Metatronic Numerology Daily Frequency Report: 8/27/14~Holding the Compassion of the Masters

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Wed, 08/27/2014 - 11:58


Today is a 6 Frequency day with 33 and 44 Sub-frequency influences.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 6, 33 and 44 are:

6 – I AM Love’s Responsibility

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

The 6 energy is about taking on our individual responsibility in caring for our family. This means, not only our immediate birth family, which is always where we start; but it then extends out in ever widening circles until it encompasses the whole of The Family of Man.

It is about taking on our Responsibility out of a sense of Love, not out of a sense of obligation, and teaches us how to care for family without becoming overly critical and trying to make everyone exist in the world in the manner we see and believe to be the most proper; but instead doing so in a fashion that fosters each individual to be responsible for self.

This is the Mother aspect of the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, teaching others by words, deeds and actions of Love, not by coercion, force, guilt and intimidation, in how to think for their Self and be responsible in their interactions with others and the world as a whole.

Just as an added bit of information, Gardenia Essences and aroma vibrate to this frequency, so they can be very useful in doing the work of the 6 Frequency. If you have a tendency to be a bit overbearing in your interactions with others Gardenia can show you the path to lead by tender words and loving example instead.

Today is a good day to spend some time focusing on the Feminine Frequency Energies and looking at what needs to be brought back into balance within yourself and your relationships with others, especially your immediate family and close friends.

The 33 Frequency is the initial energy of The Christ Consciousness, and lends its self in showing us how to hold Compassion for others without becoming attached to the dramas of their lives.

Here we are talking of Compassion of a higher frequency than that of the everyday human level. This is Compassion created from the High Heart and is the same frequency of Compassion that Sananda, known to many by the name of Jesus the Christ, and other Ascended Masters carried and emitted while incarnate in human form.

We must understand that if we are to be of the most assistance possible to the positive forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, we have to learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create; for if we don’t we are actually adding to exactly what it is we desire to help heal and release.

With the 6/33 Frequency combination I always feels the energy of Quan Yin. To me, her energy is very much in line with the 6/33 frequency weaving so I share this picture as a reminder of her presence and to Grace our lives and today’s work with her Gentle and Compassionate Frequency.

Kwan Yin

Kwan Yin

For those familiar with working with Quan Yin you already know of the Gentle Compassion and Deep Love she holds for humanity and Earth. For those who have not ever connected to her before, today is the perfect day to do so.

Now we add the 44 Frequency.

The 44 Frequency is the frequency where the igniting of the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind that lies dormant in the 2 Frequency occurs.

Here within the 44 Frequency is where Ruling and Governmental Bodies work at their best; where those in positions of power learn to come together and to work toward what is best for everyone concerned. This Frequency is where we learn to come together and act in accordance for All… as ONE.

The 44 Frequency is also about Metamorphosis.

The new path into the Multi-dimensional realms we, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, are beginning down will change us and our perceptions of Reality. This new path will change us is ways, that at this stage of our journey we cannot yet even begin to imagine.

At this point in projected space and time we are only beginning to think about, and comprehend what the concept of a Universe of Infinite Possibilities looks like and how it responds and operates.

Remember, Metamorphosis is beyond simple ordinary change.

Change makes your reality different, but Metamorphosis births you into a completely different and New Reality. Metamorphosis is being born anew into a reality you never even knew existed before.

The 6/33 Frequency combination is about connecting to the High Heart level of Compassion; the Higher form of Compassion that can be held for all humanity and life on earth equally. It is about holding this High Frequency Compassion for every individual and the issues each is experiencing without becoming attached to the Illusionary Dramas being used to create what seems so real and impossible to overcome for so many at this time.

As hard as this may seem, it truly is imperative we learn to hold this level of Compassion when we are working on being of assistance to the Healing of the Planet and Humanity as a whole; as well as when we are assisting an individual.

When it comes to being of assistance in Healing on a Planetary scale we have to learn not to take sides. We have to learn that ALL are Equally in need of assistance in their Healing and awakening process, and even though on the physical Illusionary level of this reality it may look as though there is a “Good Guy” and a “Bad Guy” we have to remember the fuller truth is we are ALL, each and every one of us, Sparks of the Divine ONE Heart and Mind, and each is here playing a part in this Great Plan of the Expansion of Consciousness of the ONE Universal Consciousness.

Now we add the 44 Frequency into this weaving and we see our main focus today is aimed at reaching, holding and emitting this level of Compassion directly at the Ruling and Governing bodies of our Planet.

I think most all of us are in agreement that many, if not all, of the Governments of our planet, as well as the Ruling Bodies of most Corporations and other large conglomerates are in need of restructuring; restructuring into a means of operating that places the best interests of those who work for them and those whose lives are affected by their decisions above the interests of profits and the craving of power.

We also need to remember to pull into the mix of this Healing Planetary Energy the many political and religious factions that are currently at odds with each other across our planet. Each of these groups of people, no matter how large or how small the group may be, is a “Ruling Body” whose actions are affecting hundreds, to thousands of people. If we step out from the small view of the number of people being directly affected each day by the actions of these types of Ruling Bodies and look at the wider vista, we see that indeed there are actually millions of people being affected by their actions. Remember, WE ARE ONE! 

So this is the main Healing focus of today’s Frequency weaving; the Healing of Ruling and Governmental Bodies of our planet.

Today, try to take a few minutes to focus on moving into the level of Compassion held within the High Heart; the type of Compassion that does not judge and take sides. The type of Compassion that knows WE ARE ONE and understands the Illusion of “Good Guy” and “Bad Guy”, and can truly emit Compassionate Healing Energy across our beautiful planet Earth and Love each and every individual equally without becoming hooked into the emotions and dramas created by the Illusionary play on the stage we call Reality.


IN-Joy working with and assimilating today’s frequencies.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras



© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

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