AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology
Cathy Lindsey
New Moons bring new beginnings. New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create! Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. Remember that the New Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak. It is also a time of setting intentions. Mediate on what it is that you would like to manifest in your life and in the World, and set the intention during this powerful New Moon. With this active Gemini New Moon…..there is a spark of wisdom seeking. This energy can be a little more uplifting, fun, and child like. Gemini is about communication, teaching, sharing information, writing, multitasking and a hunger for gathering knowledge. Gemini is also about youth and the Peter Pan syndrome (never wanting to grow up). Gemini energy has the enthusiasm to explore many areas of knowledge, and Gemini’s are often part of several social networking groups. Gemini’s are often referred to as “workshop junkie’s”. This energy can be flighty, excitable, flirty, and restless, along with being known as the “Social Butterfly” of the Zodiac.
On the high side of Gemini, it is learning about the Twins….dualism within your life, your reality. It is about the co-existence of both Spirit and Matter. Learning to stay in the physical, while absorbing the highest Spiritual knowledge. Gemini is often referred to as the bridge between Spirit and Matter. Bringing the information of knowledge Gemini has collected from the Spiritual side, back to the physical plane. Gemini the Twins, is about the acknowledgment of being able to exist in at least two worlds at once, bringing them into balance. This Gemini New Moon is asking us to meditate on and manifest this balance between the Spiritual world and the physical world, accenting the major theme of balance…..between the feminine and the male, the right brain and the left brain, the yin and yang, intuition and logic, and Spirit and Matter.
One of the more fun aspects of Gemini energy is its infinite curiosity and ability to shape-shift and explore. The shadow of this however, is to dissipate one’s energy in misguided or fruitless pursuits.
With a New Moon, we are reminded that in everything there is the light and dark and that they can be balanced and merged into one. When we look at the shadow side, it can bring up some fear, some of our “shadows” that we would rather not look at. Some of these shadows and fears can be…speaking to others about things that are not of Truth, or things that are “surface” without any real depth. Becoming the eternal student…..and never actually presenting their wisdom’s out in the open to others….therefore resulting in their wisdom’s dying with them at the end of life….what a tragedy!
It is time to bring into balance your grey (shadow) side with your high bright side in all the Gemini ways. Meditate and pay attention to what is brought up to you, what you hear, and what visions may cross through your mind.
This Gemini New Moon is squaring the Planet Neptune…by degree. A square is a 90 degree angle that brings in a lot of friction and stress to the situation, but squares are also growth aspects. Neptune is the planet of traveling to other realms, meditation, dreams, manifestations, high creativity, high spirituality and direct connection to Source. It also is the planet of addictions, deceptions, fogginess, being overwhelmed, procrastination, confusion, illusions, etc. Things may not be what you think they should be when Neptune is in the picture. Make sure that you are seeing things in truth….not just seeing things the way you want to see them. It is time to take off your rose colored glasses and realize that not everything is wonderful…..there are those that do Not play nice in the sand box! You need to pull on the Gemini energy and use your knowledge of discernment, during this time. It is time to walk your talk……in the most compassionate (Neptune) way. With Neptune involved….use your intuition to help guide you….it will not fail you. Ask for guidance and listen to what is being said, shown or felt. Let yourself Dream…..and ask what the message is…. Meditate and Manifest…..remember we are Co-Creating the “New”…….we are heading for Oneness!!
We are still in the intense energy of the Cardinal Grand Cross during this New Moon, putting us on the path of accelerated evolution. With the added energy of the Gemini New Moon, the Universe is saying that we need to transform and change the way in which we communicate….we need to bring in more nurturing, caring and love when we communicate, and above all…we need to think with our hearts! We are all one. No one knows more then, or is better than anyone else. Since we are still in the energy of the Cardinal Grand Cross… what you say and how you say it, as it could come out in ways that might hurt others or even be aggressive. Listen to your inner guidance during this time, and ask that you connect with your intuitive side and that you speak from your Heart. This New Moon and Cardinal Grand Cross is also bringing up information from deep in your Soul! Things you really don’t want to look at or deal with….Karma! The universe is asking us to look at it, think about it , and take a step, any step but acknowledge it so you can work through it. It can also be a time of sudden insights and new ideas… channel the energies of this Cardinal Grand Cross at this Gemini New Moon, welcoming in the higher knowledge…… from all realms…… and then sharing it in the most nurturing and loving way…… with all!!
We also have 2 planets during this New Moon, that are at 29 degrees of their signs. The 29 degree placement is a very important one in Astrology, as it is the last degree of a sign, before moving into the next sign. We have Venus (love, beauty, feminine sexuality, creativity, romance) at 29 degrees of Aries (male sexuality, the pioneer, the warrior, passion, focus), we also have Mercury (planet of communication, your mind and quickness) at 29 degrees of Gemini (communication, writing, teaching, youth). Both Venus and Mercury at 29 degrees are finishing up a karmic cycle. A time period (while they were in the sign) of working on unfinished business, working on lessons….what has been brought up for you to look at in these areas? There has been a focus on working on lessons in the last several months, especially within relationships….all relationships, family, friends, lovers, and work relationships. Things are being put right in our faces, right in our face’s……so that we don’t miss them….so that we can break the karmic cycles and move forward into the “New”…..the “New” that we are co-creating. What is no longer vibrating where you are vibrating, that you need to compassionately move away from? What is being brought up to you…that you need to deal with? Meditate on these things during this New Moon…..ask for guidance…..and Listen!!!!
This Gemini New Moon also happens to connect with both the Pleiades and the star Rigel (in the constellation Orion). This is 2 activation's of the ancient star systems with this New Moon! The Universe is speaking loudly here about how it is time to bring together and balance the ancient knowledge that our ancestors used, with today’s knowledge…..represented in Gemini (communication), and bringing both sides into balance. Open communication between Earth and the ancient star systems is part of what this Gemini (communication) New Moon is about.
First we have this New Gemini Moon sitting on the Pleiades….. The Pleiades represent a major cluster of stars that the Mayan’s and the Egyptians orientated their temples and there pyramids towards. They also used the Pleiades to make predictions with.
Then we also have this Gemini New Moon actually sitting on the star Rigel, the brightest star in the constellation Orion. It is 18 times bigger than our Sun and has been used for navigation. Rigel in Esoteric astrology & wisdom's is about the integration of spirit within matter, accenting the Gemini New Moons theme of balancing Spirit and Matter.
This month of June, we also have a trine (harmonious flow of energy) that is happening in Water! The planets involved are Neptune (in Pisces), Jupiter (in Cancer), and Saturn (in Scorpio)…..all flowing in harmonious energy. With Jupiter in Cancer (considered by some to be a benefic planet and is about Joy and optimism) flowing with Saturn in Scorpio (other people’s money and the Soul Mate) and Neptune in Pisces (being able to manifest what you desire, and unconditional Love), this could be a very beneficial aspect for resources, Joy and love! It could also be a time where things in these areas are brought up from your sub-conscious to heal. It is time to Manifest your desires…..the energies are powerful to create!!!
The Universe is speaking loudly and urgently about change, transformation… lies, no secrets, no out of bounds ego, no judgment etc. etc. The Universe is again asking us to move away from things, people, and places that are no longer vibrating where we are now vibrating, and do it in the kindest way possible. It is time to purge in all areas of your life. It is time to move beyond all of that Old “ 3d” and into the “new.”
It is time to let yourself feel your emotions, it is time to listen and heal your body. We have been through some very powerful energies during the last several months. It is time to meditate on all the things that have come into your consciousness during that time. Seeds were planted and will continue to surface and grow over the next few months…..meditate to understand what has been planted and which direction to move. Are there areas that you need to distance from, because they are not vibrating where you are vibrating? Tune in to your psychic, connect with your guidance, and watch your Spiritually flourish! All though the energies might feel a little calmer now…. it is still a powerful time so be careful….watch what you say and how you say it, watch how you drive and watch out for others, watch out for the weather, as the Cardinal Grand Cross is still very powerful and is the back drop of this Gemini New Moon. Meditate, sit in quite, and Listen. Manifest and use these highly creative energies to co-create your future…to co-create a peaceful world….to co-create a beautiful reality….
These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading. Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way.
Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2014 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved.
Cathy Lindsey
Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology