Lucas – A Personal Message – Make Your Choice

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 12/17/2012 - 03:17


Lucas – A Personal Message – Make Your Choice 

NoILoveYouMore(Picture: Duality played out in full forgetting unconditional love from the heart and not the mind or ego.)

Dear Readers,

First of all thanks for all you readers that read my blog. I have been going with you on a journey to ascension and change. Now a great event is taking place and its culmination point is 21 December 2012, also my birthday. It is of the utmost importance to remember you need to make a choice in your life now.  It is the choice to choose love or to be  choosing fear and duality. Or better said getting ready to be in 5D or staying in 3D.  I do not make the choice for you, nor will anyone or anything else.

But what does it mean choosing love?  It means that if you go within and chose (unconditional) love as your companion in your eternal life, that you are the one that choses to open up for the full transition that is available for all as the galactic alignment with the central sun will bring the change in perspective and in vibration of all that is.  Simply said. You are going through a transition that makes you leave the old patterns, structures, beliefs, religions, dogmas, duality issues, your ego behind and you step into a new reality that is build of unity and oneness with all and in all.  The source is oneness and this is the field of sharing, co-creating, being equal, unity, all is done only for the better of all or from the highest vibration of all that is.   Everything is done from being unconditional love from the heart and creating and being in unity. It means a new paradigm  is what you embrace and live.

Does it mean you are the same or seeing the same as if nothing happened after this transition? No, it is not. Whatever you see, it is first of all an inner personal process that is called ascension. So you will experience changes within and or have feelings, sensations that will show your own changes are happening.  Mother Earth is also the one that will be ascending as the whole universe will be having that higher vibration. So there will be change felt in a certain way, even if you are not chosing to be love from within your heart now.  How it all will unfold past the date of 21st December is heavily discussed.   I do not.  It all will unfold as it will. I myself see great things happening already. I see shifting in people and events and circumstances taking place. The new is about the highest outcome possible for all, not only we, but all.

For those still wanting to open up their hearts and chose love, you have still days to go to get working on it. The time has come to stop relying on others to do the work  for you. It is you that makes the change within that makes also the changes outside of you happening. It is that what still a lot of you will not see. You are still seeking solutions only in 3D. Being busy with arguing and re-acting on happenings, news and individuals, and give opinions, and re-acting on what they individually want to be thru for all. It is also not about giving away your powers to another authority that says you what you should do, think, eat and  breath. You have no need for gurus, leaders, commanders, religion structures, beliefs. Ego that only is seeing and thinking for itself or has hidden agendas, or is about greed and having all or is accumulating all for the self is not what the new is about.

I see the world not ending on 21 December 2012. There is no ending in this. I see the new paradigm to be about ending time. Time that was also introduced and used as a control instrument. All is present. All is now. There is no past and future. The concept of linear time is ending. I see we  are entering a new “time” that is without time in the sense of how we know it. To me it is a spherical thinking, creating and being from the unity field and that is for ever-expanding. All exist in the now:  past, present and future. Whatever you choice is up to you as you have free will. But I see you all will be  effected by the transition.  See yourself not in a doomsday scenario as it is probably that what you will get. It is all about you manifesting that what you want. Yes, want. If you want to make negative manifesting it will be that what You get. So do not want to prevent or even think that negative things should not happen, manifest that what you wanna have.  Example:  I do not wanna be said. Just think instead : I am happy and feel that. It is all about perception and another view that makes things also different in you and on the outside.

The new paradigm is also about sharing, co-creating and supporting. I myself have seeing the difficulties and the beauty in that part.  The negative comments on asking donations for my work on this blog for already 1,5  years,  day in day out, 24/7,  without one day sick, vacation and doing it is first all from my own money till that source dried up,  is example of what people commenting still are about.  Those comments are and were  not needed in any way,  just egos that would prefer to see you having nothing and them taking all themselves as it is freely and open to them, so why bother. Yes, it is blog I have made free for all as it is a mission to me for you all.  I just ask to support me in doing it also now and in 2013 when the work really starts. The beauty in sharing is brought about in people if we help each other and  help accomplish things or make things happen.  We co-create and see new things  develop, and new creations and creativity blossom.  For example Andrea(Tan) and me giving the Earth Star Network ( as a hub for 5D communication, creation, projects and funding a quick start with the Unity and Oneness campaign. Showing and being love in action.  Are you part of it already?

I really laugh  a lot and love to see joy and talents and (creative) creation come forth in those I have touched by who I am. I love to inspire and love all the people who inspire others and bring forth the best in others.  The heroes and examples you mostly refer to are not the ones I speak of.  I speak of people just like you that every day shine and still see beauty and love in all, even as they endure or go through lots of stuff themselves.  Know laughter is a great expression to get yourselves in a higher state of consciousness and freeing you from negative thought.  Smile, laugh and have fun and joy,  be playful also. It is good to see you again doing those things you always wanted to do or do again. Go have a snowball fight, if you always wanted that since your youth. Now is the moment. Go slide or have a go at whatever gives you pleasure without hurting anything or anybody.

In short be love, shine your light and know that the world is changing for all of us, even if you’re not able to see it yet.  All the old paradigm is played out now and it will end.  So do not get into that play again as the curtains are drawing to a final close of all.  That means to me, a part of history is closed.  The future is to me also now and it all will unfold as it should be.  I love to see you all making the choice to go with us on our new journey and explore the new paradigm. I love to see you all open up and see what is that magical mysterious world that is still a bit hidden for you till after the 21st December.  Maybe you can be the new paradigm with us. Know lots of work is to be done after that date. Thanks for being you and being in this ending cycle of duality, playing the role of your life.  Thanks  for your help to make the transitional shift work.

Love you all. Keep not forgetting to love all you can. Have a great shift and a or holiday season.

Love and Light,


(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with  the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.



Thank you, Lucas for all of your inspiring posts, especially this one! And for all the ground work you have set up, so others can follow your example!

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