Submitted by AstroEyes on Thu, 05/07/2020 - 17:40
AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This Scorpio Super Full Moon is a powerful and emotionally charged one…making things feel a bit uncomfortable at times! This Scorpio Full Super Moon is also a healing Moon. Scorpio pulls us into the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul. Scorpio’s energy is about deep psychological transformation…..through the unconscious (dreams, imagination, emotions), as we then acknowledge this, we begin to communicate with our consciousness. Through our deep desires….we learn to let some of those intense desires go and begin to create the unknown through trust. With this Scorpio Full Moon, desires peak through emotional intensity and experiences…..even if they are hidden (Scorpio).
This Full Scorpio Super Moon is a transformative one! It is very energized…intense and presents us with some Radical Transformations while we experience Accelerated Evolution! It is also a very psychic and emotional Moon…making it a time to Feel/intuit….what is no longer working for you or supporting you and make the necessary changes. These chaotic and transformative energies are affecting us all and at times…. bringing in angst and fear. We are in uncertain times, with this virus that is all around the World… We are creating a “new norm”….lets create one that works for everyone…with a focus on spending time with Family, Friends, community and the Earth while Balancing it with Work and obligations.
This has been a busy week so far....Monday the 4th was the 50th anniversary of “Kent State”…where 4 students, walking to class, were killed by armed soldiers on the Kent State Campus. It was a turbulent time and protest about the Vietnam war…and you look at today and many of the same energies are out there…but the protest are different. Then yesterday we had an energy shift as the Nodes Switched signs…from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius. They will be in these signs till January of 2022. The focus will become more on communications and asking a lot more questions as we strive for the truth. The energy may lighten up a bit. More on this later.
I also wanted to inform you briefly that on May 10th Saturn (government, structures, father figure) turns retrograde, May 12th Venus (love, attracting, creativity, money) turns retrograde, and May 17th Jupiter (higher learning, master teachers, international and law) turns retrograde. When we have planets turning retrograde….it is a time of going inward and internalizing and re-thinking about the energies of these planets and how they are affecting you and the World. It will be a time period of introspect more than action. Taking time to think about all the changes that have happened over the last few months with the Corona Virus and what you have discovered about yourself and others and how you might want to make some changes moving forward. A lot has happened…how are we/you going to move forward into the “new”? The Universe has turned our thinking in a new direction….rather we like it or not. It feels unstable and a little scary…but stay out of the Fear!!! Take this opportunity to take your life in a new direction….think about it internalize all these feelings….make plans during this time. We are in a lot of Chaos right now….remember out of Chaos comes creativity…create a new life for you and your family/community, create enlightenment all around you…so others feel it and gravitate to it. The universe has become very serious….meditate and Listen to what she is telling us!!
THIS SCORPIO FULL MOON IS ALSO A SUPER MOON…the 3rd and final Super Full Moon of 2020. A Super Moon means that the Moon is very close to the Earth (this is called a Perigee Moon) and it will appear bigger and brighter….therefore increases and intensifies the energies that we normally feel from a regular Full Moon. It will also affect the Earth, the weather, the tides, and all of humanity.
THIS SCORPIO FULL MOON IS OFTEN REFERRED TO AS the Full Wesak Blue Flower Moon. Perfect for this earthy, mysterious and magical Scorpio Full Moon. Scorpio also rules Earth spirituality…the world of natural foods, medicine, and
….along with the world that nature spirits flourish in and feel free and welcomed. This Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Buddha Moon. Ancient teachings say that the Buddha was born during the Taurus (Sun) Full Moon period. He was born in Lumbini not far from Nepal. Part of the Buddha’s teachings are about, non-attachment, a free mind, unconditional love and the remembrance of your true nature, of your true Value as a Spark of the Divine. The Buddha also talks about COMPASSION & JOY.
FULL MOONS ARE A TIME FOR releasing, a time of letting go. This Full Moon in Scorpio can be very intense! This Scorpio Full Moon shines it’s bright full light in the darkest of places…….to encourage us to look deep into our Soul, and the mysteries that surround ourselves and the Earth. Scorpio is a water sign and is drenched in emotions and insights. It is very passionate and intense. Scorpio is about power, desire, natural shamanism, Earth spirituality, psychic gifts, money, sacred sex and Trust. Scorpio represents the transformation of our Soul’s and the Soul of the Earth. With this Scorpio Full Moon……we have the ability to move into the higher Scorpio energies of the Earth Spirituality, natural healing….along with acknowledging the wisdom of the elders. We can pull on the high psychic abilities that are emphasized now…. for the good of all. Stay out of the gray side of Scorpio....which is…jealousy, manipulation, control, judgment, lies, secrets, possessiveness etc. Scorpio’s transformation can be seen through, life & death……release and reconstruction…..and the rise of the Phoenix from the ashes. The releasing can come from deep down in your Soul! It is a time for Soul searching. Go deep within yourself……your soul, and see what comes to you. There are many things that you might need to look at, from childhood traumas, to things that you are reacting to now. When Scorpio is activated we can be faced with our inner and our outer demons. This can feel uncomfortable at times…..but that is Pluto/Scorpio territory.
This Scorpio Full Moon also has a lot to do with relationships and all Soul Mates. There is a Sexiness with this Scorpio Full Moon as Scorpio also rules sex. There is almost a haunting……simmering desire to express one’s emotions on all levels… sure to keep the desire’s on the high Spiritual side of Scorpio and trust in the transformations. This Full Scorpio Moon has a lot of help from the other planets traveling with it….which I will describe below! Take the Power of this Full Scorpio Moon and face who and what you are ……only then can you make changes.
FULL MOONS ALSO ASK US TO BALANCE AND INTEGRATE 2 OPPOSING SIGNS. This Full Moons polarity is Taurus (the Sun is in Taurus). We have talked about Scorpio above….so with Taurus there is a connection with the physical world…the Earth, our bodies, our senses, and beauty. Taurus is about working outside in your garden and growing your own food, medicine, and flowers. Taurus is about self-survival, self esteem, our values, creativity, the comfort of our homes, and being practical. Watch out for the gray side of Taurus which is being stubborn, low self esteem, and somewhat reclusive. It is a time where you are being asked to bring these Scorpio and Taurus energies into balance….
We are being asked to clarify what we cherish in our lives, and what we need to transform. We are learning to balance security (Taurus) with evolution and change (Scorpio). We are learning to not become reclusive with our resources, but to share them in community. We are being asked to balance the Male (Scorpio) & Feminine (Taurus), the Yin & Yang energies etc.. We are being asked to look at our values. We are being asked to see through our awareness…….that which has form and where our materialistic values are (Taurus)…….to that which is based upon the unseen, but deeply felt…….Spiritual values and higher dimensions (Scorpio). We are being asked to find the balance between them…….in the highest Spiritual way, and in an appropriate healthy manner.
During this time you may be faced with some uncomfortable things that you may have to deal with, in all areas of life…..including Internationally. However, with the Sun in Taurus, there can be some peace and serenity in the midst of Scorpio’s passionate emotions. Connect and sit with the Earth during this Full Moon Energy. With the Full Moon in Scorpio and the Taurus Sun, we are looking at a time period that can be filled with passion and every day pleasure’s…
MERCURY (the planet of your voice, how you think and communication) is sitting with the Taurus Sun (part of the Full Scorpio Moon) and opposes the Scorpio Moon. Your thinking and your communication will have a bit of intuition connected to it. With it conjunct the Taurus Sun….you have the ability to ground some of those intuitive thoughts that you get and express them. Others may feel like they can express their feelings to you also. You will feel like you need to tell the truth….kind of a now or never feeling. Think before you speak…you don’t want to
do the Scorpio Sting!
PLUTO RULES THIS SCORPIO FULL MOON…PULLING IT INTO A CARDINAL SQUARE This Cardinal Square is a powerful one and has been with us for a while. Cardinal energy is about: Birthing of New, Change, Transformation, and Urgency! We then have 2 groups of planets squaring each other adding in the energy of stress and friction. The 2 groups of planets are: Pluto/Jupiter/Pallas Athena/Saturn……then squaring Eris. Wow! Ok….now I will briefly explain!
PLUTO (ruling the Scorpio Full Moon, and the planet of transformation)/Jupiter (Master Teachers, Higher knowledge, expansion, optimism) /Pallas Athena (female warrior, fought with knowledge)/ Saturn (father figure, rules the government and CEO’s, Corporate America, structures and rules Capricorn). All squaring (friction and stress) Eris (Chaos, wild card, discord, jealousy, competition)!
This combination will basically be traveling together through 2020. Pluto is about transformation in Capricorn….transformation of the Government (you can see this happening in the United States…..but it is also happening throughout the World) . It is also about transformation of all the structures like Corporate America, Banks, Schools, Military….all our structures. Pluto is saying….no more secrets and no out of bounds ego. Pluto in Capricorn is demanding integrity and respect in all these areas. Pluto also rules sex… some of these “secrets” are coming out through that avenue. No more secrets……also coming out in the government, not only in the United States….but throughout the World. We also see this big time with the Corona Virus! Lot’s of chaos etc….and this is also happening throughout the World. The whole World is transforming in a new way through this Corona Virus.
This Cardinal Square is powerful and full of radical evolution. It involves a lot of energies all connecting and putting things right in our faces….so we can’t miss them. So we can’t miss the things that need to change…..the things that we need to move away from….the things that are not vibrating were we are now vibrating. Almost challenging us to make a move towards our Souls intent (North Node) and releasing the old from past incarnations (South Node). We are at a cross roads of choices now….a pivotal time.
WE ALSO HAVE NEPTUNE TRINING THIS FULL SCORPIO MOON AND SQUARING VENUS/VESTA. This square will last longer than normal because of Venus stationing Retrograde…making it last into June. Neptune trining the Full Moon is a harmonious energy…of emotions, intuition, and the psychic. A wonderful aspect for Meditation and Manifestations. Then the square between Neptune and Venus (love, creativity, money)/Vesta (where your fire burns the strongest…your passion) is a confusing connection…where you feel like you really don’t know what you want anymore. Neptune works in the invisible world and Venus/Vesta works more in the real world.….let Neptune guide you into your heart (Venus). Listen to your intuition…look for messages in your dreams (Neptune).
AT THIS FULL SCORPIO SUPER MOON … is the perfect time to initiate ceremony! Scorpio likes ceremonies….especially when guided by the ancients……by the elders… our Guidance. It is the sign of Natural Shamanism and Earth Spirituality. It is the sign of birth and death and communication with those beyond the veil. A lot of the very high side of “Magic” is available for concertizing your manifestations in to reality…. and your ability to create the “new”……your “new”….your tribes “new” and the World’s “new”. Meditate on these Scorpio Full Moon energies…..and above all…… Listen to your guidance and what they say……it is a powerful one!
Remember we are being given everything we need to make the changes and transformations we need to make……for ourselves and all Humanity!
We have been through a lot of transformative energies over the last several months……several “taps” on our shoulders…just to make sure we understand that lesson. Lots of chaos….lots of changes……on a personal level, and a community/humanity level. The energies have been strongly asking us to let go of people, places and things that are no longer vibrating where we are……purging in all areas. We not only are seeing this within our own lives……but also with families, friends and relationships…..and also throughout the World and the Earth itself.
It is an important time to take care of ourselves with all this very uncomfortable, intense, and at times very Chaotic energy. Try to be active and do things that bring you Joy. Remember everyone is feeling these energies, and we are all in this together. Try to be thoughtful and kind to others. Being of service, having fun, and being active outside……..while being one with the Earth…..sit with the Earth….touch the Earth. These are wonderful ways to channel these energies.
Again be careful and cautious this month. Watch where you’re walking, how your driving, and what you say…….as the energies are quite active, chaotic, and strong. They can come on quite suddenly and become frustrating. Watch others and ovoid those that seem out of balance. As we continue to move forward…..these current intense energies will soften some as we begin to adjust to them……but continue to be extremely cautious….
Meditate and Listen to what you hear……what you are seeing, what you are feeling, and what you are “getting.” Manifest a beautiful reality and world. Manifest peace and Love. Meditate……be silent, focus and Listen!!!
These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.
Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).
Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way.
Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2020 Cathy Lindsey All rights reserved.
Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology
Cathy Lindsey 515-779-7154

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