Message from the Ashtar Command 4~4~12 We Thank You for Letting as Many Know what is Unfolding as Possible~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 20:31

Message from the Ashtar Command 4~4~12 We Thank You for Letting as Many Know what is Unfolding as Possible~




For the sake of clarity and so there are no misunderstandings, we say to you at this time that although there will be a few temporary relocations from areas that have shown themselves prone to flooding in your past, these events will not be of a nature that will necessitate any need to relocate all of you and will not result in the destruction of your cities and your world. We see these events as more of an inconvenience due to the fact that some of you will, as a precaution, be temporarily relocated. These events do not have to be any more than this, and we say to you at this time that there is no need to go into panic mode or to fear at all your days ahead.
We are quite capable to assist you in the relocations of those who live in the areas that may be affected, and we have the means and plenty of time to relocate each and every one of these residents to areas that we consider absolutely safe throughout this short period of seismic activity. Now that you understand this a little clearer, we ask you, what is there to be frightened of. We ask you, have you not seen others relocated temporarily from areas in the path of a hurricane or typhoon. There is nothing to be concerned about in regards to your future whatsoever, and we ask you to please try to remain calm and balanced as there are no obstacles before you that we cannot easily remove working together as a team. We ask you for your continued cooperation to remain centered and to help your brothers and your sisters also remain in a calm and balanced state of emotion. There is, and will not be anything to be frightened of, and we say to you that your future is as bright as you have envisioned while reading many of our messages we have shared with you.
We advise you at this time to focus on the tasks at hand and worry less about the months down the road, as we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Today you are asked to focus on the arrests of the members of your criminal Cabal who will be taken into custody very shortly, as this event is set to move into motion at any moment. You are asked at this time to act as an avenue of information, to give advanced notice to as many as you can of these proceedings, as it is our intention and we wish to do all that we can to allow as many as possible to remain in a calm and balanced state throughout this event. 
At this time, there is no major media support for our efforts to inform as many as possible, so this task sits squarely on your shoulders and we ask you to please take your minds off the events that will not transpire for months of time and focus on this one task at this point, which is to inform as many as you can and share your knowledge with them of the upcoming events of the arrests of the many members and associates of your criminal Cabal. This is what we ask you to do at this time, and we thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
As we have said, we have plenty of time to make preparations for the events to come later in your year, and we must proceed according to a set schedule and tackle the obstacles that present themselves first. After the broadcasts of these many arrests, we will then move on to the next task that presents itself, and that will be our disclosure efforts which will entail the services of many selected individuals to act as representatives of your world. These representatives will meet with us onboard our ships and document as much video and photographic evidence as they would like, to take back home with them this evidence to share with the people of your world through your newly liberated media outlets which have already agreed to cover these proceedings. These events present themselves to you today, and we ask you to focus on these matters at hand.
Please take time out of your schedules that we know are busy and assist us in spreading this information as far and as wide as you can. We do not want to see fear and confusion spread upon the news of these arrests, instead, we would like to see as many of your world as possible become solid foundations of information to allow others  to understand these events and see them as good news, for indeed, that is exactly what they will be. 
Those of you who have taken the time to inform yourselves will be called to the forefront and asked to shine your light as a beacon for all those who have yet to reach an understanding of these upcoming events. Upon the initial broadcasts of these arrests, many will be confused and they will look to you and others like you for answers, and we ask you to be a wellspring of truth and share all that you have taken the time to learn about these proceedings. This is the reason why many of you are here at this time, and we ask you to answer your call of duty and fulfill your mission. We are very confident you will do just that. 
Standing by we will be in full support of our brothers and sisters who will be on the front lines and who will be carrying out these many arrests, and we say to them at this time that you can be confident in us and in our abilities and know that we will do all within our power to protect you and ensure your safety in every way possible. Those factions of your militaries that are yet aligned with the Cabal have been fully warned that any reprisals from them will be met with swift action from us, and it has been fully explained to them that we will not tolerate any action we deem interference on their part. You have our word that we will be watching over you every step of the way through these proceedings, and no intervention on the part of your militaries yet aligned with the Cabal will be permitted on any level. We say at this time that we are ready and fully prepared to begin with the next phase of operation, and we only wait for you to make the call that it is time to make our move. 
We wish you, our brothers and sisters, great success in your mission to free the people of your world from tyranny and from those that have ruled over them for so very long. So many of your world have no idea of the joy and the freedom that awaits them, and we thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts to make this dream a reality for all of you. Joy and happiness will flow like rivers through every street and through every corner of your world, and we say let these rivers flow, as it is time to begin on your new journey that will take you to destinations many of you have never dreamed possible. The time has come for your new beginning as the roads you have been traveling on for so very long have now reached their end, and it is time for your first steps upon your new path that will deliver  you to your new home.
We are your Family of Light from the Stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish

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