Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 17:05

Dear Ground Crew,



This year has certainly started off with a bang. I am sorry to say this is literal as well as metaphorical. With the unfortunate set of circumstances on January 8 in Tucson, Arizona that caused six people to lose their lives as well as 13 other people who were wounded, including a Congresswoman, Gabriel Giffords, we began the year with shots that were heard around the world.

What does this all mean? Let’s look at the big picture. There appears to be a lot of unification occurring right now. We hear our politicians talk about treating each other with more respect and eliminating the vitriol. Political Parties are beginning to see that they need to work together more cohesively. The words “miracles” and “spirituality” are popping up in the media. One heroic woman explained how her “guardian angels” caused her to fall on the gunman which led to saving her life as well as an unknown number of others.

We are also looking at the power of the spoken word. Where our thoughts go our energy goes. When people put out images and thoughts others pick up on them and one never knows how these symbols might be used.

Could it be there was divine intervention and divine healing happening? We must remember that Prime Source is in charge. We are working with Prime Source to bring about a change in consciousness. Perhaps one day we will have the abolishment of the two party political systems in the U.S. and have one person, one vote. This could facilitate a unification process and the polarization of two political parties would cease to be necessary.

There are many heart opening and heart wrenching experiences from these events. As Lightworkers we are required to do our prayers and to add Light and healing where it is needed. This is a time when we are moving into the higher dimensions. When unity consciousness begins to occur we will see more opportunities to come together for peace, love and healing. These events continue to position us closer to the fourth and fifth dimensions.

It feels like we are more in the fourth dimension right now. Have you noticed your ability to manifest what you want occurs quickly? Lately I have been asking my angels for parking places and they appear right then and right in front of where I need to be. I have been asking the angels for their help this way for many years but it seems much quicker at this time.

Love and unity are where we are headed. This is 4D energy and I like to call 5D, Heaven on Earth. Can you see, ground crew, how we are co-creating our new reality? Every circumstance and event has powerful energy behind it.

In my Monthly Meeting with the Masters Class, on January 5,  Maitreya, the planetary Christ came to be with us. He is the Master that Christ channeled when he walked the Earth. “Maitreya is derived from the Sanskrit word, maître, meaning universal love. Some believe this planetary Master was Krishna, and that he inspired the life of Jesus. He is a Buddha, working diligently behind the scenes to enlighten humanity and bring in the age of light.” (Ascension Mastery International).

When I channeled Maitreya he told us in the class: “Your world is about to be turned upside down. She showed me the Crown of Thorns that Jesus wore. He said that change will happen in the twinkling of an eye. God is fully in charge. You can’t hang onto to the old. More people are seeking change, to be born again in a new way, free from fear. We have a tough job (as Lightworkers). There is a lot of density to clear. We will be working hard in 2011. This is the grand finale. The curtain will be coming down. Then I heard the song ‘Everything is coming up roses.’ The basic question is will you choose love or fear? Many people will be leaving but are being replaced with very powerful lights (Lightbeings who are incarnating on the Earth). The way is clear. Your path is open Opportunities will present themselves. There will be unlimited possibilities to make your dreams your reality. You won’t recognize the Earth when all things are complete.”


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