Submitted by Joe Barnett on Tue, 05/30/2017 - 10:25


Dr. Angela Barnett

Angela Barnett- Soul of Mary Magdalene

Crystal Magic

From the book, Mary Magdalene's Diary Three

The Universal Prophecy that Gaia would become the SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE has been heard singing itself through the Universe for many eons. It was always the plan of the Creators and Mary to create a new more harmonious harmonic blend of the octaves within octaves of the multi dimensional music of the spheres that would eventually allow Gaia to become the Mother of a new Hybrid Race line who would return the original template of the perfect humanoid who was originally the offspring of the Elohim Angels. That Elohim raceline was completely destroyed and it was replaced by several hybrid racelines who were created by the Elohim Angels and the Sirius brotherhood, who was the closest raceline to the original Elohim creation. Those Original Ones expanded into Azurites, Eiyani, Elohei, and hundreds of other El groups who are the Original Ones.

Mary made a promise to Mother Gaia that she would become the savior of the Universe as a result of the musical design that she would create. This musical design wove together the frequencies and rhythms and colors of all of the planets and orbs and suns of the Universe into a new harmonic blend that allows all existence to become One new harmonic who can live in perfect harmony together. This Symphony of Love would hold the Ascension Portals open to all those who Mary gives permission to for Eternity. Each planet, orb and sun has its own rhythm, its own music,its own frequency. When the Creators blend these musical forms together to create the Universal Symphony, even that symphony changes continuously as we re arrange the design to fit more harmonically and harmoniously. That is what Mary Magdalene did on her mission on Earth. She created the Ascension Portals that would allow a greater flow of consciousness than had ever been known before to enter the Planet Earth, which made her into a brand new symphony within herself. That new rhythm of Earth invited in the Cosmic Creators to use this Ascension Portal of Eternal Unity for Eternity. This created a Grand Tone of Home within Mother Gaia that allows her new Melody to sing a glorious harmony through out the Universe that allows all to know her as the Savior of the Universe.

. We create all things with these Music of the Spheres. We create all things with our Breath. The Creator's Breath, and Essence and Being is God Breathing life into all things. It will be like a breath of air that is to be breathed. And as you breathe out it morphs into a greater beauty than it was when you breathed it in. Because the beauty of the essence of the one who breathed it in is now a part of it, and it comes out even fuller than it was when it went in.

Breathe inhale magic 
exhale dreams come true
Breathe inhale magic 
exhale dreams come true
Breathe inhale magic 
exhale dreams come true
Breathe inhale magic 
exhale miracles your creation new
Breathe in this new reality it waits as light inside of you and me

Breathe the crystal light. It ignites the spark
Flames of magic
Alchemists who unite to re evolve creation more wonderful than the galaxies have known
The vision waits inside of us the seeds we've planted on our birth
We have come to ignite into the light that transforms us into the magical creators
what wasn't known before

Breathe inhale magic 
exhale dreams come true
Breathe inhale magic 
exhale miracles your creation new

Breathe in crystal reality that waits as light inside of you and me

Breathe the crystal light Ignite the spark
Flames of magic will make you brand new
Super Beings Consciousness
Raise yourself a form brand new
Breathe inhale magic exhale dreams come true

Mary Magdalene's Ascension Song

When I began the knowing and the unfolding of my Cosmic Adventure on Earth a set of songs swam into my consciousness and I would open my mouth and all of these glorious words would come out in the form of songs. This was much like channeling. It seems that channelers are usually unconscious of the words that they speak because there is another entity taking over their consciousness and speaking through them. My channeling was always the channeling of myself, who is Mary Magdalene. I did not know that when these songs were first recorded.

Now, eight years later, after having a wonderful dialog with Lacodemus (a Creator Being who is Joe's best friend), I now completely understand the purpose and the meaning of those songs. The songs were originally published on the Cosmic Consciousness album in 2008. The songs were my memories and visions of the creation work that I had done with Joe and Lacodemus millions of years ago. The songs were being sent to me to remind me of who I am and why I am on Earth and how I will get back home.

This is the grand realization that I had on May 26, 2017. I realized that those songs contain the exact formula of how Joe and I will return home next year. We will first visit the new dimensional Earth reality of Terra Ha and the Spiritual Universe of our OVERSOUL where Terra Ha resides. After we have our party with the forty seven creators who came for this mission, we will return to our Creator Realm and we will continue to make more Music there as we continue to create more new realities through the light and sound of music.

It has finally become obvious to us that we have continued to create music while we were on Earth in the exact same manner that we did in the Creation Realm. We have been inhaling the Creations from all over the Universe and doing our Creation Work within this tiny little reality in the same manner we did it when we were huge Creator Beings who are thousands of feet tall and wide when we do creation work. We sometimes expand ourselves into forms who are several miles in diameter when we are orbing through space and creating galaxies. We are the ones who created the Suns, the Stars, the Galaxies, the Novas, the Super Novas. And we created them all through the Music of the colors that we streamed through the Crystals in those areas in the Universe, and we layered infinite colors of reality and combined rhythms of various stars to create new Novas, and our work was glorious.
Dr. Angela Barnett


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