The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 86 ~Celebrate Your Achievements~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/13/2012 - 08:36

Todays missive will in many ways be like so many of the others we have given you these last months, as we always strive to give you another reason to keep going. In other words, we see these missives as important in the way that we are anxious to give you all a helping hand in this process. We are more than well aware that this cannot be easy for you, and as we have discussed on so many previous occasions, you are indeed pioneers in this work that you do.


Do not think that this mean that we have no idea as to just what you are going through, far from it. This is in all aspects a carefullly put together plan, and nothing has been left to luck or fate. In addition, you are all carefully monitored at all times, and this gives us a clear insight into just how this process is unfolding, so nothing is left to chance here.


We are aware that for many, all of these communications will fall on stony ground one time or another, as it is indeed difficult for you to keep the focus at all times, and understandably so. You are under so much pressure, and at times it can all feel to be much too much, and you lose your momentum and fall back a bit. Do not berate yourselves for this dear ones, it is very understandable and no one will criticize you for this. So if you harbour any misgivings towards yourselves whenever you fall under the weight of this responsibility you carry, please try to refrain from scolding yourselves in any way. It is only to be expected, and you do not need to fear any recriminations from us, rather, you will have our sympathy, as we see just how much you all have to struggle with at times.


Remember, you are working so hard not only for yourselves, but for all of creation, therefore all of your endeavours are more than appreciated, and you are indeed heroes to us all. Never let your own frailty be a source of admonishment against yourselves, as you are all doing exactly what is asked from you. Or rather, more than what is asked from you, as you have all more than surpassed our expectations already. Not only have you done everything according to the plan, but the plan has been adjusted several times already because you have managed to accelerate the process on your own accord. That is indeed something you need to take into consideration the next time you feel that you are standing still, or maybe even backsliding. Remember again, that nothing you do is without meaning, and nothing you do is wasted. You are constantly striving towards that final goal, and even if you yourselves at times feel that you are slipping back, nothing could be further from the truth.


Therefore, we wish to take this opportunity to implore all of you to remember to celebrate your achievements. You have come such a long way in a very short amount of time, and although to you this process will seem endless at times, it is so much closer to being completed than you could ever imagine.


We know that for some of you, these words may seem to be just another trick to lure you into pushing yourselves forwards when you already feel more than exhausted and ready to throw in the towel. Easy for us, you might say, as you do not have to go through what we are going through. And you are certainly fully in your rights in saying so, as our role is more like a spectator than a participant, but never forget that it was you yourselves who made the choice to come down to do this, the most challenging but also the most coveted job of them all. You see, you are considered as the lucky ones, as you are the ones who were picked out from the multitude of souls who volunteered for the job. So many wanted the chance to be a part of this unique experience, but you are the ones who were finally chosen. So know that even if you at times feel despondent, and think you lack the skills and the stamina to complete this mission, then know that you are the only one in the universe who thinks so. We all know that you are more than qualified for this job, and it is just your ego trying to pull the strings yet again to convince you that you are nothing more than a mere mortal, unable to achieve much in your short life on this little planet.


If you could see yourselves from our perspective, or rather, in the true light, you would never ever again doubt your abilities sweet ones. You are all gods, in the literal sense of the word, and your powers are beyond any limitation you could conceive of. But as we said, this truth had to be left at the door when you entered the domains of the human abode, and as such you need a little reminder from us at regular intervals. And we will continue to do so until the day comes when you have all rediscovered the real you, and found that ocean of unlimited energy you all carry in your hearts. That day is coming ever closer, and for some of you, the taste of the first sip from that ocean has already lingered on your lips. Soon you will be able to drink freely from this source, but until then, please remember to open your hearts and listen with discernment whenever the voice of smallness tries to make you shrink back into a small and seemingly insignificant member of the human race. You are neither, and we will all do our best to shake that misconception away from you for ever. For some, it will be easy to shut out that belittling voice, to others, it will take some time and a lot of hard work. But remember, we are at your side every step of your way, every second of your time, during your heights and your lows, and we will never ever forsake you. You are us, and we are you, and soon, we will all be together in the full light of the new dawn.


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