Manifestation Portal Jan 14~ 18 ~Time to take Action ~ Andromeda Council

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/10/2014 - 06:36

David Porter

Sat, 01/11/2014 - 15:05

Thank you for you support. 

It is a difficult task to sift through all the deceit that is coming to us in this time of change over. The best I can suggest so that the Archons and all their minions do not intervene into our work is to ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS surround ones self in the Pure Divine Light of Christ in each and every channeling we do.

This will ensure you and us that the pure truth is being brought forth.

I understand that we are not here to suffer and the only volunteering of same is agreements we made prior to our incarnating on Earth with the Archons or other duality-seperational-polarity based selfish-dark forces.

This above message is blessed with much powerful truth, but nonetheless, the cabals and all of their techniques are hidden in their words and in our face that we cannot see.

I will be debunking all of them this year, no exceptions so my people can "see" what is false so they can know what is truth whether or not the words make them feel all kinds of good inside.

This you printed Sept, 22nd last year.

Anna Merkaba, Pleiades High Council "FOR THE DURATION OF 3 DAYS (Sept, 22-24) - YOU SHALL BECOME PURE PILLARS OF LIGHT. Your senses will heighten. Your vision will sharpen. Your hearing will significantly improve. Each word you utter will carry tremendous power within. Your thoughts will quickly manifest into your reality and so we ask all of you to be increasingly aware of these processes and to carefully monitor each and every thought, word and action, for you must think love, breathe love, BE LOVE. You must completely transform yourselves into pure VIOLET FLAME."

I meditate 4 hours a day and yet somehow I missed the "promised" effects of this???

And: Anna Merkaba 7/13/13 "NEXT 56 HOURS CRUCIAL! ~ VIOLET/BLUE FLAME UPGRADE! FROM THE SOURCE Personal Note: In order to get the new energies, you do not need to do anything, simply think that you wish for this upgrade to take place, and ask whomever you feel most comfortable with. IT doesn't have to be AA Raphael, But you must have the intention of receiving this upgrade, you need to just put this into the universe that you are ready to receive this healing energy. THAT IS ALL!"

And: The Pleidian High Counsil says today-the 13th is the ascention alignment that ends 01/13/13 but will make noticable shifers through our bodies!!!

My list goes on for the past 3 years, but "the list" of false promises goes on for many more years than that. This is due to the Archons, Anunnaki, cabals and all their evil divisions wanting to keep us asleep and in place to use us as seven billion batteries for their energy needs.

Mostly accurate post will no longer do it for us as The Light is turning up now, this, my assignment is in part that increase of Light shinning down.

People,,,get and remain fixed in The Light. Increase skepticism and fine-tune your discernment. Take control of your own destiny now and stop waiting for something to happen, make it happen in your silent space of "Reality."

I AM with you to the end and all of it's new beginnings~



The following message is saying us something very different from what you think you are understanding:

(~~You have experienced pain of not being able to descend into a human body in order to illuminate the way for humanity as whole in brining your children and your own selves back home., home to their divine selves, home to the powers that dwell therein, home to the understanding of their own powers, to the understanding of the universal laws, of the laws put forth by one and all.
 And so, what we are trying to say to you dearly beloved ones, dearly beloveds who have been brave enough to descend into human bodies, brave enough to conceal your wisdom and understanding of life, and the cosmic gateways of truth, is that the time has now come, the time has now come for you to fully utilize that which you are to fully manifest that which you wish to experience on planet GAIA)

The truth is that these people planned to yank the Soul out of your body and replace it with a negative 5th dimentional soul!  There has been an ongoing battle between the forces of positive and negative beings  for aeons of time.  They are very irritated at the Gelactic Federation for coming in and placing a positive barrier around the planet to keep the negative forces from replacing your body with a different soul.  They want complete control of this planet and have been prevented from carrying out their nefarious purpose! One ship containing billions of negative souls has already crashed upon the said barrier.  They tried to hide it by dumping the soul cargo into space before getting caught by the Federation.  They promply began a smear campaign to make it seem that the Federation was at fault.   

We owe the Federation a debt of gratitude for what they have accomplished, and I hope everyone who reads this will put it out there and make it viral!   

Many Blessings!



Will....what's going on has nothing to do with're going in the wrong direction.

Even in the higher planes, there must be a positive and negative spark in order to create at the neutral point.  Each soul spends it's time at either end of the pole, one then the either positive or negative's part of soul growth. 

Duality here was a created event to give soul more experience.

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