Message from Montague ~You are witnessing the final desperate attempts

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/01/2013 - 15:50


Mon, 07/01/2013 - 18:18

There have been so many inspirational messages lately that promise that shortly, or soon, or imminently everything will be solved. That the powers that were will be arrested ETC. This is clearly not one such message and it brings a wave of peace much appreciated to me.

Love and Blessings to All

David Porter

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 20:18

You said this: "They promise much but deliver nothing." about the cabal.

You come on strong as I have propensity to do. I like your style, however, I have question with you continuing to prompt us with assistance from "Above" and nothing shows up again and again? Have you forgot what linear time is since your passing over? It's not like we are not asking daily for assistance.

You also mentioned again "technology" to be given to us, AGAIN, for our assistance? We do not need you technology LATER, we need it NOW!!! So far the ones with it are the cabal. You live in the NOW, right? We are trying this on for size, but still HAVE TO look to our clocks to make it to work on time down here.

The cabal has all of our money they need to blog and post articles that keep me in mind of "many shall come in my name," but they are the cabal etc. Who are you with?  

Why must you and so many other alleged channels continue to pump us up with what's just around our corner then the days, weeks, months and years go by,,,NOTHING AGAIN???

Please stop blaming it on Heaven and It's Divine decrees and get your Light Asses down here, LAND and help us get this disastrous mess cleaned up once and for all, OKAY?

Thank you for your support ahead of time, if we do ever in fact in our reality get it, that's linear time, and years of your promises of it???



Mon, 07/01/2013 - 21:04

The channeled message is not from the Ashtar Command, or Federation of Light, but Montague Keen, a human ascended master. I feel and understand your frustration, however, the things that we are dealing with here on earth are our own responsibility and we will receive external help when we are prepared and ready to accept it on a collective level as everything works according to a Divine Plan which reflects the highest good for all concerned perfectly.


I don't recall ever commenting on Monty, and have read ever one of his messages over the years. Have you? Do you realize how many time he has said the cabal are on their last leg, running out of steam, almost out there, or something of same meaning??

From my perspective the cabal is as strong or stronger than ever!!

This is my primary reason for spending my time commenting and messaging these ones that pretend to be on our side. Are they? They tell us to go out into nature on the most chem-trailed filled skies, they continue to make promises that don't show anywhere near what their words indicate, and it makes me feel as thought "someone" is simply keeping the sheep sleep walking until the grand moment of their special dates of purpose so we pay them our monies (energies) until time to round us all up for the slaughter.


I live close to Lake City Army Ammunition Plant which was recently contracted by our "government" to make more ammo than ever in their history!!! They have many wear-houses there that don't seem to be in use just yet?? There is a triple train track leading to it?? Are you up with me?

None of us want to be miss lead anymore, 13,000 years is quite enough, don't you agree? I will be on it for us. Thank you




Tue, 07/02/2013 - 19:20

In reply to by David Porter

I cannot disagree with your experiences, they are uniquely yours and they are what you need to experience for you to evolve on your path to Oneness, just like all of us.

In each moment of our lives, we have the opportunity to leverage the law of attraction and choose love or not, and in doing so we assemble our experiences that follow. These experiences are our greatest teachers, they show us unerringly how to make course corrections in order to make our experiences what we want to experience, which is, of course, Love.

Love is the most powerful force that exists. Love is what we are. Team Dark is merely distorted love and is therefore subjected to it and cannot overcome it. Please look within your heart for discernment, it will never fail you.

As more and more awaken to the truth of existence and begin standing in their own power through understanding who, what and why they are, they stop being manipulated by fear and that cuts off Team Dark's food/energy source and at this stage they are nearly starved to death. The last thing they want is to put that appearance forward so that is why the cabal is appearing stronger than ever.

One of my favorite reminders from the book A Course in Miracles is:

"Perfect Love casts out fear,

If fear exists, then there is not perfect Love


Only perfect Love exists.

If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist.

Believe this and you will be free."


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