Message from My Entire Self

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 05/06/2012 - 21:49


Message from My Entire Self

  7 May 2012 by GLR  jimmy


The 5/5/5 and supermoon last night was extremely powerful. Many of us started feeling the codes being downloaded a couple days before the supermoon. Today I asked my entire self what type of information is in the codes, and what changes we can expect in our lives as a result of the new download. Here is my understanding of what is happening to us. I have to give credit to James Tyberron for much of this information, but I did glean some new and valuable information from other sources, Sarah Gazala, Lisa Gawlas, and others, all of whom are part of my entire self, as are you.

The codes of 5/5/5 are balancing and harmonizing codes intended to prepare our light bodies for an upgrade on 5/20/2012. You may notice that the energy is being downloaded equally to both sides of your energy body, or more prominently to the hemisphere which has historically received and held the least amount of energy. Having a balanced energy body is a prerequisite for the download of an upgraded human template which for most will mark the apex of the crystalline transition when completed. This template will become available for full download via the Solar eclipse on May 20, 2012, although not everybody will access the download immediately. It is the upgrade of an upgrade, and it's affect upon our lives will be felt in the most powerful ways. Most of the front runners are in the final preparations stages, and many will receive the initial download at precisely the time of the solar eclipse, shortly before, or shortly thereafter. Although the codes will be available for full download, most will receive the codes incrementally due to the vast amount of information contained within the codes. Some will choose to download faster than others. The speed at which each individual chooses to receive the download will naturally affect future timelines, but will not change the ultimate outcome, which is the ascension and is already assured. The downloading of the codes will be a big step forward in a complex process that will take some people longer to integrate than others.

Many, including myself, have experienced confusion regarding the ascension. Exactly what does it mean to have ascended? I wish to express that everybody on the planet Earth has ascended, to an extent. Each person has also descended to an extent, as the vibrational make-up of everybody on the planet ebbs and flows, sometimes ascending and sometimes descending. This is normal and natural. There are varying degrees of ascension, and there is a difference between having ascended and having completed the entire process of what is often referred to as "the ascension." For clarity purposes, I wish the address the issue of what it means to have completed the entire ascension process, but I will refer to this completion as "ascension" for the remainder of this message.

The final download and integration of the new upgraded crystalline body is the hallmark of an individual's ascension. It is an actual physical change to the cellular structure which forms the foundation of the physical. This is a major event which will produce an unmistakeable effect upon each person who ascends. Every cell in an ascended individual will become balanced, non-polar, meaning it will carry neither a negative or positive charge. It will have the capacity to hold vast amounts of crystalline light, which will sustain and energize the physical body without need for emissions, much like solar cells which are fueled by silicate crystals. The ascended individual will appear normal to all but those who have developed their inner vision, but to those individuals with eyes to see the light bodies of the ascended ones will be a spectacular sight to behold.

Ascended ones will be fully energized by source energy. They will have available to them enormous amounts of information, which is currently inaccessible to them or to which they have limited access. They will enjoy enhanced ability to communicate and travel multidimensionally, and will have the ability to consciously time travel, fly, or teleport their light bodies throughout the crystalline grid. They will experience simultaneous time. Exactly how this happens I do not know, but I was lead to the following link, which I find extremely enlightening: For me, the most exciting part of the crystalline transition is the ability to convert from matter to antimatter and travel anywhere on the crystalline grid, through multiple timelines and dimensions, or in linear time.

I believe the changes we have felt until now are just scratching the surface of what's to come. I have experienced how it feels to change from matter to antimatter, although I didn't realize what I was experiencing at the time. I have read Sarah G.'s description of her experience. She talks about her experience of leaving her body through her heart chakra: "If I were a moth and Unity Consciousness were a flame I would have burnt myself to a crispy critter in mere seconds! Talk about a powerful magnetic force... I cried it was so powerful and I felt light, like a feather on a calm breeze being carried into pure love. Nothing I have felt on earth as of yet has felt that good."!/ When I read Sarah's description, I realized she was describing something that happened to me three times now. Twice I traveled to other dimensions, and the other time I just stayed where I was. Every time, I felt light as a feather and had the sensation of a cool breeze flowing through me. It felt as if I had no density. I felt pure love and joy emanating from me. The breezy sensation reminded me of the human torch character in the Fantastic Four, who can set himself into a flame and fly by saying, "Flame on!" Only the flame is cool instead of hot. I should add that I was fully conscious during all three of these events, although one of them initiated as a dream. My close friend, JD, has also experienced this sensation on more than one occasion.

If I hadn't experienced this myself, and if I hadn't been going through this incedibly challenging but also rewarding ascension process complete with huge energy downloads, major releasing, massive heart and mind expansion, off the charts energy, constant lucid dreams with loud clear messages, and everything else that goes along with the ascension, I would write this off as science fiction. But it's happening, as sure as I sit here writing this post. I would love to hear others' perceptions and thoughts, and I'm particularly interested in knowing if anyone else has experienced the breezy change from matter to antimatter, which truly is more exhilirating and joyous than any pleasurable sensation I have experienced so far in this incarnation.

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