Message from James of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~7~12 ~We will move swiftly and strongly at the signal of our commanders

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/07/2012 - 14:44

Message from James of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~7~12


At this time we have pressing matters before us as we must remove the cabal from the ranks of power, as they are the old masters of your world. These dark ones have systematically destroyed your planet's ecosystems and have plundered your natural resources to sell back to you at exuberant rates, leaving so many either destitute in order to heat or light their homes, and for so many others, to perish in the freezing temperatures of poverty.
We wish to assist you with this task immediately. We wish once and for all to round up these dark hearts and remove them not only from their positions of high rank, but to vanquish them from the face of the earth. We have the power to do just that, and we ask for your permission at this time to perform this service for you. We have teams fully prepared and capable of such a far-reaching assault, and they await the green light from their commanders.
An immediate and clear difference we see you will experience as these men and women are taken into custody one by one. These arrests will not transpire behind closed doors, but will instead be made known to all of your world who wish to witness these events that will assuredly have far sweeping implications to your planet. The moment for these arrests is now at hand. We will move swiftly and strongly at the signal of our commanders, and we wish for you to be aware of these maneuvers and do what you can to spread this information far and wide, for we see these proceedings as one of the most important events in the history of your planet. With these dark ones removed from your path, we see your world quickly and efficiently transformed into a world of unimaginable beauty and freedom, not dare dreamed of by so many of your world for so long. Will you assist us with this task? Will you allow us this blessed opportunity to remove these obstacles from your path? We await your signal, as this is your world and you are the commanders of your ship.

We see so many changes for you that you will immediately experience after the dark ones are removed and we are free to begin our landings on your soil. We will immediately launch our many varied projects that will see your world return to a Golden Age of peace, freedom and prosperity for every being on the planet. This is all we wish for you dear ones, and we are so excited for you as we know how much you will enjoy each and every day from this moment forward. We have been tracking all the ranking officials of the Cabal for quite some time now, and although today many of them are trying to run and hide from the justice they must face, they cannot hide from us. We know where they hide. We know their desperate plans to escape, and they will not succeed and they will not delay their karma any longer. It is time.

We see many of you celebrating at the news of these arrests, and although we understand your joy and excitement at this news, we also suggest to you that you remain calm and balanced when seeking justice of these lost souls. Yes, they have committed many unspeakable crimes against their own people, but we ask you to find compassion in your hearts as they know not what they do. They have gotten lost far in the past and have traveled on roads very different than yours to reach this crossroads with you. You will continue on the lighted path along your journey and they will also continue on, but not until they have been adequately reeducated and rehabilitated, and this may take very many lifetimes for each of them. This is the karmic path they have created for themselves, and you are reminded at this time of your own karmic path, as you have also strayed from the path of light throughout your many incarnations.
You have all at one time or another played roles of both the dark and the light, but look at where you are today and how far you have come. Remember what has made this all possible is that no matter what choices you have made in your past, you were always given another chance to redeem yourself, finding once again the path that took you back into the light. Allow these lost souls to at least have the same opportunity you have been granted, and allow them the time they need to regain their footing on the path that will lead them out of the darkness and into the light. Can you find this place in your heart? We have seen just how deeply human’s love can reach, and we know you can find this place.
Looking at the days ahead immediately following the incarcerations of these leading members of the Cabal, we see the path becoming clear to begin our open contact with you, our brothers and sisters. What a joy this will be for so many of you. We wish to immediately get underway with our many projects and wish to enlist the assistance of many of you to join us as we begin to repair the damage done to your world.
There will be many different projects available and many teams needed to handle the many tasks involved, but we see so many of you answering the call and we foresee no limitations of necessary manpower. These initial projects undertaken will include, but are not limited to; restoring your planet's ecosystems to their natural and perfectly functioning states. Purifying your air, your seas and your soils of all destructive man-made poisons and toxins. Rebuilding your world's economy through the introduction of new programs based on the abundance and the equal sharing of all your world's natural wealth and planetary resources. Introducing free energy systems throughout every home of your world, allowing all to possess the resources needed to live in comfort. Stabilizing your planet's tectonic plates as to reduce the effects of seismic activity. Strengthening your continent’s defenses against rising sea levels that may be affected by future seismic activity. Repairing your planet's magnetic fields and returning them to their natural states.
These are just a sampling of the many different projects necessary to restore your world to its natural pristine condition. We see many of you eager to take part in these efforts, and we look so forward to working with those of you who demonstrate a commitment in service to your planet and your fellow members of your human family. We are here to assist, but remember, we are not here to do your work for you. We will be very happy to furnish you with all the tools necessary for such tasks, as well as the knowledge needed to use these tools properly. We have many highly skilled personnel eager to share their knowledge with you, and we see a great potential in this very promising working relationship.
There are, and will be many career opportunities with us, the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look so forward to getting started on these many vital projects at once. Many of you will become full members of our organization and will take your newly learned skills with you as we continue our service throughout this, as well as other galaxies throughout this universe. Your future possibilities are limitless, and your new lives are now within your grasp.
Remain patient just a little longer, and take the time to continue your work paving the way for our reunion. Watch for the arrests of leading members of the Cabal that will begin soon, and share the news with your fellow brothers and sisters who will also delight in finally witnessing the fall of the dark and their many legions. Try to remember to find compassion for these dark hearts and to treat them as you would treat a member of your family that has fallen onto a different path, for indeed they are.
Until we speak again, be well my brothers and sisters of Earth. I am James of the Galactic Federation of Light, and it has been an honor to speak with you today. 


As channeled through Greg Giles


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