The manuscript of survival ~ part 131

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 10:34


The manuscript of survival ~ part 131

Earth Allie Dawn Christine Double Dare


Todays message will in many ways follow in the footsteps of the previous ones, as we are still intent on being your cheerleaders as it were. Let us explain. For many, this process can be likened to a trip on a rollercoaster, and a rollercoaster enveloped in darkness at that. As you all know so well by now, there is no way to predict just what will happen next. Will it be a day of joy and upliftment, or will you be plunged into a seemingly free fall without an end? This is indeed a process with so many ups and down, and the interval between these abrupt shifts varies too, so you never know when everything changes suddenly again. Up and down and sideways, to and fro, everything is like a restless energy moving you seemingly at random through your days and your nights. It might feel scary, as there seem to be no control or plan behind any of this. Well, let us just say that nothing could be further from the truth, as this is all mapped out in meticulous detail beforehand. But again, we follow a plan and a sense of time that differs mightily from the ones you are so used to, so everything will seem to be very, very chaotic at times. Just do not think that this feeling of chaos will go away anytime soon. In fact, it will seem to be increasing, as events will soon take a turn for the worse. Or rather, on the outside, or to an untrained eye, it will seem to be for the worse. But for us, and those amongst you already sufficiently aware to be able to discern between illusion and truth, all of these seemingly negative effects that will start to spin their waves all across your globe will be seen for what they really are. A purging of old and outdatet systems in preparation for the insertion of the new.


In other words, the dismantling process will be taken up a notch, and as such, much dismay will be spreading through a large proportion of your fellow humans. They will see only chaos, but you will see order where others fail to see anything but sure signs of collapse. This may sound confusing, but as we have stated on so many occasions by now, the old must be literally blown away in order for the new growth to take hold. And fear not, this does not entail bringing you all back to the primitive days when it was every man for himself, and where the power of aggression and fear ruled supreme. No, we are talking about something else than mere anarchy here. We are talking about a process that will be literally setting new and magical things into motion at the same times as the old ones are extinguished. You will not be left dangling in an empty void between these two states, but it will in many ways feel like that to so many of you. You see, there is no good way to describe all of this beforehand, as you have no way of understanding it just yet, but trust us when we say that you will be taken well care of throughout it all, as without you, this process cannot be completed. So it will do nothing good at all if you were literally frightened out of your wits and thereby rendered unable to finish the work you came here to do. Although you will at times feel very vulnerable and lonely, we will do our utmost to make sure that you will still be able to function, and messages like these will only be a small part of this helping hand so to speak that we are at all times holding out towards you.


We will repeat this message again and again, as it is indeed imperative that you do come to terms with the fact that although everything around you will seem to be collapsing, mayhaps including your own physical body and your mental state, never forget that you came here specifically equipped to be able to sustain the sort of pressure you are currently under, and more so. But as you are indeed sheltering inside the somewhat frail looking physical body of a human being, you will at times have a hard time believing in your own strength. There is no need to doubt yourselves, but it is very understandable if you do so, therefore we will in many ways be stepping up the contact over the borders as it were and help you to regain your memories. As we have already stated, you are made of the same stuff as the stars, and you are no less than indestructible, and now will be a good time to start tapping into that reservoar again. Do not fear that you will become trapped by your own frailty. It does not exist, only in your mind, and it is time to let go of the reins that the mind is trying to control you with.


We have said this on so many occasions, but now, you will all have the opportunity to start testing out this in a major way. You see, you will meet many obstacles in the upcoming days and weeks, so try to keep these words clear in your mind, or rather in your heart, and make an effort to see past all of the negativity that will cloud so many other people’s judgements. Again, you have been well trained to think that anything ”negative” that happens is cause for alarm, and maybe even some self-recrimination, but that is only if you see it with the eyes and beliefs of yesterday. In the new way of things, you will see that as always, everything happens for a reason, and any form of collapse or dismantling is only a clear signal that a resurrection is about to take place. And no, not resurrection as refferred to in your holy books. We refer to a resurrection of a whole planet, not a single being or a single idea. So do not get trapped by the mounting fear
from all of those unable to see the silver lining in the clouds that will soon start to envelop you all. You will be hold aloft not only by your own soaring spirit, but also by the support from all of your brethren, both in human shape but also of the more celestial kind.


So keep going ahead, even if your mind tries to tell you to run the other way. It cannot sway you, only if you let the voice from your heart be drowned by the mind’s incessant whining. You are made of far stronger stuff than that dear ones, and we know you will prevail, even if you at times feel a nagging doubt descending like a pallor over you. Remember what we have told you on so many occasions before: these challenges are in no way a sign of any wrongdoing or ”bad karma” on your part, far from it. All of these challenges are merely signposts along the way, and they are pointing out very clearly that you are advancing at a rapid pace indeed. At times the pace might seem to be a bit too much, but be that as it may. We are more than confident that you will take it all in your stride. Just remember to look back over your shoulder at times, and marvel at the long succession of signposts you have already passed. You have made it this far, dear friends, and there is nothing holding you back from attaining that final goal shimmering at the end of this obstacle course. You might get a bruised knee on the way, but nothing that will harm you too much. So keep going confidently ahead dear ones, even if the next part of this rollercoaster might be a bit more exciting than you mayhaps bargained for. Remember, we know the whole setup of this journey ahead of you, and even if we are not the ones travelling it, we know fully well that it is more than within your reach to do so. So have faith that even if you feel tossed about on this rollercoaster, it is not about to derail. Not now, nor ever, so lift your arms and scream and shout to signify that you are not at all overwhelmed by any of the twists and turns this ride will take. It is a thrilling one, is it not? After all, it is the ride of your lives dear ones, so make sure to enjoy it even if your mind tries to tell you to get off at the earliest possibility. You would not want to miss out on the best part, would you?


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