~The "March" of Truth

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/05/2012 - 09:04


3/5/2012 -- 6.1 magnitude earthquake -- Argentina South America + Global Earthquake Swarm


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Major X1.1 Solar Flare Peaked around SUNSPOT 1429 Mar 5 2012


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Daytime UFOs/Orbs in Russia?



Caricato da  in data 04/mar/2012


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Magma Plume: Mt. Etna volcano rocked by third eruption in 2012


Magma Plume: Mt. Etna volcano rocked by third eruption in 2012





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Private TAUK SaLuSa to Me – 5 March 2012 - by Laura Tyco




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Ufo's and alien's on Fox News.


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Major X1.1 Solar Flare + CME (3/5/2012) - SolarHam.com


Updated 3/5/2

012 @ 06:10 UTC

Major X Class Solar Flare
A long duration and major X1.1 solar flare peaked at 04:09 UTC Monday morning around Sunspot 1429. A strong R3 Level Radio Blackout resulted. A bright Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is now seen in the latest STEREO Behind and Lasco images. The expanding plasma cloud is mostly heading towards the north and east, however a small portion looks to be Earth directed. This is the 10th largest solar flare of the current Sunspot Cycle and it also happens to be the 10th X-Class flare as well. Stay Tuned to SolarHam.com for the latest updates. You can also follow the latest updates on SolarHam Facebook and clicking "LIKE".

SUMMARY: X-ray Event exceeded X1
Begin Time: 2012 Mar 05 0230 UTC
Maximum Time: 2012 Mar 05 0409 UTC
End Time: 2012 Mar 05 0443 UTC
X-ray Class: X1.1
Optical Class: 2b
Location: N15E54
NOAA Scale: R3 - Strong


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3/4/2012 -- Global Earthquake Overview : Unrest = watch Americas, Europe, West Pacific, Asia



Caricato da  in data 04/mar/2012


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Health Benefits of cinnamon


Health Benefits of cinnamon




Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.

Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.

In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.

In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.


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Health Benefits of Honey


Health Benefits of Honey




The 3 key health benefits of honey are related to the fact that: 1. Honey is nature's energy booster 

2. Honey is a great immunity system builder 

3. Honey is a natural remedy for many ailments 

Read below for details.




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2012 Olympic Games, London, Activation Attunement


2012 Olympic Games, London, Activation Attunement



by GLR Peter Melchizedek


As of this day 5th March, 2012 we have 144 days to go before the Opening Ceremony in London, England of the Olympic Games.  The Games are between 27th July, 2012 and 12th August, 2012.


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water tuning :) LOVE


I tune a glass of water with love, water restructure 101 :) love you all


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HEAVEN #4119 You Are Spinning



HEAVEN #4119 You Are Spinning



March 5, 2012 

God said: 




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Free Energy is Here Now - A Project Nsearch Story ~ 3.3.12



Free Energy is Here Now - A Project Nsearch Story

Dear Friends, I have received the following e-mail from Project.Nsearch creator, Glenn Canady: 

"I need your help. Make sure that you go to this page that contains the interview we did about the free energy device from South Africa that can power your home and share it to your facebook and every where else you can think of I'm being censored and really need your help telling everybody you know so they can't stop the word from getting out! (...) Thanks for your support!" 

"Free Energy is here NOW and nobody is going to stop it this time!" 



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ORION NEBULA w/Come In Welcome



All creation resists its own corrupt foundation, fear and guilt of separation, so the mafia renegade hiding in the disappearing basement of gravity clings to rage policing darkness for the sake of mothers and their creation, children. Holy Spirit wings surround our floating center energetic light with a multidimensional sphere of all inclusive Universal Love of a responsive flow of renewing ideas within absolutely no resistance. Father time corrodes the very foundation that resists permanence, itself, as Mother energy corrupts all creation with its own fear and guilt of separation.


Time provides the veil of fear and guilt that all creation resists our linear foundation, until we cling to the rusty plumbing waiting to fall into gravity pits. Children carry all the tools they need to make creation disappear; tiny golden nuggets and one sharp knife to slit the veil of all creation, to float more like bubbles until even they learn to resist our corruption. Reminders, they, innocence, so brave that not one foul smell corrupts their connection to Holy Spirit winged Sphere.



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Worthiness


Trust that you deserve to receive



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Energy Forecast ~ March 2012 A Healing for the Ages


Energy Forecast ~ March 2012

A Healing for the Ages



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~The Black Hats Must Go~ Steve Beckow~


The Black Hats Must Go

2012 March 5
Posted by BZ Riger

Reposted from Nov. 2, 2009

by Steve Beckow



It’s time to run the Black Hats outta town. It’s time to end the New World Order’s game, close the casino, and lock the doors.


It’s time to lower the boom of justice on the Black Hats in the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, Congress, the Federal Reserve, the Bilderbergers, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, the corrupt judicial system, the corrupt police system, Northcom, NORAD, CIA, FBI,  everyone.


Everyone who turned the world into a reckless gaming house in which the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, everyone who grew more powerful at the expense of the rights and freedoms of others.



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Latest Earthquakes Report - Mar. 5, 2012 a.m.


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Tim Moreau, A Bigger World, on UFO Disclosure


A discussion about various UFO related phenomena. Join our host Tim Moreau on an exciting journey into A Bigger World. 


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Ben Fulford (Mar 5 2012) ~ The Hunt Is On, Cabal Arrests Accelerating



Ben Fulford (Mar 5 2012) ~ The Hunt Is On, Cabal Arrests Accelerating


Benjamin Fulford | March 5 2012

UPDATE TO POST BELOW FROM BEN: Update on the “death” of Lord James Blackheath. The just published Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120305 states that Lord James Blackheath was murdered by the cabal. The source for this information was a member of the Rothschild family. The Wikipedia entry on Lord Blackheath also stated that he died on February 29th. However, a spokesperson for the House of Lords in the UK said that “as far as we know he is alive and well.” [Please note: The Wiki entry included above does NOT show a death date for Blackheath, just a short paragraph at the bottom concerning his Feb 16th speech about the cabal ~G]

* * *


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Oracle Report ~ Monday March 5 2012



Oracle Report ~ Monday March 5 2012

Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase

The alignment of Earth and Mars reaches a climax, making it imperative that we practice the art of surrender and take the plunge today. Don’t push forward because the energies need to take their course. The way you’ll know that you are not surrendering is when you become frustrated or when you have to do things over again. Of all of the days this year, today is the day to let the waves take you where they will (hence the waterfall picture).


In addition to this, the Sun is erupting plasma into our electric universe, which plays on the electromagnetic fields of the body of the Earth and our bodies. It causes events and situations to transpire in our lives.


View all of this as a massive correction that is happening to make our lives better. Slow down and use your energy to keep your cool and contain yourself, especially with others. You may find yourself becoming annoyed with people, impatient (especially while traveling), and overwhelmed by responsibilities. (This energy is effecting Virgos and Pisces the strongest. They are experiencing the most challenge, but will reap the most reward when Mars stations direct in April.)


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German prosecutors launch 80 raids in insider probe ~ Reuters, Thursday March 1 2012



German prosecutors launch 80 raids in insider probe

  • Reuters, 
MUNICH, March 1 (Reuters) - Police in several European countries have raided more than 80 properties in a probe by German prosecutors into stock market manipulation, the Munich prosecutors office said on Thursday.


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116 RESIGNATIONS FROM WORLD BANKS 3/2/12 ~ by American Kabuki









Updated 3/3/12 Added named anchor to quickly access end of list.

Recent updates 3/2/12: More resignations, removed Kenya Central Bank Governor as he is under pressure to resign but has not officially done so, same goes with the Ugandan Central Bank Governor. Added additional information on Vatican Bank (IOR).

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Ron Head – Michael ~ The Changes You Are Going to See Will Be Anything but Gradual



 ~ The Changes You Are Going to See Will Be Anything but Gradual




March 4, 2012  




by GLR Ron Head 

AA Michael



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~Space Weather Update~ Sun is Very Active~ X~ Class Flare


CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH MARS: Today, Mars is at its closest to Earth for 2012. The Red Planet is only 101 million km away and shines about six times brighter than a 1st magnitude star. Look for it in the eastern sky at sunset. The burnt-orange color of Mars is very distinctive, especially when seen from rural areas with clear skies. [sky map] [images: #1, #2, #3]


STRONG SOLAR ACTIVITY: Solar activity is now high. Big sunspot AR1429, which emerged on March 2nd, is crackling with strong flares. This morning brought the strongest so far--an X1-class eruption on March 5th at 0413 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:




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SaLuSa 5~March~2012 The good news about the changes cannot be held back for much longer



SaLuSa  5~March~2012

The good news about the changes cannot be held back for much longer, as it will be seen as too important for the whole world not to share the knowledge. The Internet is alive with information, and more people than ever are coming forward. After months and years of preparation, a sudden push has started a whole series of arrests and resignations, that is sending fear through the ranks of the dark Ones. Having felt that they were safe and beyond reproach, they are shocked to find that they are now vulnerable. There will be no let up until the Illuminati are removed from their positions of power, and that is proceeding with all speed. It is enabling other missions to also move faster, and the way is being opened for the governmental changes to be lined up. It is all part of the continuing collapse of the old system, and no matter what is done to prop it up it will never be the same again.



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52 Ways to Use Coconut Oil



52 Ways to Use Coconut Oil



Soursop Fruit 100 Fold Stronger At Killing Cancer Than Chemotherapy




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Personal Update: The Fire of Change



Dear friends
so how do the sun activities actually feel in your case? In the last months I have been just in bliss with all these energies working in my body. Now there is another ingredient coming to it. 
Last night I woke up while gigantic waves of light were vibrating through my body. They were so powerful that I thought I would explode and I had to get up to become fully awake. These energies were rippling with a force through my body I have never felt before. I could see and feel their wave forms washing from above and down my body. They were of a radiant bright light which overtook my body and I felt their shine surrounding it. 
My head seemed to be transparent with this light, but do not think that this was only "ethereal" and sweet like in a fairy tale. No, my body was b-u-r-n-i-n-g and it felt like I was connected to a high voltage power line! This was a power w-a-y beyond my own body-electrics (and I have experienced a lot of powerful fires in my body in the past) but this time I started to shake from top to toe. This all-consuming fire was absolutely beyond "me". So I began to wander around to try to integrate this enormous energy with my body.

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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 4.3.12:... How is Present Banking collapse linked with FREE ENERGY? and WHY?... and What's cooking in Disclosure pot?... 11-04-20 6:59 PM



By GRP Predrag/Saint Germain




I kind of took a brake for a weekend, exploring some caves here in Switzerland and today, Sunday  I was hoping the resignations and white hats took a short pause, till Monday when all the Heaven will be coming down to Earth...

As, well I was hoping to share with you some greatest news, that will topple all the Governments arrests and indictments... Please, take this with a ease and very seriously.... Where, once the governing bodies become clean and flushed from corrupted, and selfish souls, we will bring the Free Energy in to the play...


What I am posting here is only a tip of the really big iceberg, knowing that only thing we have to do is Ask: and it is given to US from Devine Creator... Not that HE/She will be landing his StarShip and give gifts, but He has his truly brave messengers, our courageous scientists, inventors, technicians who jumped out of present paradigm of burning fossil crudes to make some heat, and they are creating future of our civilization...



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~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~4~12 The Calm before the Storm Energy ~


~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~4~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Calm before the Storm Energy~




Greetings Love Beings, we continue our way forward through these intense energies. What we are feeling today is a deep calm at the Moment, however, we have an intense energetic pressure building to trigger a series of events. We will be entering a Solar wind stream tomorrow, and these energies will sweep in and bring more transformation and change to the Planet.


Photo by Dawn Christine



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Elections symbolize the heart of what free countries are grounded on !


Canadians and citizens around the world, in one collective voice it is time to say NO MORE! We the people have all rights to full disclosure of all truths relative to our country and our world - including and foremost - behind-the-curtain election corruptions. Millions world-wide are ready for full disclosure of all truths about war, our histories, the evolution of Mother Earth, our innate ability to heal ourselves without pharmaceuticals and so so much more. People worldwide are waking up and remembering who they are. We are meant to live in love and light, communities sharing pure food water and love of children and animals. We are meant to T H R I V E - research Foster Gamble's work - Follow the money! Government leaders, scientists, directors ... now is your time to move into the light and make your monumental impact that moves us all, AS ONE, into the light. The world is watching! With so much love and light, Dawn.



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What Happens during your Ascension?



What Happens during your Ascension?
4 March 2012 - 9:55am |  mhuber
Many people do not understand when the first phase of their personal-empowed ascension is finished. The process should be finding you working toward finishing it while using many ascension tools like sound frequency and ascension activation meditations.


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Ecuador TUNGURAHUA volcano has rise in activity


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Science of the Heart


The human heart emits the strongest electromagnetic field in our body. This electromagnetic field envelops the entire body extending out in all directions, and it can be measured up to several feet outside of the body. Research from the Institute of HeartMath shows that this emotional information is encoded in this energetic field. HeartMath researchers have also seen that as we consciously focus on feeling a positive emotion - such as care, appreciation, compassion or love - it has a beneficial effect on our own health and well-being, and can have a positive affect on those around us.



Mysteries of the Heart



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~A vision of the Fifth Dimension ~


a possible scenario of the Great Shift according to Mayan Prophacy,a vision of new world of freedom in which we finally make use of our divine capabilities....
Set to full HD and full screen,turn the sound up and enjoy the trip.....!


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/4/12 We come Bearing Gifts~


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/4/12 We come Bearing Gifts~







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Healing Away Negative Patterns with the Angels by Doreen



Healing Away Negative Patterns with the Angels



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Compte de Saint Germain's - What's next? by Aruna



Compte de Saint Germain's - What's next? 

My dear ones. My teachings are now more about awakening than continent alterations, but this does not mean that there are no changes coming. What has already been said was needed to set the context for what my newer teachings are about. What happens next cannot be the constant focus of my chelas. Nothing that details controller activities or mass consciousness content answers today's greatest need: total awakening in those masters who have already ascended to 5th dimension consciousness.


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Burt Goldman ~ Answers Questions On The Wonders Of Energized Water



The American Monk | February 29 2012


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Kauilapele ~ Benjamin Fulford On Workers Radio Sydney From Febr. 29th 2012 Including Links To Mp3 And Videos ~ 4 March 2012


Kauilapele ~ Benjamin Fulford On Workers Radio Sydney From Febr. 29th 2012 Including Links To Mp3 And Videos ~ 4 March 2012


Benjamin Fulford is a journalist living in Japan is interviewed by WorkersRadioSydney 88.9fm in Australia by Host Jack Frost and ChrispyT (love the names!). Found this at RMN. The videos links are below (each opens in a new tab or window; and each has some neat cartoon and other pictures), followed by list of the mp3s created from them. I found this, as usual with Ben, a fascinating listen. He speaks of many things, in particular, the role of Prince Harry in the new financial scheme of things.


Videos Links
1. http://youtu.be/EbLBGXJd7Yw
2. http://youtu.be/eE4FygY8lTw
3. http://youtu.be/MyuxTL0kZNE



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3/4/2012 -- Global Earthquake Overview : Unrest = watch Americas, Europe, West Pacific, Asia


Here are all the links you will need to monitor earthquakes on a Global basis:

United States earthquake sources:

Arkansas seismic network: http://www.geology.ar.gov/geohazards/ark_seismic_network.htm

Midwest USA seismographs:






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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/4/12



The quest for 5D for those who wish to make this transition: Your world is currently experiencing a rising of your vibrational levels. These levels will increase for some time until you as a society begin to pierce the veil of the dimensional layers. The goal at this time is for your planet and her people to reach a vibrational level which will seat her within the 5th dimensional frequency range. Currently, your world rests within the 3rd dimensional frequency band, and we are here to assist you to raise her frequency accordingly. We are not here, as some of you erroneously believe, to carry out your ascension for you. We are only here to assist in your transition; that is all we are permitted to do. Ascension is a process that must be achieved by those who are ascending, and this is reasonable to understand. However, in this universe we of the light have many friends and allies and as such we come to the aid of all others of the light, and even of the dark, in their time of need.


What we are here in great numbers doing is clearing certain obstacles from your path that you, as a citizenry of a planet, may not be suitably equipped for. These tasks are quite involved and number greatly, but let us touch upon a few today to give you some idea of what we mean when we speak of tasks you are not properly equipped for.



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Undersea data cables linking East Africa, Middle East, and Europe CUT!


Originally posted by Andrew Veresay


"Epic net outage in Africa as FOUR undersea cables chopped February 28, 2012 Underwater data cables linking East Africa to the Middle East and Europe have been severed, bringing transfer rates to their knees in nine countries. It is alleged that in a bizarre coincidence, a ship dropped an anchor off the coast of Kenya on Saturday in a restricted area, cutting The East African Marine Systems (TEAM…"








Blessings, peace and joy to All!




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Spacemuffin ~ The Winds Of Change



Spacemuffin ~ The Winds Of Change

Spacemuffin2012 | March 4 2012

Readiness is everything and the winds of change are starting to blow. For all the waiting we’ve done, only those who have prepared the ground will be available to the troubled world once the media is infiltrated. Do you have your speeches prepared? Do you know what you are going to say? Do you even know where to begin? How do you feel about public speaking? Are you connected to your community, and do those who know you, trust you? We should at least have some vague idea of where to begin, and what to say in some public arena . It’s great to be awake and aware, but we also need to be prepared. It’s not far off now. Let’s turn a magnifying glass to March, April, and May of 2012. Two I Ching oracles were drawn for guidance for this article. Some of this may be repetitive, but it’s better to be overly prepared than unready.



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UFOs Have Visited Earth on a Spiritual Mission


UFOs Have Visited Earth on a Spiritual Mission



McNair Ezzard captivated an audience of 150 members of the  Santa Cruz community with his out-of-this-world subject.

By Juan Reyes

February 19, 2012




The space people are real and they have visited earth more often than imagined, McNair Ezzard told a packed house at the Louden Nelson Community Center Saturday afternoon.

More than 150 people packed the room to hear him speak and view films of UFO sightings. (Ezzard, who showed up 10 minutes late, could have used an otherworldly craft himself.)

“The space people are here on a mission to help humanity” said Ezzard.



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Delete this Program or "Does my Butt Look Fat in this Human Suit?"


Delete this Program or "Does my Butt Look Fat in this Human Suit?"

 by Luminance River



Our beliefs are handed to us, by a large extent, by our families. Those beliefs were handed to them and they passed them on unknowingly, even though many beliefs are harmful to us and them as well. Media and culture has shoved certain belief sets down our throats without us even noticing, or noticing what it does to us. You probably have noticed that the fashion and entertainment industry create an image of what the perfect man and woman should look like.


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~ The Angels are Watching Over Us All ~


~The Angels are Watching Over Us All~

A message to the Universe from The Pleiadian Ring of 500 ~ Affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light


A message to the Universe from The Pleiadian Ring of 500 ~ Affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light

The following is a telepathic message I received this morning from my Pleiadian family, also known as “The Ring of 500″ who, I am told, are affiliates of The Pleiadian Council of Light. Please read with heartfelt discernment with the knowledge that telepathic channels can sometimes be garbled or misinterpreted by the receiver.


We are pleased, Jen, that you have invited us to share our views on the current state of the Universe with your friends and readers. We are The Pleiadian Ring of 500, Affiliates of The Pleaidian Council of Light. Our Ring of 500 consists of 250 pairs of Twin Flame Soul Mates. Our exact mission with the planet Earth is to bring our Twin-Flame energy to raise the vibrations on the planet and assist each and every incarnated soul on the planet to ascension, which is fast approaching. Although we don’t delve too much into politics, as we are spiritual beings, and we do not feel that politics or “financial affairs” are at all “spiritual,” we do understand what a large part these paradigms play in the “game of life” there on Earth. So, without further ado, we will share with you what we see from our “bird’s-eye view” of your planet.



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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-04-2012...



Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-04-2012...

...as not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Our Multidimensional Sun has produced another two Class-M Flairs in the last 24h and more is forecasted in the incoming days. Watch out…


‪Solar Watch/Next 24 Hours

[video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG-2gdn4XtU]


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~World Update/Incoming Asteroid in11 Months. ~


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Michael says Sarah now is the opening of the vortex


Michael says Sarah now is the opening of the vortex

I am gods love in action

I am gods will in action

I am gods creative intelligence in action

I am for you, you are for me

all is one


2 days ago I conducted a ceremony with steven Blue star and a crystal child. Much preperation had gone into this, Arc Angel Michael says I must share and speak for it is the will of the heavens.He has been giving us information, and a sort of upgrade over the last few weeks as we all sleep, we have been shown sacred geometry, I have been shown how to read all the starseeded codes,my understanding of astro physics was increased, I learnt to become the Merkabah and I knew there was a calling. I also knew this was not just for me and I needed the help of others for this calling.


All information I needed came to me as it should and I had to learn to process my mind and my body. for we all have been changed.I also Thank Peter for helping with this.



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Reflections of the Creator by the Celestial White Beings




 by GLR Natalie Glasson




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Kris Won~ 4 March 2012


Kris Won~ 4 March 2012

I am one of the three females in the group. My name is Sasha and the commander of our spaceship is named Umbro.


Greetings to all our brothers and sisters of Mother Earth.

We come from another, more or less distant, planet; for some it may be very far, for others we would be practically neighbours. How do the variables change, depending on the point of view of the observer! In fact, nothing is rigid in the Universe; your vision depends on the observer’s perception, according to his/her experience, lives, living conditions, etc.


Right now, we are seven human beings visiting you, and who have the same place of origin. And I say ‘human beings’ because our appearance is humanoid, like yours (you would not think that the inhabitants of this planet are the only human beings in all the Cosmos, right?)



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Montague Keen ~ 4 March 2012


Montague Keen ~ 4 March 2012

My dear, things do not always go to plan. Sometimes, changes have to be made at the last moment. You must understand that this is what you and all those who work in the Light have to cope with. There are dark ones on both sides of life who are doing their utmost to prevent the Light returning to your world. They attack on every level.


Though you are protected, a little may get through at times. Then, we up the protection once more. It is necessary to understand how the Dark operates in your world and how to protect yourselves. This is why I mentioned Sacred Geometry. This is a splendid method of protecting yourselves. As you are aware, the structure of the body is changing and it needs support. This is why the Cabal is introducing a new method of mind control through your television sets.


It is being launched soon. Effectively, your TV set becomes your prison guard and most of you are totally oblivious to this. Try to use your leisure time to prepare for the life changes that the Fifth Dimension will bring. Read, and link with nature. We treasure the memories of our walks, when we were totally at one with each other and with life itself, enjoying communication on all levels of existence. It is priceless, my dear.



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