The manuscript of survival ~ part 211

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 10/21/2012 - 09:23

We would like to take this opportunity to speak to those amongst you who are really struggling hard now. You will feel that this uphill has been too long and too steep, and it feels mayhaps like you are already starting to slide backwards. We are here to remind you yet again that you are not alone on this journey, and that we want you to be sure to ask for assistance whenever it feels like the going gets too rough. You see, although you are surrounded on all sides by beings wishing nothing but to be of assistance to you in this tremenodus task you have taken upon you, we can only do so at your request. So please, do not think that you have to grit your teeth and keep heaving all of the combined weight of your efforts alone, as that is not the case.

But the human mind is nothing if not stubborn, so it behooves us to remind you of this again and again, as there are some out there who have gotten it into their heads that asking for assistance is like admitting defeat. It is not, and it never will be, because this journey has been planned as a communal effort from the very first beginning, and only as a communal effort will you be able to complete it. So please, reach out for help, both from those around you that are tangible, but also remember to ask for help from us, the invisible ones. Because we want nothing more for you than to succeed, and we will do all we can in order to lighten your load and make the incline feel slightly less challenging.

So again we say this: do not fall into the trap of thinking yourself too small and insignificant to be able to succeed in this endeavor, for you are not small. You are magnificent indeed, but even so it is not meant that you have to go into this relying only on your inherent strength. That would not be enough for any of you. No, the only way to be a player in this is to regard yourself as a team player, so do not forget those teammates of yours that are toiling beside you. For whenever you manage to connect, both with your fellow men and with us, your more unseen helpers, you will in that way magnify your contribution in this great plan. So even if you have a hard time lifting your eyes from the ground at the moment, feeling almost overburdened by it all, please remember to do so and to acknowledge the ones that stand around you, ready to help you reignite that inner flame that might be faltering by now.

You are so loved, so do not let yourselves overlook that love by the fact that you have a hard time at the moment. Because now, you might need it more than ever, and now, you also deserve it more than ever. So do not forget to collect what is no more than your due. You are creating a new world, but together, all of us can help share the burden in the way that it was meant to be from the very beginning. Do not berate yourself if you stumble and fall at times, and certainly not by denying yourself the assistance you so readily deserve. For remember, if you do not ask for it, we cannot give it to you, as it is you and only you who can open the door to your heart and let us in.



Sun, 10/21/2012 - 10:18

We I can"t do it anymore, I am at the end of my rope, I cannot find solace anymore in my daily life , I am struggling with everything, I am in deep trouble too. Is this what I have been waiting for with bated breath, this is agony and not much fun, I have tried and apparently failed to get rid of the things and people in my life that do not support my vision. Yes I feel alone, taken advantage of and removed from most of everything. The problems are too numerous to mention but it is like a wave each day rolling over me that I can no longer handle. I wake up at 4 in the morning feeling so alone and empty I almost don't want to bother anymore, is this normal, is this what our light seekers want us to feel. I agree out with the old and in with the new, but I am not going they this without feelings abandoned and all alone. My friends here are just in the Internet, I cannot feel them or see them and in the real world it seems like I have kick Me written on my forehead, WHY????

When I wrote about these events to come back in 1995-8, my some of my family members returned my books.


I meet one in a hundred if that, that are open for this, and sometimes wonder myself if there are not so many open minded out there, but have travelled the country and found multitudes in evern in unexpected areas that are all in.


The apsolute cure for you is to sit down right now and give thanks in what is in front of you, as it is brought by "you" to you for you and that is why it is with you now. Give thanks in ALL things. This will cure all things. Just do it and don't stop after a one day attempt or you loose.

I don't get it, why grateful, I am grateful for what I have why am I being tested? Pray for pain, give thanks for the challenges? Really?

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