Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/28/2011 - 11:03





The World At Large Is Suffering Because of A Lack of Love! We Were Taught Not To Love Ourselves For That Is Vain, And Being Vain Is Ungodly, It Is Blasphemous! The Only Real Lesson That Needs To Be Learned Here On Earth, Is To Love Yourself And That Is What You Struggle With The Most!



We Have To Truly Start Re-Conditioning Our Thought Processes And Shift Into A New Paradigm of Higher Thought Manifestations And To Stop Re-Living The Victim Attitude Over And Over Again! You Have A Mental Recording Since Birth That Won't Stop Playing Itself Out Every Second of Every Single Day of Your Life! You Have To Ask Yourself "Aren't You Tired of The Re-Runs! The Mindless Chatter of Negativity! The Thoughts That Just Bring You Into The Same Results?!!"



The Only Way Out of This Dilemma Is To Acknowledge These Thoughts And Then Make A Conscious Decision To Transmute Them Into The Violet Flame! Ask St. Germaine To Help You Rid Yourself of These Toxic Thought Patterns And Move You Forward Into Happy New Experiences Where You Belong, With A Stronger Positive More Powerful Mindset!!! You Have To See Your Soul Self As Being Larger Than Life Itself! Don't View Yourself As A Tiny Spec In The Universe Or On The Planet, See Yourself As Vast Powerful ~ Magnificent Energy That Surrounds The Entire Solar System!  Become Larger Than Life Itself And Set Yourself On A Grand Scale In The Scheme of Things! Take Planet Earth Into The Palm of Your Hand! Nurture And Protect Her, Surround Her With Love And Light As You Would A Small Helpless Child! This Is How We Take Back Our Planet! This Is How We Take Back Our Power! This Is Where We Start!



If Only You Knew You Have Come Here As Magnificent Beings As Creator gods, To Be A Part of This Great Experiment Here On Earth! If You Only Knew of Your Vast Abilities To Transform The Planet! If You Only Knew of The Enormous Strength And Power Within You! If You Only Knew You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind To Do!

When You Realize This Power, Your Vibrational Energy Patterns Affect The Electromagnetic Grids of The Earth To Shift Into A Mass Consciousness of Positive Enlightening Energy That Is Truly Undeniably Magnificent On The Most Grandest Scale of All!!! This Vibration Works Within The Consciousness of Mother Earth As Your Spirit Unites With Hers! This Merging As ONE Being, Functioning Together, Is How Extraordinary Changes Are Formed And Manifested Into Form!



Loving Yourself Is The Greatest Honor And Dignity You Could Ever Project Outwards Into The World, To Enable The World And Its People To Heal Themselves! For You Are Acting As An Anchor For The Rest of The World To Use As An Example of How They Too Can Become All Powerful And Loving!



Love Is Going To Be The Key, To Open Up The World Into Technology It Has Never Experienced Before! Love Is Going To Open Up Every Doorway To Extraterrestrial And Inter-Dimensional Communications Like Never Before! Mankind Is Finally Going To Be Moving Into A State of Genius! What Has Occurred Within The Last Year Is Actually 20 Years Worth of Work! Within This Year We Are Going Through, Each Moon Is Like Five Years! Time Will Even Be Sped Up So Much More So That Months Will Be Equivalent To Ten Years! Overall We Will Be Looking At A Century Within Only A Few Years!



With Time Being So Accelerated, The Energies Are So Vast That Are Coming In, It Is No Wonder Why Some Are Moving Into Diseases And Discomfort And Having Difficulties In Their Personal Relationships! You Must Not Judge One Another Or Yourselves, This Is Why Loving Yourself Is So Crucial As These Energies Escalate! You Must Have The Flexibility To Change With The Times, To Give Up Old Behavior Patterns, And Be Able To Move Into The Future Without Any Old Baggage Being Carried With You!



If You Could Just Structure Your Being Within New Identities, This Will Help You Immensely! You Are On The Verge of A Leap of Consciousness, That Is Unfathomable At This Time, Know It Is Amazingly Astounding And Miraculous!!! There Will Be Scientific Inventions That Will Begin To Flourish In Vast Numbers! There Will Be No Secrets Anymore!



Many Individuals That Have Come Through, Have Different Codes Within Their DNA System, This Is Why You Were Born Into Certain Ethnic Families At This Point And Time In Your Evolution! You Have Stored In You Recessive Characteristics, That Are Making Its Way To The Surface! Many Have Crossed Together So That The Dominates Are Moving In The Background! You Selected The Lineage That Holds Within Its Own Storage of Information That Which You Can Utilize!



Your DNA Strands of Chromosomal Matter Are Stored Inside The Cells, Hold Different Codes For How You Physically Appear, And What Sort of Talents You Bring Through! Your Assignment Is To Bring More Light Onto The Planet, While Awakening Your New Abilities You Never Knew You Had! As Time Progresses You Will Become More And More Aware of These Gifts Within You!



Remember To Love Yourself More Than Ever Before, It Is Crucial On Earth At This Point And Time In Our Evolution!


Be Love!

Be Light!

Be Peace!

Be Joy!

•*¨) ¸.•*¨)(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯'•.♥

Sapphire Stone

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