The Loving Lady of Myraid Manifestations!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/19/2013 - 10:09

The loving lady of the divine abundant life, is ever giving in the dance of life, giving prana to all that are open to receive.

The sky has no limit, for the sky is endless.  Her songs and voice move you closer to your Golden Mansion in the sky.  Eternal giving of blessings from the Creator.  To the Heavan’s we sing our songs of praise and gratitude to the most high God. In all that is and ever will be.

Blessed are those whose prayers have been heard.  Many Master’s hold the space and watch as the openings take place.

We honor you and have given you much to do. Dance and Sing Beloved, in your Golden Palace which is your home.  This is a message coming from the realms of light, these are  exciting times for we are able to bypass forces trying to stop the initiations from happening.

In preparation you will be surrounded by Masters, Angels, Archangels, Ascended benevolent beings.  You will be taken to your places of peace where you will rejuvenate and recalibrate your many bodies.

We are here to balance the nature, balance the relationships and end the bondage and suffering. The controls are being lifted, the counsels are making final preparation for those who are undermining the beloved Cosmic Christ, whose purpose is here to open hearts to the greatest love. And to bring humanity into full realization.

Each of you hold the keys to unlocking your own fully realized selves. Getting in touch with the very nature of why you are here and where you are going with your next phase of spiritual development.

We must act swiftly to download the information that is needed to fully harmonize and balance everyone who is ready for the Ascension procedures to commence on Earth.

Thanks be to the Whales and Dolphins, who are fully realized beings, the animals who hold our humanity and send unconditional love.

Look to the animals as we go through the next stage of our Ascension.  God bless those kindred souls the beloved people of the land who hold the codes and keys to unlocking the final gateway’s to unleash the light of of the 5th dimension.

Huge transformation is taking place, we are on schedule as you say on your world. Stand strong your ground, give way to your light, which shines ever so brightly and hold that light for your immortal beloveds. We now take our leave, the abundant supply of heaven is truly yours beloveds.

Permission is granted to those who want to pass on this message. Please do so in its entire format and give credit to the website, and the Author, Sheilah Blaxill

Y-H-W-H Eloheka Esh’oklah    Dr, J.J. Hurtak, Desiree Hurtak And Steven Halpern    Sacred Name Sacred Codes

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