As Mass Arrests Approach: Repost of Matthew’s March Message

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 11:34


As Mass Arrests Approach: Repost of Matthew’s March Message

As the mass arrests approach, we’d like to remind readers of what Matthew Ward said in his March message, which covers the subject about as well as any communication we’ve read.  The cabal is trying to push through CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act), but none of these initiatives will succeed and their power to effect any change will soon be ended. This is an excerpt from that message.

Matthew’s Message, March 12, 2012

The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment your world will carry on with the hustling and bustling of the old paradigm, then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same. …

What will happen is a complete and thorough uprooting of the organizations of your world who have engaged in agendas and activities to pilfer the people’s money and resources as well as strip them of their rights and their health in order to further imprison them in their own world.

These are, of course, very serious charges, and that is one of the reasons much work has had to be done behind the scenes before justice could be dispensed. We have reached the point where all the necessary paperwork and initial legal proceedings are completed, and the time has now come to begin these arrests of the leaders and participants of the criminal empire we have referred to as the Cabal.

The Cabal, of course, is not an official name of any of these groups, as there are so many different groups and individuals who swear their alliance to them that using only one of these group’s names would send a wrong message of who is controlling your world and who will soon be facing justice for their crimes.

There are also many individuals who have conspired and have taken part in these many crimes who do not consider themselves allied with any particular organization. They too will face the consequences of their actions, and will be held just as responsible as those affiliated with any of these groups.

There are many of these individuals and many groups as well involved in serious crimes against you, the people, and through these arrests and many more to come in the following days ahead our intentions are to destroy these alliances.

Your world would always be a tumultuous place with these dark ones permitted to use their powers of the collective to plot and scheme against the people. It has been decided by all involved that these organizations must be abolished, and abolished they will be. They will not be permitted to regroup again. We see this as one of the most significant events in the history of your world, and our hopes are that many of you will as well.

Give us, as well as our Earth allies, the opportunity to make this goal a reality by continuing your hard work spreading awareness of these arrests and the following proceedings and what significance they hold for the people of your world.

Upon the news broadcasts of these arrests, all those who had been informed of this event and what it means will understand that something truly Earth changing is happening. This is what we are hoping for, and much rides on this part of the plan. We appreciate greatly all of you doing your part to see this phase of the plan reach a successful conclusion. Readings indicate great numbers of you are being exposed to this news, and we are very encouraged by this. Please continue on in your efforts, they will soon pay off for all of you.

Taking the time to prepare properly for these arrests and following legal proceedings has been time very well spent, and although some of you have grown impatient with these proceedings, we say to you that you will forget all about how long you have worked and waited once news of arrest after arrest begins to grace your television and computer screens. We say to you that all will be worth all the effort that you have put in, and all the days leading up to this event will seem like nothing once you begin to receive all that you have hope for.

Much has been put into these proceedings and a tremendous amount of preparation was needed, so we are sure you will understand why none of this could be rushed as sufficient time to make sure all matters were handled properly was called for. We are confident you will agree once the magnitude and scope of these proceedings is made clear to you.

Moving ahead to matters after these initial arrests, there will be a great many legal proceedings before courts all across your world. These proceedings will be handled by those who have demonstrated their commitment and integrity in seeking justice in these matters, and you can be assured there will be no unjust bias permitted in any court where these proceedings will be handled. We will oversee these proceedings, and from our vantage point we will know if these cases are proceeding justly or not.

No one, no matter their seat of power, connections, or financial stature will be able to successfully manipulate any of these proceedings. You can be assured of this, and any attempts to do so will be met with additional charges and harsh penalties. We have made ourselves clear on this.

Your world is to be purified of all that is dark; this is what is planned for this Earth. These proceedings are merely the beginning as the light will continue to spread far and it will spread wide all across your planet, and these proceedings are the pebble splashing into the pond. The ripple effects will continue all the way up to your ascension, where a complete purification of all that is dark will take place. …

These proceedings are being carried out in order to help facilitate a smooth transition leading to your ascension, as it was decided these dark ones and their alliances would be too disruptive a force and needed to be removed from your societies. Upon removal of these dark ones, we see an upsurge in your collective vibration, and we would like to see the greatest possible boost from this event. (Greg Giles, Mar. 3, 2012.)

Now then, through meticulous arrangements to assure that all is in accordance with your laws, the top echelon of Illuminati in the banking and lending industry have been removed from their positions and will face legal prosecution. “Feeling the heat,” others are leaving voluntarily, and retrieval of the Illuminati’s stolen fortunes is underway.

Military leaders are cooperating with the light forces to impede aggression by troops still in the Illuminati camp, and the destruction of some of their cavernous underground areas has halted heinous experiments and other covert activities.

Within the months ahead, governmental shake-ups will weed out Illuminati members or those acting under their control, and persons with moral and spiritual integrity will step in. The nascent governments born in the “Arab Spring” will become stabilized and tyrannical regimes will fall. Rampant corruption in multinational corporations will meet its well-deserved end; directors who serve the interests of the populace will remain; those who are greedy and self-serving will go. National economies in bankrupt status will not be successfully revived; the global economy will reach rock bottom and an honorable system will start operating worldwide. Wars, violence, deception, oppression and media censorship will cease incrementally as the dark hearts and minds among you leave the planet.

It can be no other way—simply, this is the physics that governs life in this universe. As Earth continues apace into successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any form—physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds—can survive. (Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012.)

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