Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report ~ Partial Week: Tues. Sept. 16th – Sun. Sept. 21st, 2014

Submitted by Essence Ka tha'ras on Wed, 09/17/2014 - 15:31


Greetings to All My Spiritual Family,

Well here we are, beginning a new way of sharing the Metatronic Numerology Frequency Report. I believe I have determined the best way to still share information about current frequencies affecting our lives while at the same time freeing up much of my linear time so as to share other information as well.

This initial report is a partial weekly report. This just seemed the best place and way to start.

After this report I will be sharing Metatronic Numerology Frequency Reports on a weekly basis; giving an overview of the frequencies as they combine and weave throughout the week. This will take us to the next level of Self Responsibility in working with this information, as now we are not being led by the hand each day, but are now instead given an outline and summary of the week ahead of us.

Beginning with the next report you will notice that, even though technically our calendar week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday, I have been led to calculate these weekly reports beginning on Mondays and ending on Sundays.

The reason for this is because the vast majority of people on our planet begins their work week on Monday and considers that the beginning of their week, with Saturday and Sunday considered the “Weekend”.

This may go against the “norm” and be considered unconventional; but I AM nothing if not unconventional and one who exists outside of the norm!

So we now head off on the second leg of this journey together with the very first Metatronic Numerology Weekly Frequency Report. (at least in part J)


Tues. Sept. 16th – Sun. Sept. 21st, 2014

This (partial) week holds a 9/11 Dual Frequency with 33 and 44 Sub-frequency influences, and 111 and 444 Passive Potentials.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 9, 11, 33, 44, 111 and 444 are:

9 – I AM Unconditional Giving

11 – I AM Truth Illumined through Spiritual Revelation

33 – I AM Compassionate Consciousness in Universal Service

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

111 – I AM Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion

444 – I AM Multi-dimensional Expansion of Form


I would like to share something with you before we go deeper into the report.

As is common with forward movement in our Spiritual life and work, there is often an expansion of understanding and information. This only makes sense, because after all, what are we doing when we make forward movement except advancing into expanded perspectives and new territory.

With this new step we are taking into the next leg of this journey together I have been gifted with, (that is how I perceive access to new knowledge and information from my Guides; as a Gift) the I AM Keyword phrases for the 8/11 and 9/11 Dual Frequencies.

So since this week is a 9/11 Dual Frequency week, I now get to share this new I AM Keyword phrase with you.

The I AM Keyword phrase for the 9/11 Dual Frequency is…

I AM the Truth of Unconditional Giving & Forgiveness Illumined for All to Behold

I don’t know about you, but this Statement of Creation really speaks to me! For me, it drives home the energy and the importance this level of Unconditional Giving and Forgiveness truly emits, and is asking us to learn to hold. Center yourself and say this statement aloud, from the heart, and see what vibrates through you!


First a look at the 111 and 444 Passive Potentials.

Potentials are very subtle, really imperceptible frequencies. Yet as subtle as they are, they bring the first energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional Realms. There are two types of Potentials; Passive and Active. Just like the terms imply the Passive Potential holds a Feminine/Negative Energy Charge and the Active holds a Masculine/Positive Energy Charge. The Passive is Magnetic force, and the Active is an Impulsion or Thrust force.

The 111 Passive Potential is about the initial Thought Energy of movement into the Multi-dimensional realms. It is the point of Multi-dimensional Conception.

Within this frequency concepts associated with Creation, especially associated with Multi-dimensionality, are conceived of and prepare for a time of gestation before moving into Manifest form. If we associated this with physical conception this would be the point where the egg is fertilized.

The 444 Frequency is the frequency where the expansion of our Multi-dimensional Self and Reality begins in earnest. Here what has been conceived in the 111 Frequency, then gone through a time of gestation preparing its self for birth in the 222 Frequency, and then birthed through the 333 Multi-dimensional Birth Portal, begins to grow and move into existence in a much more solid and physical form. If we were to compare this to the human physical process of birth we would say the “Child has been born”.

This Potential frequency weaving speaks of the knowledge that we, (“we” meaning a large enough percentage of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity) have conceived of Multi-dimensional Reality as Truth, and because of this, Manifestation of the Multi-dimensional Realms is beginning to transpire within our Collective Reality.

This is the very subtle energy these two Passive Potentials bring to this week’s Frequency Weaving.


The 9 Frequency is about Unconditional Giving, and Unconditional Giving is giving to others without expectation of return.

We must also know and remember that Forgiveness is also an act of Unconditional Giving. Let’s look at this for just a moment.

“Psychologists generally define Forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.”

It is said,          

“To err is human, to forgive is divine.”

What we must first recognize is that this act of Unconditional Giving through Forgiveness must begin with our Self if we are to be of true assistance to the work of creating and manifesting the most positive influence on the world and the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity as One we desire to affect.

You cannot lend positive energy to creating and manifesting Positive Change, World Peace and Equality while holding onto anger, resentment, pain, grief, judgment, and chastisement of Self or others over what you perceive as past mistakes; and to truly forgive others to the full extent of this energy, you must do so for Self first.

What transpires when you Forgive yourself is a complete release of energies that no longer serve your highest good or the highest good of the Collective Consciousness.

The 9 Frequency is also about Completion, and the act of Unconditional Giving through Forgiveness brings you to this stage of Completion.

Once reached, this is a big step in your Spiritual Awakening process; for you cannot move forward to exist fully and continuously in the Higher Frequencies of the Master Numbers until this process is complete.

The 11 Frequency holds the energy of Initial Spiritual Awakening. Here is where Spiritual Revelations and Epiphanies awaken those who still slumber; unaware of the greater Spiritual Truths of our Reality and it assists the Spiritually Awakened in further expansion of their perspectives of reality and Spiritual Truths. Within this Frequency we can more easily see, know and understand our Reality from an expanded and more spiritual perspective.

Within the 11 Frequency Spiritual Illumination is most readily available, and our intuition is heightened allowing us to begin believing in, and testing our natural psychic abilities.

Spiritual inspiration is awakened in this frequency, and with it suddenly we begin to be able to see and hear the messages Spirit sends us each and every day, even in the smallest occurrences of daily life.

Within this frequency the subconscious mind is stimulated and Spiritual growth occurs when we learn to accept that reality is much more expansive than we have ever imagined. 

Here is also found the truth and the peace we seek, because when our inner sense of knowing and our rational mind are no longer at odds with each other inner peace prevails, and we are able to open to what lies beyond the confines of limiting beliefs of reality.

The 33 Frequency is the initial energy of The Christ Consciousness, and lends its self in showing us how to hold Compassion for others without becoming attached to the dramas of their lives.

Here we are talking of Compassion of a higher frequency than that of the everyday human level. This is Compassion created from the High Heart and is the same frequency of Compassion that Sananda, known to many by the name of Jesus the Christ, and other Ascended Masters carried and emitted while incarnate in human form.

We must understand that if we are to be of the most assistance possible to the positive forward movement of the Spiritual Awakening of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, we have to learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create; for if we don’t we are actually adding to exactly what it is we desire to help heal and release.

The 44 Frequency is the frequency where the igniting of the Spark of the Group Collective Conscious Mind that lies dormant in the 2 Frequency occurs.

Here within the 44 Frequency is where Ruling and Governmental Bodies work at their best; where those in positions of power learn to come together and to work toward what is best for everyone concerned. This Frequency is where we learn to come together and act in accordance for All… as ONE.

The 44 Frequency is also about Metamorphosis.

The new path into the Multi-dimensional realms we, the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, are beginning down will change us and our perceptions of Reality. This new path will change us is ways, that at this stage of our journey we cannot yet even begin to imagine.

At this point in projected space and time we are only beginning to think about, and comprehend what the concept of a Universe of Infinite Possibilities looks like and how it responds and operates.

Remember, Metamorphosis is beyond simple ordinary change.

Change makes your reality different, but Metamorphosis births you into a completely different and New Reality. Metamorphosis is being born anew into a reality you never even knew existed before.


The 9/11 Dual Frequency of this week speaks to us of the urgent need for the energy of Unconditional Giving and Forgiveness to begin washing over our planet. This is necessary if we are to progress and make forward movement through the energies of hate, greed, control, anger and so many other low frequency emotions and their energies currently being emitted within and from a substantial faction of our Collective Reality.

The 33 Frequency shows us the way to reach this level of Unconditional Giving and Forgiveness, and that way is through not becoming attached to the dramas of the Illusionary play on the stage.

I KNOW this is hard to do; for we are caring and loving Beings. But as hard as this is, and just like I stated before, we have to learn to allow others the right to experience the journey of awakening they are creating for themselves upon the path of human life without becoming attached to the dramas and low vibrational frequencies their negative emotions create; for if we don’t we are actually adding to exactly what it is we desire to help heal and release. But we have to do this while Consciously and Intentionally holding and emitting this high frequency level of Unconditional Giving and Forgiveness.

The 44 Frequency brings the energy of Metamorphosis to this mix; and that is an energy we can definitely use!

It also directs this energy flow into the areas of our Collective Consciousness where it can do the most good and affect the largest number of people in the most expeditious and expedient fashion; and that is into the Group Collective Conscious Minds of Ruling and Governing Bodies.

So between now and the 21st of September, give as much time as possible to creating this energy of Unconditional Giving and Forgiveness and weaving it into the Energy Matryx Grid of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and Gaia.


IN-Joy working with and assimilating this week’s frequency.


Blessings from All Realms of Creation

Essence Ka tha’ras




© 2014 Essence Ka tha’ras

Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

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