Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 6/15/14~Completion of Doubt: It Really Is All About The Frequency!

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Sun, 06/15/2014 - 07:26


Today is a 1 Frequency day with 66 and 99 Sub-frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 1, 66 and 99 are:

1 – I AM Independent & Brave

66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer

99 – I Am Universal Love Shining Forth

Associated with the 1 Frequency I usually share the following.

“Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.”

What is it I mean by that statement?

In Tarot, The Fool (card) represents one who is innocent in knowledge and life experiences, and because of this they tend to be fearless in exploring new things.

The 1 Frequency and The Fool Card represent New Beginnings, being spontaneous and jumping in. Not in a sense of carelessness and reckless abandon, (although from time to time it may appear to others this is the case) but out of a sense of wonder, awe, excitement and questioning.

The Fool is beginning a journey down a new and unexplored path; a path leading into the Multi-dimensional Realms of Reality in search of, “What else is out there?”

The Fool’s lack of experience allows him to take off in a new direction unhindered by falsely preconceived ideas and fears created by others.

Because of his innocence and lack of experience the Fool is actually an Independent Free Thinker. He is unafraid to go exploring in territory in pursuit of answers where others would try to convince him dangers lie hidden in wait to harm him; he will cross boundaries marked by signposts warning…

“Here there be Dragons!”

He is driven to search no matter the cost. He just has to follow the urge of his Soul’s memory and see what is out there in those unknown and unexplored regions; and he is Independent and Brave enough to go look.

Just like the 6 Frequency, the 66 Frequency is very much about the Goddess/Sacred Feminine/Heart energy at work influencing us.

The 66 Frequency differs from the 6 Frequency in that the 6 Frequency is about us taking on our share of the Responsibility for the care of family and the family of man, the 66 Frequency is about us doing the work of Healing for the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, and Gaia specifically.

Under the 66 Frequency’s influence we are being given direction and energetic assistance to be of support and aid in the healing of the Collective Consciousness and our planet on all levels; Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually.

With the 99 Frequency I most often hear the words…

“For God so loved the world…”

Imagine… if you and I, and every other person on this planet could Give Pure, Unadulterated Love Unconditionally and Equally to every person on this planet all the time.

Just imagine what our Reality would look like if you and I, and every other person on this planet could constantly care for every creature as if they were their own child, and could be concerned for the welfare of the Earth as if tending their own private Rose Garden.

This picture, if you allow it to, can give you a fleeting taste and glimpse of what the 99 Frequency is about.

The 99 Frequency holds the energy of UNIVERSAL LOVE and radiates it out, allowing it to SHINE FORTH wrapping us all in its energy. If we are open to it, the 99 Frequency will wrap us in a LOVE we all know exists but have just forgotten how to hold as a part of our everyday hustle and bustle existence.

The 99 Frequency also holds the energy of Completion. As such, it takes us to a plane or dimension if you prefer, where we can more easily bring into our field of vision Earth’s Future. It takes us to the edges of the Multi-dimensional realms and allows us to begin to view within them.

From the 99 Frequency Plane we are able to behold the Vision of Earth and Humanity’s Planetary Future existing in the full cloak of our Divinity.

Today’s frequency and what it shows us is that we need to follow our Heart in what we know we came here to do to be of assistance to the Healing of Self, others and the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

Today is about being Brave and Courageous enough to step out and be Independent; to stand in your own Power, accept and own your talents and abilities and share them with the world.

By doing this you are adding energy to the Healing processes the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia are currently moving into.

Yet beyond this, today with the 99 Frequency added to the 1/66 combination, we have an even stronger energy assisting in moving deeper into the Healing Powers that are truly beginning to cover our planet and are penetrating deeper and deeper into the Collective Consciousness Psyche.

The 99 Frequency adds a dimension to our Healing and returning to becoming ONE Heart and Mind that allows us to really glimpse, in a tangible way, what this New Earth we are heading for looks and feels like. It allows us to experience what it means to truly exist as One Planet and ONE Consciousness in a fashion that makes us not just Hope it is possible one day all Humanity will live in Peace, it allows us a personal ecstatic experience that lets us KNOW… IT WILL BE SO!

The 1 Frequency brings us the Courage to be Independent and step into our Power; the 66 Frequency brings us the energy and direction we need to assist in the Heart Healing work of the Collective, and the 99 brings us the ability to see the Vision of Earth and Humanity’s Planetary Future existing in the full cloak of our Divinity. It takes us to a place of personal experience of Completion and allows us to let go of all doubt Peace on Earth will ever be so. This is extremely important, because doubt, however slight, hinders our ability to Make It So.


For those playing in the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park, remember to continue your Multi-dimensional Journeys.

Within the frequency combination of today would be a very good time to take a Journey to experience this New Earth. Go see and feel for yourself what life WILL be like when “Peace on Earth & Good Will to Men” has become our Collective Reality.

Once you have experienced it for yourself you will much better be able to hold this high frequency constantly and continuously radiate it out into the world, which will allow you to be of assistance to its creation in a more efficient and expedient manner.

It Really Is All About Frequency!


You can find a Guided Meditation for Journeying Into and Experiencing Multi-dimensional Realms at the following link.

Multi-dimensional Travel Guided Meditation

Remember, your ticket has been punched and access has been granted into the Multi-dimensional Star Gate Amusement Park.

Come on in and IN-Joy your time here. All Rides are Free and Unlimited!


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

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