Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/25/2011 - 10:00

Email: markstearn@gmail.com
Website: http://buildingnewearth.webs.com

Greetings radiant hearts,

Each of your blessed days is no longer anyway like the last. Your rate of acceleration is assisting you greatly in connecting with the stars and the various constellations. What is transpiring now is an opening of the universal heart across your planet. You are currently awakening to your new earth light vehicle. At last! You may say. Your light vehicle is your potent IAM presence. It is your connection from your beautiful heart to your IAM presence that has the ability to create such incredible change all over your developing earth.

Look now to your awakening consciousness. Rest in your heart, feel the beautiful and silent moment and simply rest. As you continue to awaken and move forth you will find it easier to connect with the realms of spirit and your infinite fifth dimensional heart. There is a dawning of a new birthing of new consciousness beginning to awaken in the tapestry of your planet. This is the dawn of fifth dimensional connection and new earth life that is overwriting all that is of the old world. Again you may breathe a huge sigh of relief and declare; 'Thank the heavens.'

The galactic body are watching you with such proud hearts. We witness you moving forth in the face of such adversity. You have become streetwise in the infinite galactic highway. Many hearts the world over are more aware of their dreamtime. Many find it challenging to comprehend that they can be as effective as they are in the realms of the multiverse. And yet you are. Light legions are carefully combing the earth as they are permitted by the divine plan and transmuting all that old discord right back to the divine heart.

As I already mentioned you who are reading these words are awakening to your divine heart, your fifth dimensional connection to a new world in your beautiful conscious awareness. You have come a long way. As we have endlessly shared before; you have all the tools. You open us in the realms of spirit to such insights of divine strength and fortitude. Your earth is dying. The old cannot remain. It is being returned to it's source by your vibrant consciousness and the new world is coming to replace it.

Earth is in a position now where world events appear so dire that a new solution is the only route forward. You make the changes even though you would like us to step in. As I have said; you are the movers and shakers and you are quickly becoming more and more aware of the movement of the new earth in your lives now. Quan Yin is here with me now. She reminds you all of gentility and to let go of judgement. In the current world it is usual for growing hearts to be judgemental when they are frustrated and experiencing growing pains.

My dear one also invites you to meet us in the sacred temple of your heart. Simply take a few deep breaths. Set the intention and enter the infinite space of divine love that rests in the home of your being. Let us know of your own concerns. Let us know all that is troubling you. You may be weary and simply require a boost. We wish you to know that all of us your family are with you all. It has allways been this way and this is unchanging. Peace, love and joy are unchanging in the infinite core of your being so see you there today!

My love to you all, IAM your brother,

Blessings, Mark.


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