Lucas – UPDATE : The Lights Are On – Happy Shift And Happy Holidays, Give Yourselves The Gift Of Eternal Love – Do Not Forget To Donate Also Towards The Blogs Survival, Thanks!!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 12/14/2012 - 08:34


Lucas – UPDATE : The Lights Are On – Happy Shift And Happy Holidays, Give Yourselves The Gift Of Eternal Love – Do Not Forget To Donate Also Towards The Blogs Survival, Thanks!! 

TheLightsDonatebuttonThe Lights Are On

Dear ones,

UPDATE – The new paradigm is just a few days from emerging. It is still a lot that people need to go through awakened or not.  All this is about the shift and us becoming aware  and change into a higher vibrational level of being. It is shifting from that what was a learning process cycle of duality towards a new beginning with the exploration of oneness and unity from unconditional love. The shift will bring a new conscious level and perspective also it makes the dormant abilities of your own being blossom again. We will see new developments that are born out of sharing, co-creation, love and doing all that is for the best of all.

Would you ignore that gift of love if you had been given it even before your birth? I think you would embrace it and feel joy and bliss.  You have just forgotten that you always are and have been part of that greater entity that has been given many names:  God, Creator, Source and so on.  All that is you is also God and God is part of you. You are part of all in unity and oneness. We are in core beings of light, love and oneness. We only are the reflections created by the source of itself to experience that what was duality. We have each our own energy signature that make we are able to experience the you as you. If you say you are created in the image of god than know it to be just that. You are gods.  You are all creators and masters of your own illusions. You only lived in this 3D world for a long time the life of a human that was learning to be free from duality and to wake up to that fact eventually.

To answer the call to get back to your thru energy that is you and is unconditional love is what is asked of you. Getting out of that created illusion that enslaved you to be a debt-slave, follower, worker drone of those wanting power and wealth only to be theirs. To be in your mind, to be in ego, to be thinking and breathing and living duality by merely believing the illusion is what has to end. It is now the time to come back to your source of love and it can be found in the real core of you your heart. It will gladly connect  you with source and our mother earth. It will give you that what you seek the endless possibility to experience and create from unconditional love from the heart for the highest good of all and have abundance in all.  

Be the light that lights up the dark again and sees that what you thought was always hidden for you :  heaven upon earth. It has been always there but you forgot it was to be found in you. Let love lead the way to make your shift. It is a personal journey you decide to take or not. But even if not you will have played your role in this experience. Thanks for being you and for being part of this great experience we ever have lived. Even if you do not see it that way now, maybe soon you will see that you really have nothing to fear, there is nothing to cling to or have as all is if you shift available to you. So let go of the past or what the future may bring as time is not your fictional and controlling guide  anymore. The now is only the moment that is perfection in itself.  Just experience and be that love that is all. Know the task making  the new paradigm work just begins on 22 December 2o12  and will not stop. We have much to do, so be part of it and be love in action. 

Love you all. Have a great shift or have a great holiday  whatever you chose to do know your loved always unconditional. The lights are on.

Love and Light,




Thank you, Lucas. We love you, too. May the shift bless you beyond your wildest dreams! May we all meet in oneness on the other side of It!

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