~The Message is the Focus, not The Messenger~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 12:06

~The Message is the Focus, not The Messenger~



Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World~Bridger


It is has alway's been about the message, this is something that humans have a hard time with. Those that promote ignorance have always made it about the messenger. In most cases the messenger has come in a body that is not all that attractive, they through their outward apperance would make ignorance disgusted. Poor, dirty, nappy hair etc. etc. Only to be Idolized, beautified and institutionalized. One needs only to look through the eye of Love to see the inner beauty in all.


The messenger is always doing the same thing, trying to awaken the others to the understanding of who they are and what they are a part of! Sheading Light on the path laeding all to Oneness <3 Love! God! Their true Self! This is what matters. Nothing matters more.


It is the same song sung countless way's and it was for humanity to figure it out, the path was hard, very few found their way out of the wilderness of duality.


This is changing monumental leap's have been executed, the way is lit bright! Shifts are happening, Love is awakening in the hearts of mankind, more and more are figuring it out! The movement of Spirit has begun, it is fearce yet it is gentle, you have to tune in and you can not do this with the ego, you can not do this if you are in judgement of others, this is only done through unconditional Love, how can you forgive yourself if you are in judgement with others?




This is something all need to do, you need to stand naked before your self, the Source of all Life, your Spirit family and accept all responsibilty for your actions, and in that moment with all of your being choose Love, surrender your everything to Love, Love Love for the sake of Love, allow Love to work through you, just allow, don't force, keep surrendering your entire being to Love, breathe deep and enjoy! Go as far as you can, no limits!


See with Love there is no need for forgiveness, for Love is by nature unconditional, love with conditions is of the ego and needs to be corrected, Spiritual judgement is a Lie, one's self is the judge for you and you only! Got Love? this is the question asked. It is not who you Love, but do you Love! loving persons is of the ego, Loving all Life not just some, is of Love!


Peace Be Still






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