drama and the intricacies. That used to be what I turned on very first thing, and I watched at least three hours of news a night. But those were my history days, when I was reading biography after biography, history book after history book.


It's different now, and driving home from taking Sam to school, contemplating the 36 hours of alone time I now have to enjoy, I found myself thinking about my instructions this morning upon awakening.


Anymore, it's not dreamscapes I bring back from sleep with me, it's instructions. Sometimes only one word, sometimes two.


My awareness today: The outside matching the inside. That's it. But those words are merely symbols for an entire experience I had while dreaming, I can just feel it!



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11-7-12 Bill Ballard ~ 11-11-12 Coming Soon ~ Dream of Your Heaven On Earth Now


Dreaming your greatest dreams of Heaven on Earth is the most powerful thing you can do now as we come up on the final time of this shift! In a few days it will be 11/11/12 and tens of thousands of persons will be consciously joining together in this dream, adding their individual part to the collective for manifesting our new reality. So much has happened these past weeks and what I felt may not occur until so much later truly looks to be happening now, as predicted. Please join us for 11/11! Share! Tell your Friends! LOVE!


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Hello My Love, an Important Message




Hello my Love, and now we are Standing

ever closer in the New Light. There will be

a great movement of individuals, of the masses

who WILL COME to the gathering of where Truths

are being shared and experienced.  Feel this.

The biggest or most important Act of the Divine Plan

upcoming now is the coming of the masses. Get This.

What we must now reveal is, that it will happen in large part

do to pain, the pain of fear, the pain of emergency. Do

  not be surprised, humans have used pain for millions

of seasons to get to where they need to go, yes.   We


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Blocking Sunlight Stops Critical Proteins Which Prevent Heart Attacks



Blocking Sunlight Stops Critical Proteins Which Prevent Heart Attacks

8th Novemeber 2012

By John Summerly -

The media loves to terrify the public about how dangerous the sun is. The evidence for the health benefits of sunlight and vitamin D are overwhelming, yet all I can do is shake my head in disbelief as I see people massage the sunscreen on themselves and their children as if it’s some magical protection against a foreign invader. There’s nothing foreign or invasive about our sun, in fact researchers are now identifying how blocking its rays may actually increase the risk of heart attacks and dying.

A study — published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition — reveals that adults with low vitamin D levels have a 30% greater risk of death than people who had higher levels.


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Greetings and best wishes in the name of our FATHER.


I read all the chapters of 2013 Chronicles by Joelle and Corazon with a foreword by St. Germain. CONGRATULATIONS FOR A JOB WELL DONE. I have already downloaded the book and feel good that it is part of my library. And as St. Germain says in the Forward......THE WAY OUR LIFE WILL BE IN 5D.....May it be so


I felt exceedingly fulfilled because as I read it I was seeing myself as one of the Terrans. That characteristic has been with me ever since I started reading books. Entering the book and going on with the actors as an actor myself. The sensation is thrilling to say the least.







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Getting en-Lightning by Earth Ally Nayon - Song




My name is Nayon.  I have no video to send, but I have made a statement in my form of expression which is music.  Last October 21st, on the blessed day of peace meditation, I decided to dust off the equipment I bought last year to try for a second time to build a complete song, and I spent most of the day, inspired by this wonderful chunk of energy. 


Two weeks ago, this simple song came to me and I though it would be a good one to familiarize myself with my gear and see if I could make something decent.  I love music but never had the chance to learn about it and for some years I’ve been keeping a guitar close for a case of an occasional blues. 



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The Manuscript of Survival ~ Part 219 Love wins



Today is an important day indeed, as it hold within its confines the hopes and prayers of millions of people. We talk not about the election of one man to an earthly position here, but we talk of the choice that so many others will make in their hearts today. You see, this is not only about the election of a single individual that will be chosen as the president of one of the countries you have been divided into on this planet.

We talk about the fact that from now on, the energies that have been transmuted and changed into a whole new octave, will start to make their voice heard in so many ways. You see, underneath all of the hustle and bustle created by this election, and by so many other ”superficial” events going on at the same time, the renewal of this planet’s energetic layer has been all but invisible. That is, except for the likes of you, who have already managed to tap into this new power source. And for those who have gotten a taste of this elixir, they know that big changes are afoot. We say ”elixir”, but we are well aware that the tasting of this brew may have caused more than a mild reaction in your physical body already, and also in your mental one, as this heady concoction is nothing if not life changing in so many ways. Let us explain.


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Meline: Yes we did it!!




Yes we did it!!

(picture from
 I still remember the first election of president Obama 4 years ago very clear!  Even if it was not my country, I find myself sitting attracted to the tv with tears in my eyes and a feeling of rejoicement!  I felt he could bring change and his energy felt so different than most presidents or politicians.  At that time, I never read a channeling nor did I have communication abilities myself to the Higher Realms of Light but at least I knew and felt it was so positive on an enormous scale and that there was hope indeed.

Now 4 years later, with the knowledge of myself and abilities to communicate with our StarFamily, I was aware of his true being and presence and I was aware of the fact that he would be president again without a shadow of a doubt!  I was trusting in this and let go, because I know everything is divine leaded towards the Light; our Light that we are creating all together!  Still it was the same scenario; with tears of Joy in my eyes!  This time it was due to the feeling we still can stay on track and like a "pppfffiiieeeeuuwww!" moment because that was close!  Still I was certain of his election.

To me he does not feel like a leader nor a president of the US, but more like a spirit of freedom, of change.. Maybe he is our creation that we have manifested at this exactly right time because we were in need for this, in need for him!  And he stands for all of us, not the US only.  He is a great Light and I Love him as a being of Light, like we all are!

♥ Méline ♥


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Lucas - A New World Manifesting - We Can - 7 November 2012


What I observe going on in 3D is seeking the answers for that what they did not want but still got. Others are now in 5D already manifesting that what they truly want from their heart in oneness and unity and seeing on their energy level  things coming true.


I see the ones in awe about the re-election of Obama but it is just part of the 3D carousel. Would we care in 5D about all that if we can have all and manifest all for all the better of human kind, the world and universe  easily in the now?  That is the difference in those being in their heart evolving right on to 5D lightbeings and those still living in the 3D Matrix, their EGO and minds and even in some case believing they are in 4D till 13 D or even ascended. They really belief in those mind fabricated illusions.



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Nor'easter Forecast Impacts Jon Erdman, 11/07/12

Snow Forecast

As of early Wednesday morning, roughly 676,000 were still without power in the Northeast.  This is a remarkable drop from the peak of roughly 8.6 million one week ago.  Sadly, 112 have been confirmed dead from Sandy in the U.S., including Puerto Rico.  

Now, a coastal storm, known as a nor'easter, is poised to bring yet more high winds, rain, coastal flooding, even snow to parts of the Northeast.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit


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Greece to vote on austerity, protests intensify


Reuters -By Michael Winfrey and Karolina Tagaris

ATHENS | Tue Nov 6, 2012 6:10pm EST

Protesters shout slogans during an anti-austerity rally in front of the parliament in Athens November 6, 2012. REUTERS-Yorgos Karahalis

Protestors shout slogans during an anti-austerity rally in front of the parliament in Athens November 6, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Yorgos Karahalis.

(Reuters) - Greece's coalition government hopes to overcome its own divisions and defy protesters' fury at parliament's gates on Wednesday to push through an austerity package needed to secure an injection of aid and avert bankruptcy.

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras is expected to narrowly win support for the cocktail of budget cuts, tax hikes and labor reforms. The smallest party in his conservative-liberal coalition will oppose the measures, leaving him with a margin of just a handful of votes.


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Heart Song for November 7th 2012


The Heart Song for November 7th 2012 is I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU by Stevie Wonder.


Im gonna say; I just post to say  I Love you, and I mean it from the bottom of my Heart (Ab). Smile


Love Nageeta





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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube  

Dearest friends!


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Volcanic activity world-wide 6-7 November 2012


Source: Volcano Discovery, By T, 11/07/12

Bird’s eye view of Raung Volcano - , Jawa Timur

Raung Volcano in 2006.


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25 dead, thousands displaced by flooding in southern India


Source: The Extinction Protocol, 11/07/12

November 7, 2012 – INDIA – Torrential rains in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh have killed at least 25 people and displaced tens of thousands of villagers over the past week, an official said Monday. Downpours triggered by a cyclone that hit the coast last Wednesday near Chennai left hundreds of villages inundated and 60,000 people in relief camps, Karikal Valaven, a government officer overseeing emergency operations, said.


“At least 25 people have died and thousands have lost their houses. The rains have damaged all the standing crops in the coastal region,” he told AFP. Disaster response teams helped move people to higher ground in rubber boats and nearly 100 shelters were opened across the state to accommodate people fleeing the flood zone. “The unseasonal rainfall has destroyed our crops and our entire field is submerged in water,” Arku Rajaipa, a farmer in Guntur district, one of the worst-affected regions, told a local TV news channel.



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WE ARE “The Legions Of Light” All Suited Up and…. Ready!




My eyes popped open at exactly 3 am this morning with one lingering question on my mind… who won the presidential election.  When I went to sleep, I actually was worried.  Romney was up 52% in the popular vote (which doesn’t really mean a damn thing in this country) but also 50-60 electoral votes ahead of Obama.  For the first time ever, this election will affect me personally.  I have no insurance and had a cancer removed with a lot to still explore ahead of me.  True health care reform is now a very personal thing to me.  I am so grateful, beyond grateful… that the angels holding the white-house in their Light, both on the ground and in the unseen world… prevailed!!  THANK YOU!!

And if I can give a shout out to Colorado and Washington States for allowing, voting for and passing, for the first time in our history… recreational marijuana use!!  Change has come!!  So will new tax revenue dollars too!  Good on ya!!


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Latest Earthquake Activity - November 7, 2012


Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the quake in NORTHWESTERN IRAN

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


November 7


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2 min News: Solar System Shift



Pubblicato in data 07/nov/2012 da 

Our World is Changing:
Electromagnetic Event:

Links can be found in the citations for the three videos above.



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Wednesday Quake in Northwestern Iran Injures over 50 People


Fars News Agency - 11/07/12

TEHRAN (FNA)- The tremors which struck parts of Northwestern Iran on Wednesday have injured more than 50 people, medics reported.

The biggest of the tremors measuring 5.1 on the richer scale struck the city of Varzaqan, East Azarbaijan Province, at approximately 09:56 local time (0626 GMT) and wounded 50 people, many of them suffering hand and foot fractures.

Those injured people who had suffered serious wounds were immediately transferred to the hospital and others received outpatient treatment by the relief workers.

To read the rest of this story, visit



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Adama ~ Fall Into Love


Hello to All of you, It is I, Adama, here to speak to you, to speak to you of the ways of the heart.

Each of you is here upon the Earth, and each of you is here with purpose. This purpose is coming more into your frame of reference as a one-pointed way of being. To be one pointed, we mean for you to carry a point of oneness. Each of you has your own one-pointedness and thru that is an awareness of your own course and purpose of the life you are living.

To bring forth the purpose of this life you are choosing we would ask each of you to come with us on a journey of the heart. A journey into your own heart space and to relax into the knowledge that you are safe and at home in this resonance, as it is of love.

You are this love. This love is you at your core and all upon the Earth at this time can choose this love as their point of view or point of reference as well!

We here in Lemuria are in this state of love in more moments of our choice. We choose love and this love is a frequency, a vibration. Yes, you can choose this as well upon the Earth, in your everyday life!


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Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ The Pentagon And Agencies Choose Obama, The Chinese Military Stick With Hu


~ 7 November 2012

Barak Obama’s victory in the electronically rigged US presidential election means he will remain the spokesman for the pentagon and the agencies over the next 4 years. These same agencies recently have actively leaked information about Romney’s drug money laundering and other criminal activities in a clear sign of a military industrial complex revolt against the Bush Nazi faction, according to CIA and other sources. The Dragon family also supported Obama because he agreed to go along with their agenda, according to White Dragon Society sources in Indonesia.

A push by libertarians and milita movements to write in Ron Paul, meanwhile, was squashed by higher military ranks because of Paul’s proposal to close US bases world-wide.

However, the biggest losers were the Zionists who were hoping Romney would help them realize their dream of starting World War 3.

In China meanwhile, the old guard kept Hu Jintao in charge of the military to make sure incoming leader Xi Xinping keeps within the consensus of a peaceful rise of China and does not provoke unnecessary macho violent incidents.


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The Prophecy Stands





So! The Galactics and those in the Angelic Realm were correct—again. Obama is to be the one who leads us into our Golden Age. No surprise there.

Very soon the truth of Romney and the cabal will come out and everyone will see that all is unfolding in support of Humanity, no matter what appearances are.

I stayed up to watch the polls close and the numbers roll in, pleased I live in the West so I could do that. (okay I snoozed a little but I gave it my best) It would have been exciting had I not known the outcome because it was SO very close in many regions.

There were long lines of people at polling stations well into the evening in some areas, waiting patiently to cast their vote. Looks like Americans take their right to vote very seriously indeed and believe it counts, and I would have to say that yesterday, it did.

I must admit I was impressed with Romney’s exceptionally graceful speech. Quite the politician. I almost believed him.


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Obama 44 Wins with 44 Days to Go!



By Steve Beckow

Updated with SaLuSa’s current message.

It’s 10:00 p.m. Pacific time, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012 and Mitt Romney has conceded defeat in the U.S. Presidential election. He reports that he called President Obama and congratulated him on his victory.

At this time, the popular vote is 49% to 49%, numerically 51,341,990 votes for Obama to 51,092,409 votes for Romney. However, the electoral seats stand at 303 for President Obama and 203 for Mitt Romney. A candidate needs 270 electoral college seats to win.

The results were virtually a repeat of 2008.

It’s impossible for me to give a standard political analysis, discussing what may happen in the next four years, etc., because we know that matters will change irreversibly and for the better in only six more weeks. The 44th President of the United States has been re-elected only 44 days away from Ascension.


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Prop 37 Dashed on the Rocks


From Mac 2012thebigpicture

As I suspected, Prop 37 in California succumbed to the shameless propaganda of Monsanto, Big Food, and the millions they spent on spreading disinformation to program the public. Californians got suckered and kind of ruined things for the rest of North America, but…

…am I worried? No. It matters not. Try as they might, the cabal cannot sustain their control over the 99 per cent.

For one thing, they are toast.

For another, Obama and Michelle are fully aware of the GMO agenda and all laws, executive orders, and everything else that governs The People that are not to our benefit will soon be stricken and re-written to our satisfaction. Trust me.

AND, best of all, before long our bodies will be rejuvenated to a perfection unknown to man since Atlantis. So just chill.

For now, we need to continue to buy organic whenever possible and educate ourselves about the products that contain GMOs and choose alternates.


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SaLuSa 7-November-2012


The excitement grows in anticipation of the coming weeks, as the first real step towards Ascension looms near as Obama holds his position in the lead in the Presidential Election. Much is depending on the result, but the people have not been fooled by the antics of the opposition. They recognize in Obama his earnest desire to work for the people, and see his achievements in spite of the attempts to deny them. The tide has turned as people awaken to the truth and are now more intuitive when selecting their leader. There is also a strong feeling that it is time for far reaching changes, that lead you into the New Age.


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Puerto Rico May Become 51st US State


Puerto Ricans faced a fundamental question on Election Day: Should they change their ties with the United States?

Citizens in the U.S. island territory cannot vote in the U.S. presidential election, but many were excited to participate in a referendum on whether to push the territory toward statehood, greater autonomy or independence.

Car horns blared and party flags waved after polling stations closed following what election officials said was a high voter turnout. During the day, many voters carried umbrellas against the blistering tropical sun as temperatures neared 90 degrees Fahrenheit (31 degrees Celsius).

The two-part referendum first asked voters if they wanted to change Puerto Rico's 114-year relationship with the United States. A second question gave voters three alternatives if they wanted a change: become a U.S. state, gain independence, or have a "sovereign free association," a designation that would give more autonomy for the territory of 4 million people.

With 243 of 1,643 precincts reporting late Tuesday, 75,188 voters, or 53 percent, said they did not want to continue under the current political status. Forty-seven percent, or 67,304 voters, supported the status quo.

On the second question, 65 percent favored statehood, followed by 31 percent for sovereign free association and 4 percent for independence.

Full Story... (


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Time to Say Goodbye


by Steve Beckow
Note: There were videos posted with this article that I have been unable to get to show up. To see the videos, head to the source link at the bottom of this article.

Music can be so healing. For me no two songs assist me to make transitions within myself more than Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli’s Time to Say Goodbye and Andrea Boccelli and Marta Sanchez’ Vivo Per Lei [I Live for Her]  It may be true to say that I have listened to these songs more perhaps any other apart from my all-time favorite, Pachelbel’s Canon.

And for me it is indeed time to say goodbye. With the re-election of President Obama, my sense is that we’ve passed the starting gate of the events that can be said to lead in a direct manner to Ascension.

The number of people identified as being in containment – Christine Lagarde, Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, Jamie Dimon, Stephen Harper, Vladimir Putin, Bashar Al-Assad, the Bilderbergers, the entire Committee of 300 and in fact all major and many intermediate players of the global elite – must surely convince us that the grip of the old order on the planet has been loosened forever.


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11/7/2012 -- 7.5M earthquake offshore Guatemala -- No Tsunami Warning



Pubblicato in data 07/nov/2012 da 


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Portal Open and Activated - Release of Self Prosecution, Judgment, Unworthiness, Dishonoring of self and all god Creations.


Portal Open and Activated for:

Release of Self Prosecution, Judgment, Unworthiness, Dishonoring of self and all god Creations. This Portal is one way only. It will close when all is released.




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