Lucas – See Change – Peace In Progress – EGO and Duality Set Aside – 26 October 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 10/26/2012 - 07:48


Lucas – See Change – Peace In Progress – EGO and Duality Set Aside – 26 October 2012 you have been seeing there is also a strive to solve long running problems and make peace all over the world.

Look at the Columbian problem and fight between FARC and the Government troops. The Columbian president brought change to bring people together for peace talks : Colombia, FARC rebels set to start peace talks Wednesday / link to original article

Look at the peace talks that are taking place and now get a peace plan signed between the Philippine and the muslim rebels : Philippine And Muslim Rebels Sign Key Peace Plan /

And there is more going on over the world in a positive sense. The cycle of keeping duality via fighting and war, via keeping conflicts going is over. Problems are solvable with just a mouth to talk and a hand to shake.  It is stepping out of EGOs that have been called out by the heart to  stop and make peace.  Peace by finding the solution within from the heart. Unconditional love will solve all. But it does not mean that love does not call out that what is wrong and will name it, as it is the EGO that only will react upon that call from the heart and the voice of love. If that EGO reacts than with anger, hate, or pain, hurt or even victimhood and is blaming others then itself for it is an other matter. But if the EGO can be retracted to go back behind stage from all and the heart can kick in again it will be seen as what it is. Just EGO letting go.

It is needed to confront people on their EGO and 3D duality issues to be resolved by them selves and not to play their ego out in a splash and in a way that even people belief the EGO is love. There is the most dangerous form of EGO called spiritual EGO. It poses as a sort of lightworker but is EGO. It is that what people need to see. There is no love in EGO. EGO is only and all about FEAR and it has many forms and expressions.

Make nobody responsible if your called out on your EGO. It is love that calls out and it is EGO that responds. If it was love that was responding it would be easy to be on the same frequency and page. As Love sees Love. Unity can only be if the EGO and Duality is out-of-the-way. It is you that has to make that happen. Do not make others responsible for your lack of attention to it. You can not blame your EGO problem or 3D issue on others. There is only you that is YOUR solution in solving your problem.

Often others have been buying into the spiritual EGO and false EGO teachings or preaching and have become sheeple that follow. They have been tapping in that spiritual EGO and relate to the others EGOs  following and intensifying the built EGO structure. They truly belief what the spiritual EGO has been telling them and even pledge legion to it and defend it.  I am telling you this so you see what is happening and it is not about blame as it is love that calls upon you. Stop following false spiritual EGO and EGO that tells you it is love.  You will see that what you fought for that what your EGO pledged a legion to or those beliefs you have been building upon where not real LOVE.

Find the change and peace also in your heart. The coming weeks will be hard on all. As the EGOs and Duality and things that are wrong will be called out everywhere. The truth will come out. It is your free will choice to move into your heart and see the real new you and not that what is built upon illusion.  Love will be with you for ever and has compassion for those staying in the EGO and Dualities of 3D.  But Love is not having pity on you or will not hold back  to call out your EGO no matter what happens.

The world will know peace if we  work on inner change that will make outer change happen and all is progressing  insight even for me . See peace in progress as the EGO and Duality are set aside.

Love and Light,


(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.



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